Front Street Community Primary School Sports Premium Plan 2016-2017

This year school will receive approximately £9600 to invest in the provision and promotion of sport, activity and healthy lifestyles across the school. In addition to this there is further spend encapsulated within the school budget representing staffing costs involved in competitions (varying from 1:12 to 1:8 ratios), trips and out of school coaching and clubs and costs relating to transport to and from venues, some of which is partly covered by the budget and partly by school.

Ofsted recommendations are that investment should “impact on increasing participation, promoting health and wellbeing and improving performance of all children and groups” and these are coloured according to the area of impact we are aiming to improve. The aims of school sports this year is to encapsulate the Olympic legacy of Get up – Get Active – Get Inspired.

Objective / Cost / Impact
Affiliation to Gateshead School Sports Partnership Premium Membership / £2650*
(*1 free half term block of sports coaching is included in this price for free). / Access to all of the Gateshead interschool competitions, activity days, staff development and coaching days, workshops, conferences and resources / staffing. (Competition entry and most CPD for staff is free through Premium Membership). Includes £150 for playground buddy training.
Tennis Coaching – KS2 / £690 / Year 3 – 6. Participation and association with Blaydon Tennis Club. Cross school training for all KS2 children for half term each and comp prep.
Basketball Coaching – KS2 / £1125 / Year 3 – 6. Participation and association with the Eagles and prep for competitions. Link with club will support pupil progress and improve impact in external competitions.
Gymnastics Coaching – EYFS / KS1 / £1800 / Full term coaching for all KS1 and Reception children will provide a fantastic introduction into gymnastics, teacher training and also identify gifted and talented children at a young age. Day comes as breakfast club, lunchtime support and 2 after school clubs.
Cricket Coaching – Years 5 and 6 / £250 / Summer term year 6 up to May half term and year 5 up to summer break. Proved successful last year, with year 6 taking gold at the event, plus several children joining their club outside of school.
Tag Rugby – Year 6 / (Using GSSP free coaching block for premium members = £120 credit = £60 / Prepare children for event and the year group also had coaching on this last year and did exceptionally well at local competitions. Good links also with Blaydon Rugby Club and have had several children go onto club coaching with them. The year group enjoys the sport.
Fencing – Year 3 / £150 / For year 3 to link into their topic in the summer. We’ve also not had fencing in school and to be able to link PE into cross curricular topics will be a great opportunity for the year group. The larger facilities will allow this.
CDNE – Year 6 / If club is full = £90 for the coaching. / Great way to engage older children in dance, tailored around KS2 children. Will lead into a club and the deal gave a great opportunity to support year 6 in P.E. also.
Support staff for P.E. events / £1250 / Put aside to pay for additional 2 hours a week to support in the admin and the running of the external sports, competitions and events attended over the year.
Playground equipment and transport. / £1450 / Cover costs for new or replacement equipment and transport for children to attend events.
Total / £9515