Graduate Student Government of Northern Arizona University
Regular Meeting
February 24 2014
6:00pm-7:00pm, Ashurst A109
Conference line: 928-523-9999
Roll call and quorum, Rachel Stevens
6:00pm to 6:05pm
Call to the Audience
6:05pm to 6:10pm
Textbook campaign, Jason Kordosky
-updated course material handout, will be presenting it to faculty senate in the next few weeks.
T-shirts!! Susan Lawhead
-Finalized designs need to be done by 3/10/14, in order to have enough time to use them for current members. We would purchase them for new members as well.
6:10pm to 6:25pm
Tuition, President John Haeger
- tuiton has not been finalized by ABOR yet; once finalized, information tk.
-PLEDGE tuition for undergrads has gone up to $9,989. Trying to fall under the $10k mark for Flagstaff campus.
-tuition structure at other campuses lower due to resources available.
-GRAD STUDENT tuition recommendation to raise by 4.6% ($397) for Flagstaff. Still falls lower than undergrad tuition.
-GRAD STUDENT statewide tuition recommendation to raise by about 4.9%.
- This tuition is for 2014-2015 for graduate students, and does not affect the coverage of Graduate Assistant tuition remission.
-Numbers on financial aid website are estimates.
-ABOR tuition hearings are 3/26, 5-7pm.
Presidential Search: Sarah Bickle
-Search committee will be here 3/5-3/6 for series of stakeholder meetings. Student stakeholder meeting is from 4-5 on 3/5 at the High Country Conference Center. Students will receive 3 questions to think about before meeting. Sarah will contact GSG beforehand.
There is also a 5-6:30 campus community session the same day.
-Recommended to address graduate community and research missions of the university.
6:25pm to 6:40pm
Committee updates
Social Outreach, Susan Lawhead
- Saturday, 3/8, 7:45pm, Prochnow movie: Frozen!
-Relay for Life: 4/5-4/6. Three team members so far. Hope to hold a local fundraising raffle for the night-of.
Services and Allocations, Sean Larsen
-No updates to report. Possibly policy changes for next year. Susan has figured a way to make letters auto-populate in the mail merger. Gave out almost $6,000 this past month. According to the letter in place, there are 20 days after travel to collect funds.
Public Relations, Rachel Stevens
-Newsletter will be sent out Friday, 2/28
-FB event for Prochnow movie; everyone should join and share!
6:40pm to 6:55pm
Constituency meeting reports
-Yuma: No one came to the constituency meeting. Had fliers around campus & emails went out, fliers went in professors' mailboxes, but all efforts didn't work.
-Sean Larsen: No feedback. Short program may be the reason for this. About 30 people turned up, but no one had much to say.
-Crystal Ewen: Poor attendance due to weather issues.
-Lauren Crane: 12 people came. Issues with communicating with college. Parking is a huge issue that was talked about. About 8 of them are interested in Relay for Life.
6:55pm to 7:00pm
Bylaw Amendment S14-1, Advocacy Committee
-Passed unanimously.
Open Forum