Dear Employee:

Many of you have asked for continuing updates on legislation being considered by the Minnesota Legislature that would set staffing quotas for all Minnesota hospitals. The bill, known as the “Standards of Care Act,” is moving through committee hearings in the Minnesota House of Representatives. The first committee to hear the bill, the House Labor, Workplace & Regulated Industries Committee, approved it 9-6 on a straight party-line vote. That was not unexpected. The bill likely will face greater scrutiny when it reaches other committees and the full House and Senate.

(NAME OF HOSPITAL) is opposing this bill. We appreciate the passion supporters bring to this legislation. While we continue to state our opposition to this legislation, we are doing so respectfully. Ultimately, we believe all of us share the same goal of delivering the highest-quality care to all patients.

A major concern is the impact this legislation would have on the collaborative, inter-professional team approach to care that is so important to (NAME OF HOSPTIAL). If hospitals are required to disproportionately depend on registered nurses, as this bill would require, registered nurses will end up doing more of the tasks that take them away from the bedsides of those who need them most. Staffing quotas too often will put nurses in non-caregiving situations.

Mandatory staffing quotas would increase hospital labor costs by an average of 4 percent. Hospital reimbursement rates already are under pressure from every payer, and now face the added challenge of the federal government’s sequestration which will result in an estimated 2 percent across-the-board cut in Medicare reimbursements rates. This is on top of the other cuts hospitals have absorbed. The additional cost of the staffing quota legislation – especially in today's environment – is unaffordable.

Some employees have asked if it is appropriate for them to share their opposition to the bill with legislators. Emails, letters and calls to legislators have a huge impact, especially when they convey personal experiences.

If you don’t know who your legislator is, you can find out at You can click on the legislator’s name to get his or her email and postal address and an office phone number. Please make sure you reference the bill number (SF 471/HF 588 – which stands for Senate File 471 and House File 588).

Thank you for all that you do. We will continue to keep you informed of this important legislation.