JANUARY 18, 2012

9:30 A. M.

“Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late”

NOTICE: The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!


#1. Job and Family Services Bills

#2. Investments

#3. Appropriations

#4. Transfers

#5. Advances/Repayments

#6. Requisitions

#7. Travel Expenses

#8. Bills


#9. Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)

#10. Approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of January 9, 2012

#11. Provide each Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM as regular Board meeting days for 2012

#12. Coroner lease and payment, current expiration is 12/31/12, with 90 day cancellation clause

EMA/Homeland Security:

#13. Approve & enter into a Technical Rescue Response contracts effective April 10, 2012 – December 31,

2016. Contract fee is based on 2009 census population by jurisdiction at a rate of $.25 cents/capita within an increase of $.01 cents/year with the following political subdivisions; Cities; Amherst, Avon, Avon Lake, Elyria, Lorain, N. Ridgeville, Oberlin, Sheffield Lake and Vermilion; Townships; Amherst, Brighton, Brownhelm, Camden, Carlisle, Columbia, Eaton, Elyria, Grafton, Henrietta, Huntington, LaGrange, New Russia , Penfield, Pittsfield, Rochester, Sheffield and Wellington and Villages: Grafton, Kipton, LaGrange, Rochester, Sheffield, South Amherst and Wellington

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Board agenda cont. 1/18/12

Job & Family Services:

#14. Approve & enter into a 4-D purchase of service contracts with Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA), Prosecutor and Domestic Relations-Juvenile Divisions, effective retroactive to January 1, 2012– December 31, 2012; Authorize Director to execute and amend for changes in programming on behalf of the Board with prosecutor’s approval as to form

Prosecutor’s Office:

Nonfederal matching funds $280,758.40

Federal matching funds $545,001.60

$825,760.00 Domestic Relations Court: (Magistrate)

Nonfederal matching funds $107,931.70

Federal matching funds $209,514.48

Total $317,446.18

Domestic Relations Court: (Juvenile)

Nonfederal matching funds $121,631.11

Federal matching funds $236,107.44

Total $357,738.55

Solid Waste Management:

#15. Submit application on behalf of Quality Blow Molding, Elyria to ODNR for a 2012 Market Development Grant. Quality Blow Molding is requesting $250,000 to be used for capital improvement and machinery to expand 25,000 sq ft and will require addition of 14 full time employees while retaining 60 current full time employees, total project cost is approximately $680,000. Solid Waste is a sponsor for the grant but no district funds would be expended.

#16. Submit application on behalf of Ross Environmental Services, Inc., Elyria to ODNR for a 2012 Market Development Grant. Ross Environmental Services is requesting $250,000. They have developed a system which can covert mixed contaminated plastic into gas and oil with minimum of material to be landfilled and will assist Ohio in becoming more energy sustainable. When in full operation they will employ 31 people. Solid Waste is a sponsor for the grant but no district funds would be expended.


#17. Advertise for upgrade of school zones on West River Rd at Copopa Elementary School and Columbia Middle School, in Columbia Township to flashing school zone signals. Notice to be in Journal on January 20 & 27 and open at 2 pm on February 3 in meeting room d

#18. Request NOACA to place the guardrail program phase 5 project on TIP for FY13; Authorize Engineer to administer project using ODOT's LPA process and execute all documents with Prosecutors approval as to form.


#19. Amend Res#11-757 on November 23, 2011 approving the renewal of the contract with Securus Technologies, Inc., TX to provide inmate phone services. Amendment is to reflect the grant will be released within 5 days after signed.

B. Mr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator:

C. Mr. Ben Davey, Assistant County Prosecutor:

D. Commissioner’s Report:

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Board agenda cont. 1/18/12

E. Clerk’s Report:

#1. IAC meeting, Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 11 a.m.

F Board Correspondence:

#1. Publications: “Sheriff’s Star Reporter”; “CIDS #1 & 2”; “CCAO statehouse reports”; “Murray Ridge Courier”; “Governing”; “Inside Business”; “LCDJFS e newsletter”; “Senator Brown job survey results”;

#2. Elyria School District current list of Education members; Evelyn France-President; Virginia Hawes, VP & Members: Don Boddy, Richard Kaplan and Kathryn Karpus. Correspondence to; 42101 Griswold Rd, Elyria 440-284-8217

#3. Received transcript of proceedings for Supplement leases and sublease for Humility of Mary Health partners and Catholic Health Partners dated 6/22/11

#4. Auditor submitted per ORC 307.845 – there is no revenue or expenditures, therefore no actual budget for the Automatic Data Processing for ensuring fiscal year as provided in ORC 5705.28

#5. December 15, 2011 minutes of Township Association, next meeting 1/19 at New Russia Twp Hall

#6. Grand Jury Report – Judge Zaleski

#7. Engineer issued various highway use permits

1) #12-001 - Columbia Gas of Ohio, Middleburg Htgs, Oh to replace 828’+- of 4” bore gas main on west side of Murray Ridge Rd from house #6356 to house #6489 south of Lake Ave., Elyria Twp

2) #12-002 – Great Lakes Geophysical, Williamsburg, MI to do seismic testing on Gore Orphanage Rd from US 20 to US 303 to be w/in road right of way, Camden Twp

#8. OH Secretary of State Husted issued Directive 2011-48 on 12/30/11 to all county board of elections instructing them to properly maintain their voting equipment, including the replacement of batteries (cc: BOE)

#9. LCJVS asking for support of their renewal levy of 0.75 and additional ½ mill for 5 years on March ballot

G. Public Comment: (Please limit comments to 3 minutes Thank-you)

Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Sat. at Noon & Mon. at 11 p.m. and subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at (440) 326-4868

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