A list of Homonyms (Definition: Two or more words which sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings.) These have been collected, arranged in alphabetical order and explained by:

Henry Mullish on September 1st, 2009


accept: to receive willingly; except: with the exclusion;

ad: abbreviation for: advertisement; add: to combine (numbers) into an equivalent number;

adherence: fidelity; adherents: followers;

affect: act on, influence; effect: a result;

aid: to give assistance; aide: a person who acts as an assistant;

ail: to suffer ill health; ale: an alcoholic beverage;

air: this what we breathe; heir: one who inherits property;

aisle: a passage separating a section of seats; isle: an island; I'll: I will; I shall;

all: every; awl: a pointed tool for marking surfaces;

allowed: permitted; aloud: with a strong voice;

alms: charity; arms: human upper limbs;

altar: a raised structure on which sacrifices are offered; alter: change;

ant: insect with a complex social organization: aunt: the wife of one's uncle;

arc: a curved path; ark: something that affords protection;

ascent: climb; assent: agree;

assistance: the act of assisting; assistants: people who help;

ate: past tense of eat; eight: number between 7 and 9;

aural: relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing; oral: uttered by the mouth or in words;

attendance: people present; attendants: employees who wait on customers;

auricle: an ear-shaped pouch in each atrium of the human heart; oracle: authoritative or wise expression;

awe: dread, terror; or: a logical operator; ore: a source from which valuable matter is extracted;

aye: an affirmative vote; eye: organ of sight; I: one who is speaking or writing;


bail: container to remove water from a boat; bale: sorrow;

band: something that binds; banned: barred;

bare: exposed; bear: large American mammal;

baron: a nobleman; barren: incapable of producing offspring;

bait: to tease; bate: restrain;

be: part of the verb 'to be'; bee: honeybee;

beach: body of water covered by sand; beech: hardwood tree with smooth bark;

bean: a seed of the legume family; been: past participle of the verb 'to be';

beat: to strike repeatedly; beet: a biennial plant used as a source for sugar;

beau beautiful, pretty; bow: something bent into a curve;

beer: an alcoholic beverage usually made from malted cereal grain; bier: a coffin;

bell: a metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound; belle: an attractive girl;

berry: a pulpy and usually edible fruit; bury: to inter with funeral ceremonies;

berth: where a ship lies when at anchor; birth: emergence of a new individual;

billed: caressed affectionately; build: construct;

bite: to seize especially with teeth; byte: a unit of computer information;

blew: past tense of the verb; 'blow'; blue: of the color blue;

bloc: a combination of persons or groups; block: a piece of wood;

board: a piece of sawed lumber; bored: to make a hole;

boarder: one provided with regular meals and lodging; border: boundary;

bold: fearless before danger; bowled: rolled (a ball) as in the game of bowling;

bolder: more confident; boulder: mass of rock;

boll: the pod of a plant; bowl: a drinking vessel;

boos: shouts of disapproval; booze: to drink liquor especially to excess;

born: brought forth by birth; borne: transported by;

bough: a branch of a tree; bow: submit, yield;

boy: a male child from birth; buoy: a floating beacon;

brake: a stopping mechanism; break: fracture;

breach: infraction or violation of a law; breech: the hind end of the body – the bottom;

bread: food, sustenance; bred: deep-rooted;

bridal: intended for a newly married couple; bridle: to restrain, check, or control;

broach: a cutting tool for removing material from metal; brooch: same as: broach;

brows: forehead; browse: to look over casually;

bussed: traveled by bus; bust: the breasts of a woman;

but: except for the fact; butt: strike with the head or horns;

by: near; buy: to acquire possession; bye: a farewell greeting;


cache: something hidden; cash: ready money;

calves: plural of: calf; carves: to cut with care or precision;

capital: a city serving as a seat of government; capitol: a building of a state legislative body;

canon: an accepted principle or rule; cannon: a large heavy gun usually mounted on a carriage;

cant: lively; can't: can not;

canter: beggar, vagabond; cantor: a synagogue official who sings or chants liturgical music;

canvas: closely woven cloth; canvass: to examine in detail;

carat: measure of fineness of gold; carrot: a biennial herb;

