State of Connecticut
Core-CT Project
Module:Time and Labor
Business Process:Manage Leave Accruals
Requirement Number:TL351
Requirement Title:Ability to flag when maximum leave amounts are reached
Module Leads: Lee Stolzman, Judd Nielsen
- Requirement Description
Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.
A system generated notification is needed when an employee has reached the maximum accrual amount allowed for a leave plan. In the legacy systems of which there are at least ten (10) that record and process time and labor information, accruals are automatically shut off when the maximum amount is reached. In addition each system provides reports that can be used to determine when an employee is in danger of losing time. PeopleSoft as delivered does not provide such a flag but when setting up a Leave Plan a maximum leave balance amount can be indicated.
- Business Need
Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.
C.G.S Sec.5-250 allows for the accrual of vacation with pay up to a maximum of 120 days. Without a change to the state statutes this amount may not be exceeded. Depending upon their date of hire, before or after 7/1/1977, and their status i.e. bargaining unit member, manager etc., most employees are allowed to accrue up to 60 or 120 days of vacation. The system’s ability to flag when an employee has reached the maximum accrual amount allowed for in a leave plan will enable the time keeper to identify employees who need to be informed that they are approaching or have approached their maximum accrual limit. This potentially affects all State employees.
- Required By: (Y/N)
Federal ____Agency ____Bargaining Unit _Y___
State Statutory _Y___State Regulatory ____State Procedural ____
- Requirement Priority
High______(High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)
- Recommended Solution
Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category
______Process Solution
___Option Number
X____Application Modification
2___Option Number
- Explanation for Recommendation
Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.
The delivered report can be modified to satisfy multiple requirements in the same report. This would minimize the effort for creating more reports and would still provide the information needed.
- Organizational Impact of Recommendation
Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.
If the delivered report is modified to include a flag for employees who are nearing their maximum then agencies who run this report will have to scroll through all their employees to determine who is close to exceeding a balance and then notify them.
- Process Solutions
Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.
Option 1. Agencies can view individual employee’s balances on line. They also should be aware of maximum amounts so that they can inform the employee.
- Application Modifications
Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.
Option 1.
Modification Type: Report
Complexity : Medium
A report will need to be created that sorts by agency, bargaining unit, employee (starting with employees that have the highest number of hours), and leave plan. This report will be used to view the employees that are approaching or have reached their maximum accrual hours for a specific leave plan.
Option 2.
Modification Type: Report
Complexity: Medium
The delivered Leave Accrual Report (BEN007) can be modified and can include a “flag” that shows an employee who is getting close to reaching a maximum. Close will need to be determined. This modification can be included as part of Requirement TL355.
1 of 209/25/18