Lesson 3:

Use of Articles: Fill the appropriate article in the blanks given below

  1. Cooper is _____ useful metal.
  2. He is not _____ honorable man.
  3. You are ____ fool to say that.
  4. French is _____ easy language,
  5. Who is ____ girl sitting there?
  6. Ramu came without _____ umbrella.
  7. ____ able man has not always a distinguished look.
  8. The world is ___ happy place.
  9. He returned after ____ hour.
  10. Sanskrit is ____ difficult language.
  11. Yesterday _____ European came to college.
  12. ____ Ganges is ___ sacred river.

Insert articles where ever necessary:

  1. How blue sky looks.
  2. Who wishes to talk walk with me?
  3. What beautiful scene this is!
  4. The river was spanned by Iron Bridge.
  5. Moon did not rise till after ten.
  6. They never fail who die in great cause.
  7. He likes to picture himself as oriental thinker.
  8. For Brutus is honorable man.
  9. Neil Armstrong was first man to walk on moon.
  10. Where can you buy umbrella.
  11. The musician was old Persian.
  12. I like to live open air.


Action words, comes form the Latin word “Verbum”. Divided into transitive and intransitive.

Transitive verbs are those words were the action passes over from the subject to the object.

For example:

The boy kicks the football.

The boy (Subject) kicks (verb) the football (Object).

The action is passed from the boy to the football, therefore transitive.

Intransitive: The action from the subject doesn’t pass over.

For example:

The boy laughs loudly.

The boy (subject) laughs (verb) loudly (word that describes the laugh – adverb).

The baby sleeps.

  1. The ants fought the wasps. (transitive)
  2. Some ants fight very fiercely. (Intransitive)
  1. The train stopped suddenly. (______)
  2. The driver stopped the train. (______)
  1. Ring the bell, Rama. (______)
  2. The bell rang loudly. (______)
  1. How do you feel? (______)
  2. I feel a severe pain in my head. (______)
  1. The horse kicked the man. (______)
  2. This horse never kicks. (______)
  1. The shot sank the ship. (______)
  2. The ship sank rapidly. (______)

*In most of the intransitive verb usage a lot of adverb is used.

Active and Passive voice:

Active voice is when the subject does something.

Raju helps Hari

Passive voice is when something is done.

Hari is helped by raju.

Change the following sentences from active to passive:

  1. Reena loves Abigail.
  2. The peon opened the gate.
  3. Some boys were helping the wounded man.
  4. He will finish the work in a fortnight.
  5. Who did this?
  6. Why did your brother write such a letter?
  7. The mason is building the wall.
  8. I see a dark cloud.
  9. Manners reveal character.
  10. The cat drank all the milk.

Change from passive to active:

  1. Admittance was refused to him by the guard.
  2. By whom was French taught to you?
  3. A cheque was handed to her.
  4. A ticket will be given to you by the manager.
  5. Grammar is taught to us by Mrs. George.
  6. The exhibition was opened by the governor.
  7. Some of the cargo had been damaged by the sea water.
  8. He was praised by his father.
  9. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
  10. One can accomplish many things by a little effort.

In the following sentences change the Voice.

  1. We elected balu captain.
  2. I saw him opening the box.
  3. We must listen to his words.
  4. Why should I suspected by you?
  5. My watch was taken by John.
  6. He made his wife do all the work.
  7. All his friends laughed at him.
  8. He was made king.
  9. Promises should be kept.
  10. Someone has picked my pocket.

Active voice is usually in the present tense. Passive voice something is already finished or done.