6th grade Accelerated

January 2-6, 2017

Jan 2 (Student Holiday) / Tuesday
Jan 3 (Day 79) / Wednesday
Jan 4 (Day 80) / Thursday
Jan 5 (Day 81) / Friday
Jan 6 (Day 82)
Mathematics, Accelerated Grade 6
School Holiday
No School! / Mathematics, Accelerated Grade 6
Learning Objective: I will use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems involving right triangles.
ENGAGE: Warm-up over most missed questions on test and square root review.
EXPLORE: Launch the lesson, pg. 361 or use graph paper activityto draw right triangles and create perfect squares. How do the perfect squares relate to each other?
EXPLAIN: Use models and diagrams on PG 362-354 to solve for "C". and prove if 3 side measures could create a right triangle.
ELABORATE: What is we already know "C" and we are missing a leg? How can we use the same Pythagorean Theorem to find a missing leg of a right triangle?
EVALUATE: Monitor class during Activity and class practice.
Homework: Pg. 364 # 1-4, Pg. 365-366 #1-11 / Mathematics, Accelerated Grade 6
Learning Objective: I will use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real world problems.
ENGAGE: Warm-up over PT(Pg368 # 15-17)
EXPLORE: Can the Pythagorean theorem be used on any other geometric figure besides a right triangle?
EXPLAIN: Students will work on dry-erase boards and TI-N-spire calculators practice solving real world problems involving Pythagorean theorem. Use Examples from pgs. 374-376 in Volume 2 textbook or circuits activity.
ELABORATE: Students will use the coordinate plane and irregular figures to solve real worldPythagorean theorem problems.
EVALUATE: Monitor class duringdry-erase boardpractice and oral responses.
Homework: PG. 376 #1-5 Pg. 377-378 #1-8 / Mathematics, Accelerated Grade 6
Learning Objective: I will use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real world problems.
ENGAGE: Warm-up over PT
EXPLORE: Why do we not use a negative square root? If theanswer is positive, how can we determine if it is reasonable?
EXPLAIN: Sets of numbers that work in the Pythagorean Theorem are called Pythagorean Triples. Can you create a new triple from one you have already proven?
ELABORATE: Students will complete Quiz 9A: Pythagorean Theorem.
EVALUATE: Monitor class during individual practice and oral responses.
Homework: WS: Pythagorean Theorem / Mathematics, Accelerated Grade 6
Learning Objective: I will show mastery of 7th grade concepts.
EXPLAIN: Students willbegin 2nd stage of MAP Testing for 7th grade LevelMath.
EVALUATE: Map testing.
Homework: None