MARC Mechanic Express

(This program does not work correctly with OPALS-NA for existing records.)

Transfer records from Mandarin to MARC Magician (see other page for instructions)

Export records from MARC Magician into C:/Program Files/MARC Wizard/MARC Wizard Data/MARC Mechanic Express Data (see other page for instructions)

Click MARC Mechanic Express

Click Get Your Records In

Click Next

Click the radial button in front of Mandarin

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Be sure that the file contains the correct number of records

Click Finish

Click Review Your Collections

Click Next

Click Next

**For the following group of options, this program will only change the bibliographic record, not the holding, I would recommend not standardizing anything since it will all be lost in the transfer to OPALS.**

Review Collections

Click Next

Unidentified Call # Prefix

Click Next

Standardize Prefixes, enter Do not standardize for each if you are able

Click Next

Click Finish

Click Set Your Options

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Call # and Copy Options, click radial button in front of Set GMD and Control Fields

Click Next

Click Next

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click radial button in front of Update My Sears, Library of Congress, and Children’s Library of Congress headings

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click Check All

Click Next

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click Check All

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click radial buttons in front of Replace with Fiction and Remove Completely

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click radial button in front of Keep only Sears when redundant headings are found

Click Next

Subject Heading Options, click radial button in front of Put Subject Headings in Numerical Order

Click Next

Click Next

Other Options, click Check All

Click Next

Other Options, click appropriate radial button for Lexile Measures

Click Next

Other Options, click appropriate radial button for Accelerated Reader information

Click Next

Other Options, click appropriate radial button for Reading Counts information

Click Next

Other Options, click radial button in front of Add award notes

Click Next

Other Options, click appropriate radial button for 900 fields

Click Next

Other Options, click radial button in front of Move articles to the beginning

Click Next

Other Options, click radial button in front of Ensure there is a space after commas

Click Next

Click Finish

Click Tell Us to Get to Work

Click Next

You may want to print your options the first time to keep in a file

Click Next

Click the radial button in front of I Agree

Click Next

Your records will be uploaded

Click Finish

The time it takes to update records depends on the quantity and quality of the original records. Hundreds of records may take less than a minute. I have sent 2000 records through at one time and it took approximately a half hour. If your records take longer than a half hour for less than 2000 records, call Mitinet to confirm that something has not gone wrong. Their server seems to get “stuck” and you will wait for days if you do not call. Their number is under the Contact Us link on the home page and they are very easy to talk to.

You can wait for Mitinet to send you an email saying that your records are finished, or you can click on the hourglass periodically to check to see if they are finished.

When your records have finished, click on MARC Mechanic Express to download records

Click OK

Click Get Your Records Out

Click Next

The file will automatically save to C:/Program Files/MARC Wizard/MARC Wizard Data/MARC Mechanic Express Data

You may print the final report for your records; this report will be available until you start the next batch of records.

Click Next

Click Next

Click Finish

Import finished records into MARC Magician then into catalog (see other page for instructions)

***When you start another job in MARC Mechanic Express it will ask if you want to delete the current job. Always say yes, you are only deleting the last batch of records that you sent through, not the current one.***

St. Lawrence-Lewis School Library System klw9/17/07