B6004Master of Banking and Finance

Course map for students commencing Semester 1, 2017 – Clayton campus

Course structure and requirements

This course comprises 96 points structured in three parts. Part A: Advanced preparatory studies (24 points); Part B: Mastery knowledge (48 points) and Part C: Application studies (24 points).

Students who have one of the following entry requirements may apply for up to 24 points credit under Part A and/or Part C.

1.An Australian undergraduate degree(or equivalent) in a cognate discipline.

2.Qualifications and/or experience, or a satisfactory substitute that the faculty considers to be equivalent to 1.

Students who have one of the following entry requirements may apply for up to 48 points credit under Part A and Part C.

  1. An Australian undergraduate degree (or equivalent)and a graduate certificate (or equivalent), both in a cognate discipline.
  2. A four-year Australian honours degree (or equivalent).

3.Qualifications and/or experience, or satisfactory substitutesthat the faculty considers to be equivalent to 1 or 2.

NOTE: Students who receive credit for Part A and/or Part C will be required to enrol in units at both Clayton and Caulfield campuses throughout their studies. Units studied at Caulfield require manual enrolment by student services staff at Clayton, and can be requested in person or by email to .

Key to table below: 1 = Semester 1; 2 = Semester 2; D = Day class; E = Evening class; CL = Clayton campus; CA = Caulfield campus

Units are offered at Clayton campus unless otherwise specified.

Part A: Advanced preparatory studies (24 points)
Students must complete (a) and (b): Prerequisites Teaching periods
(a)The following three units (18 points)
ACC5903 / Accounting for business / 1D/E; 2D/E
ECC5953 / Economics / 1E; 2D
ETC5900 / Business statistics / 1D; 2D
(b)One of the following units (6 points)
BTC5904 / Law and commercial decisions / 2D/E
MGF5020 / Business ethics in a global environment / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
MGF5921 / Foundations in human resource management / 1D CA; 2D CA
MKX5955 / Marketing and the international consumer / 1E CA; 2E CA
Part B: Mastery knowledge (48 points)
Students must complete the following 8 units (48 points) Prerequisites Teaching periods
BFF5130 / Case studies and research in banking and finance / 72 credit points / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BFC5260 OR
BFF5914 / Money market dealing
Banking lending / BFC5926 / 2D
1D CA; 2E CA
BFC5280 / Institutional asset and liability management / 2D/E
BFF5915 / Options, futures and risk management / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BFC5916 / International banking / 2D/E
BFC5925 / Financial management theory / 1D/E; 2D/E
BFF5926 / Australian capital markets / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BFC5935 / Portfolio management and theory / 2D/E
Part C: Application studies (24 points)
Students must complete four units (24 points) of electives at either Level 4 or 5 offered by the Monash Business School or across the University provided they have the prerequisites and there are no restrictions on admission to the units.
Students are recommended to complete electives from list below.
Recommended electives Prerequisites Teaching periods
Students are recommended to complete electives from the following list as part of the application studies component.
ACF5950 / Introductory accounting / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
ACF5955 / Management accounting / ACF5950 / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BEX5200 / Climate change and carbon management strategies / 2D CA
BFF5021 / Case studies in risk management / BFF5902 / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BFF5050 / Global banking institutions and issues / 1D/E CA; 2D CA
BFF5270 / Funds management / 1E CA; 2E CA
BFF5380 / Credit risk modelling / BFF5914 or ETC5346 / 2E CA
BFF5390 / Advanced financial planning / BFF5913 / 2E CA
BFF5580 / Mergers and acquisitions / 1E CA; 2E CA
BFF5902 / Introduction to risk principles / 1D/E CA; 2D/E CA
BFF5913 / Financial planning / 1E CA
BFF5977 / Risk financing and treasury management / 1E CA; 2E CA
BFX5860 / International study program in banking and finance / Permission required / Not offered in 2017

B6004 Master of Banking and Finance

Recommended course progression commencing Semester 1, 2017

The placement of units may be rearranged to provide flexibility in choice of elective units but care should be taken to ensure sequenced units are maintained in sequence. For example, if you are granted exemption from any application studies unit, then the placement must be rearranged, and your enrolment should be discussed with student services staff.

Year 1
Semester 1 / Part A (a): Advanced preparatory studies
Accounting for business / Part A (a): Advanced preparatory studies
Economics / Part A (a): Advanced preparatory studies
Business statistics / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Financial management theory
Semester 2 / Part A (b): Advanced preparatory studies
Additional unit / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Portfolio management and theory / Part B: Mastery knowledge
International banking / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Institutional asset and liability management
Year 2
Semester 1 / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Australian capital markets / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Money market dealing or
Bank lending / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Options, futures and risk management / Part C: Applications studies
Elective 1
Semester 2 / Part B: Mastery knowledge
Case studies and research in banking and finance / Part C: Applications studies
Elective 2 / Part C: Applications studies
Elective 3 / Part C: Applications studies
Elective 4
Alternative exits

You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided that you have satisfied the requirements for that award during your enrolment in the master’s course:

  • Graduate Certificate in Business (B4001) after successful completion of 24 credit points of study.
  • Graduate Diploma in Business (B5001) after successful completion of 48 credit points of study.
Responsibility for unit choice

Students are advised that, while the course advisors will endeavour to give every possible assistance and advice concerning unit choice, the onus is on students to ensure that units selected meet degree regulations and requirements.Students should refer to the University Handbook for information on course and unit details.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of publication.

Monash University reserves the right to alter this information should the need arise –10 February 2017

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