caress: to treat with affection and love; cress: pungent leaves used especially in salads;

caressed: treated with fondness crest: identifying emblem worn on a knight's helmet;

cast: to get rid of; caste: prestige;

caught: past tense of: to catch; court: a manor house or large building;

cause: reason for an action; cores: parts of some fruits; corps: organized unit of the military establishment;

cede: to yield or grant; seed: progeny;

ceiling: overhead inside lining of a room; sealing: confirm or make secure;

cell: a small compartment; sell: to deliver for money;

cellar: basement; seller: one that offers for sale;

censer: a vessel for burning incense; censor: a person who supervises conduct; sensor: sense organ;

cent: one hundredth of a dollar; sent: past tense of: send;

cents: American coins worth 100th of a dollar; scents: an odor; sense: intelligence;

cereal: food made of grain; serial: arranged in a series;

chased: followed rapidly; chaste: pure in thought and act;

cheater: one who influences by deceit; cheetah: a long-legged, spotted African cat;

chews:, grinds food with the teeth; choose: select freely;

chili: a hot pepper; chilly: noticeably cold;

chord: three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously; cord: the hangman's rope;

choral: relating to a chorus or choir; corral: an enclosure for confining or capturing livestock;

chord: three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously; cord: yarn;

chute: parachute; shoot: to propel a missile;

cite: : to quote by way of example; sight: something that is seen; site: the place of an occurrence;

claps: to strike with the flat of the hand in a friendly way; collapse: to break down completely;

clause: a group of words containing a subject; claws: a sharp nail on the toe of an animal;

click: : to fit or agree exactly; clique: a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons;

climb: to go upward; clime: climate;

coarse: of ordinary or inferior quality; course: an ordered process or succession;

coat: an outer garment worn on the upper body; cote: a shed or coop for small domestic animals;

coffers: boxes or chests; coughers: people who cough;

colonel: a high ranking military officer; kernel: the inner, softer part of a nut;

compare: to liken; compere: the master of ceremonies;

complement: completes or makes perfect; compliment: an expression of esteem or respect:

console: a piece of furniture; consul: a government representative in a foreign country;

coo to talk amorously or fondly; coup: overturn or upset:

council: an assembly for consultation; counsel: a lawyer engaged in a trial;:

crews: people working on a job; cruise: to sail about touching at a series of ports; cruse: a small jar or pot);

cue: prompt; queue: a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles;

currant: a small seedless raisin grown chiefly in the Levant; current: most recent;

cymbal: a concave brass plate that produces a brilliant clashing tone; symbol: a token or sign;


dais: a raised platform; days: in the daytime repeatedly;

dam: a body of water confined by a barrier: damn: to condemn to a punishment or fate;

days: plural of the word: day; daze: to stupefy especially by a blow; dais: a raised platform;

dear: precious; deer: a small animal;

dense: compactness or crowding together; dents: a minor depression in a substance:

descent: lineage; dissent: to differ in opinion;

desperate: having lost hope; disparate: different;

dew: condensation upon the surfaces of cool bodies; due: owed or owing as a debt;

die: to pass out of existence; dye: a soluble or insoluble coloring matter;

dire: dismal; dyer: one who imparts a new color to a garment or cloth;

divers: those who dive; diverse: various;

do: carry out; dough: a mixture that consists essentially of flour or meal;

done: arrived at or brought to an end; dun: marked by dullness and drabness;

draft: the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling; draught: British version of: draft;

dual: double; duel: a combat between two persons;

ducked: avoided; duct: a bodily tube or vessel;


earn: to receive as a return for effort; urn: a closed vessel, usually with a spigot;

elicit: to draw forth or bring out: illicit: not permitted or illegal;

ewe: female of the sheep; yew: evergreen tree with stiff leaves; you: the one being addressed;


faint: weak, dizzy; feint: a mock blow or attack;

fair: free from self-interest; fare: cost of travel;

fairy: a mythical being of folklore; ferry: to carry by boat over a body of water;

facts: actuality; fax: facsimile;

farther: to a greater degree or extent; father: a man who has begotten a child;

faze: to disturb the composure of; phase: a distinguishable part in a course;

feat: an exploit or an achievement; feet: plural of the word: foot;

