Chamber of Commerce

General Membership Meeting

June 12, 2013

12:00 p.m. @ Stage Stop Inn

Members Present: Laura Buck (President/2Buck’s/Buck’s Sporting), Kayla Breen (MSE/Breen Oil), Genny Barhaugh (TMC Foundation), Beth Barlow (Stage Stop Inn), Deb Edsel (Stage Stop Inn), Melody Martinsen (Acantha), Casey Rasmussen (TMC), Jane Wolery (Teton Extension), Stacy Reynolds (John Henry’s), Sally Haas (A Lazy H Outfitters/Soroptimists), Sally Heuscher (Rocky Mountain Farmer’s Market), Mar Sue Jensen (Choteau Baptist), Jeanne Anderson (Visitor Center Volunteer), Leah McDonald (Visitor Center Volunteer), Cathy Sessions (TMC), Roy Inbody (Graphic Art Center), Jennifer French (Secretary)


I.  Secretary

a.  Beth moved to accept May minutes as read. Kayla seconded. Motion passed.

II.  July 4th Events

a.  Parade

i.  Entry fee is $5 for any entrant that wants to be judged.

ii. Need to talk to Ron, Chairman of the parade about getting judges and putting street signs (no parking) up morning of the parade.

b.  Steak Fry

i.  Passed sign up sheet for volunteers to work.

ii. Beth showed a short clip of the Medora ND steak fry. She thought we should try to get a clip of ours on our website and the visitMT website also. Laura said that would be a great idea.

c.  Farmer’s Market

i.  Sally Heuscher let everyone know that the Rocky Mountain Front Farmer’s Market would start on July 6th at the Visitor Center parking lot.

d.  Laura went over the rest of the events going on July 4-6th.

i.  July 3rd concert that Mountain Front Market is trying to put together is having difficulty with the singer not wanting to commit. We need to think of other options if the singer backs out. Genny mentioned that since we already have the funding we really need to get a backup entertainer.

III.  Circus

a.  Will have to mark off Circus area in the Weatherbeater parking lot so 4H trucks and trailers will know where to go and not to go.

b.  If anyone is interested in having Skeeter the Clown come in and do a little skit on the day of the circus, she will be here between 1pm and 3:30pm. Please let Jennifer knows as she has to send a schedule in advance. Also needed is someone to go around with Skeeter. Laura said she will chaperone Skeeter. TMC will schedule a time for her to come. Jennifer will call Sara Coccoli’s daycare and Randy Gramm the pool manager.

IV.  Centennial

a.  Fun Run-Melody will be getting quotes for medals with the Centennial logo.

b.  Laura asked members to “push” the Centennial buttons, magnets, and apparel.

V.  MSU Breaks Away

a.  MSU has this program that enlists 12 college students to spend their Spring Break helping a community with a project that needs to get done. Playground equipment upkeep, murals on buildings, curb appeal for business area, rodeo ground upkeep, etc., are some examples.

b.  The program would be in March, which for Choteau is a difficult time to get anything outdoors done due to the weather.

c.  If we are able to come up with a project the 12 students and their advisor would need boarding and showers for one week.

VI.  Governor’s Conference-Beth Barlow

a.  Beth and Deb Edsel attended the conference in Helena earlier this year. There were speakers talking about a variety of topics on tourism and workshops to help navigate social media to help communities.

b.  Deb read an article from a Chicago Times writer about the Montana advertising going on in their city. She passed out some handouts from the MT Office of Tourism and mentioned that the state does want to help communities with building up their tourism industry.

c.  Beth went over the MT Brand and showed a video explaining it and said she would like Choteau to be a part of this.

i.  Kayla mentioned that Fairfield has a DVD highlighting their community. Jane said the also have a YouTube video. Beth showed Stage Stop Inn’s video on Freezeout Lake.

d.  Deb talked about the Dinosaur Trail campaign with their billboard and signs directing people where the trail goes.

e.  Leah McDonald said lots of visitors are asking for the history of our town and she has had to make copies to keep up with the interest.

f.  Laura asked Beth what she wants to do with her findings. Beth said she wants to encourage Choteau how to grow and use our “brand”. We could implement a QR code for travelers to see events going on.

VII.  Other

a.  Stacy asked members present what they thought of John Henry’s awning, should they keep it? She thinks it draws away and people cant’ see them. Roy mentioned that the trees should be trimmed. Lots of members said that the bright yellow draws people in their opinion. Jane said that the Tufts Walkability study says that benches, crosswalks, plants draw the eye to the business.

b.  Stacy asked when the new highway is coming in. Melody said it is still about 15 years out.

VIII.  Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be August 14, 2013, at the Stage Stop Inn.