Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276

Dear Abingdon-Avon Parents, Guardians, and Staff, January 12, 2018

In January of 2017, Senate Bill 0550 became Law. This law required all PK-5 schools in Illinois to test for amounts of lead in water used for drinking and cooking by December 31, 2017. In accordance with the law, Abingdon-Avon CUSD #276 has completed testing at Hedding Grade School and Avon Elementary School. Although not required, later in January, the district will be running similar tests in the high school and middle school. Lab testing was completed by ESC Lab Sciences ( All results are being reported to the Illinois Department of Public Health as required.

Testing was conducted by our maintenance and custodial staff, The process required an initial draw and secondary draw within a prescribed time limit. The vast majority of our water sources tested below the level of mandated reporting. The district did have the following sources test above the 5 micrograms per liter (μg/l). All other sources registered below the mandated reporting level of 5 micrograms per liter.

Avon Elementary School:

  1. Kitchen Sink (East Side): 1st Draw: 5.83 μg/l2nd Draw: Below 5 μg/l
  2. Action Taken: This faucet has been replaced with a new faucet and will be re-tested. Currently the faucet is flushed prior to use.
  3. Nurses Station1st Draw: 7.50 μg/l 2nd Draw: Below 5 μg/l
  4. Action Taken: This faucet has been replaced with a new faucet and will be retested. Currently the faucet is flushed prior to use.
  5. Band Room1st Draw: 22.2 μg/l2nd Draw: 22.5 μg/l
  6. Action Taken: This fixture has not been used on a regular basis. The fixture was not flushed prior to the testing. Due to the lack of use, this water line has been disconnected.

Hedding Grade School:

  1. Classroom Sink (Room 2-B)1st Draw: 6.26 μg/l2nd Draw: Below 5μg/ll
  2. Action Taken: This faucet has been replaced with a new faucet and will be retested. Currently, the faucet is not use for drinking.
  3. Library Sink1st Draw: 6.39 μg/l2nd Draw: Below 5 μg/l
  4. Action Taken: This faucet has been replaced with a new faucet and will be retested. Currently, this faucet in not is use.

All drinking and cooking taps that registered a 5 μg/l or above have been addressed.

For more information on lead in school drinking water you can:

  1. Visit the district website and download the PDF entitled:AWWA Sampling Drinking Water Guidance.
  2. Visit the EPA website at:

If you have any questions regarding the findings in our district, please do not hesitate to call my office (309-462-2301).


Dr. Mike Curry