file: a tool of hardened steel with cutting ridges for surfaces; phial: a vial;

find: to come across, often accidentally; fined: punished, usually by a sum of money;

fir: an evergreen tree of the pine family; fur: the hairy coat of a mammal;

flaw: a defect in physical structure or form; floor: the level base of a room;

flea: a small wingless bloodsucking insect; flee: to pass away swiftly;

flew: past tense of the word: fly; flu: abbreviation for the word: influenza;

fool: a person lacking in judgment; full: containing as much as possible;

for: used as a word to indicate purpose; fore: forward; four: the fourth in a set of series;

foray: pillage; fray: to frighten away;

forth: forward; fourth: the number immediately following the number 3 in the numbers table;

foul: loathsome; fowl: a cock or hen of the domestic chicken;

freeze: to become chilled by cold; frieze: coarse wool with a rough surface;

friar: a member of a mendicant order; fryer: a deep utensil for frying foods;


gait: a manner of walking or moving on foot; gate: an opening in a wall or fence;

gage: a fruit commonly known as a: greengage; gauge: the diameter of a slender object;

gays: homosexual males; gaze: to fix the eyes in a steady intent look;

gamble: to play a game for money or property; gambol: to skip about in play;

gild: to overlay with a thin covering of gold; guild: an association of people with similar interests;

gilt: of the color of gold; guilt: the state of one who has committed an offense;

gnaw: to bite or chew on with the teeth; nor: neither;

gorilla: a very large black-colored anthropoid ape guerrilla: one who engages in irregular warfare;

gores: gruesomeness depicted in vivid detail; gauze: : a loosely woven cotton surgical dressing;

grate: to gnash or grind noisily; great: notably large in size – huge;

grays: a series of neutral colors between black and white; graze: to feed on growing herbage;

guessed: formed an opinion from little or no evidence; guest: a person entertained in one's house;


hair: an outgrowth of the epidermis of most animals; hare: any of various long-eared lagomorph mammals;

hail: precipitation of small balls of layers of clear ice and compact snow; hale: free from defect;

hart: British version of a stag; heart: a human pump maintaining the circulation of the blood;

hay: herbage mowed and cured for fodder; hey: used to call attention, surprise, or exultation;

heal: to restore to health; heel: the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch;

hear: to listen to with attention; here: in or at this place;

heard: perceived or apprehended by the ear; herd: undistinguished masses;

hew: to fell by blows of an ax; hue: color;

hi: used especially as a greeting; high: taller than average;

higher: taller; hire: available for use or service in return for payment;

him: objective case of: he; hymn: a song of praise to God;

hoard: a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away; horde: a teeming crowd or throng;

hoarse: rough or harsh in sound; horse: a large solid-hoofed mammal long domesticated;

hoes: implements for tilling; hose: a cloth leg covering that sometimes covers the foot;

hole: an opening through something; whole: a complete amount or sum;

holy: divine; wholly: completely;

hour: the 24th part of a day : 60 minutes; our: relating to us or ourselves;

how: in what manner or way; howl: to utter with unrestrained outcry;

humerus: the long bone of the upper arm; humorous: funny;


idle: : not occupied or employed; idol: an object of extreme devotion;

in: used as a function word to indicate inclusion; inn: tavern;

incite: instigate; insight: the power or act of seeing into a situation;


jam: made by boiling fruit and sugar; jamb: a projecting columnar part or mass;

jewel: a precious stone; joule: a unit of work or energy;


key: a metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned; quay: a landing place built parallel to a waterway;

knead: to manipulate or massage; need: a necessary duty;

knew: past tense of: know; new: having recently come into existence;

knight: a person of antiquity equal to a knight in rank; night: the time from dusk to dawn;

knit: to tie together; nit: the egg of a louse;

knot: a tight constriction; not: used as a function word to make negative a group of words;

know: to have understanding of; no: used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice;

knows: to be aware of the truth; nose: the part of the face that bears the nostrils;


lam: to beat soundly; lamb: : a young sheep;

laps: the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person lapse: decline;

laud: solemn praise; lord: one having power and authority over others;

lax: deficient in firmness; lacks: to be deficient or missing;