
A. overcrowded apartments that housed several families of immigrants or____1. muckrakers

poor immigrants____2. referendum

B. election in which the people choose the candidates for office rather than____3. de jure segregation

selected by party bosses____4. Niagara Movement

C. new steel making method that led to mass production of steel____5. 16th Amendment

D. writers that did exposés detailing the abuses of govt and big business____6. tenements

E. outlawed the sale, manufacture and consumption of alcohol____7. 17th Amendment

F. started income tax____8. direct primary

G. a from of government that replaced the mayor in many cities. It’s a group____9. Synder Act

Instead of one person running a city to fight corruption____10. 18th Amendment

H. when voters approved a law or candidate rather than party bosses____11. Sherman Antitrust

I. allowed for the people to elect Senators directly Act

J. allowing for citizens to propose a law by petition and then vote it into law____12. recall

K. goal was to outline goals for African American success in the US____13. de facto segregation

L. segregation based on law____14. Great Migration

M. segregation based on economic and social factors____15. Initiative

N. movement of blacks from the South into northern cities for jobs____16 Progressive Era

O. law that outlawed monopolies, TR used this one____ 17. Hull House

P. holding a special election to remove corrupt officials from office before ____18. Anthractie Coal

their term has expired Mine Strike

Q. A tragic event that greatly increased the public outcry for reform, building ____19. U.S. vs. EC Knight

codes, etc.____20. Mann-Elkins Act

R. ruled that certain monopolies couldn’t be broken up – setback for govt____21. Clayton Antitrust

S. denying a certain group the right to voteAct

T. Gave the ICC power to regulate telephone and telegraph rates____22. Literacy test

U. period from 1890 – 1920 where citizens demanded reform in business,____23. Atlanta Compromise

Politics, and society as a whole____24. Bessemer Process

V. a requirement that a person be able to read and write in order to vote____25. Mass Culture

W. when a country is defined more by national trends than regional trends

X. called for blacks to settle for achieving blue collar jobs instead of pursuing white collar ones

Y. act served to make strikes, peaceful picketing, and boycotts legal. Wilson used this law to break up trusts.

Z. First time the federal govt came down on the side of labor in a strike. TR mediated an end to it.

Matching – People:

A. Prohibition advocate that attacked saloons with her hatchet____26. Upton Sinclair

B. She’s the founder of the settlement house, Hull House____27. Ida Wells-Barnett

C. Wrote book that drew attention to the horrible living conditions in tenements____28. Carrie Nation

D. revealed the abuses of the Standard Oil Trust and JD Rockefeller____29. Theodore Roosevelt

E. Progressive governor of Wisconsin oversaw the “Progressive Laboratory”____30. Jane Addams

F. author of the speech the “Atlanta Compromise”____31. Ida Tarbell

G. Progressive Party’s candidate in 1912____32. Woodrow Wilson

H. fearless advocate for civil rights, conducted an anti-lynching campaign____33. Jacob Riis

I. author of The Jungle which brought about Meat Inspections, socialist____34. Robert LaFollette

J. Won the election of 1912 and became the first Dem. Pres. since Cleveland____35. Booker T.

K. Fought for an end to child labor along with John Spargo Washington

L. First muckraker to draw attention to the racial divide in America in terms of____36. Lincoln Steffens

how blacks were treated far worse economically in the North____37. Lewis Hine

M. adamantly disagreed with Booker T. Washington called for blacks to ____38. Ray Stannard

Achieve outside of the traditional fields of agriculture, mechanics, etc. Baker

N. exposed the corruption in city governments especially concerning the RRs.____39. W.E.B. DuBois

Matching – Inventors

  1. Elevator brake____40. Henry Bessemer
  2. Refrigerated railroad car____41. Ottmar Mergenthaler
  3. Suspension bridges____42. Louis Sullivan
  4. Telephone, owned AT&T monopoly -____ -____-____43. Thomas Edison
  5. Invented the sewing machine____44. Elijah Otis
  6. Invented a new steel making process____45. Elias Howe
  7. Electic transit (trollies, streetcars, etc.)____46. John Augustus Roebling
  8. Motion picture camera____47. Alexander Graham Bell
  9. Paper based film, portable camera____48. Thomas Armour
  10. Incandestine lightbulb____49. George Eastman
  11. Built the first skyscraper____50. Frank Sprague
  12. Phonograph, recorded sound
  13. Linotype machine, set type for printers