Calculating Difference: Cat and Mice

Day 1: Content Development

Title: Cat and Mice
Day One: Content Development / Grade Level:
K-1 / Resources for Lesson:
High Yield Routines:
Origo Fundamentals: Orange Level
Lesson: Students use manipulatives to find the difference and understand difference can be calculated by taking away the part that is the same. / Guiding (Focus) Question:
How can linking cubes be used to calculate the difference?
Unit Learning Targets: Students will understand how to find the difference between two numbers using manipulatives, and understand that the difference is the amount left over.
Success Criteria: I can use manipulatives to calculate the difference between two numbers.
Mathematical Practices
1.  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4.  Model with mathematics
5.  Use appropriate tools strategically.
6.  Attend to precision.
7.  Look for and make use of structure.
8.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning / Content Standards
K.NBT-Number and operations in Base Ten
K.CC- Counting and Cardinality
1.NBT-Number and Operations in Base Ten
1.OA-Operations and Algebraic Thinking
·  1.OA.A.1 / Time for Lesson:
Warm up-10 minutes
Content Development-10 minutes
Game-30 minutes: Spinning Around
Reflection-10 minutes
Content Objectives: (Student Friendly)
I can work with my partner to use linking cubes to find the difference between two numbers. / Language Objectives: I can discuss the difference and discuss my move I chose on the game board.
(Throughout unit make sure all four language modalities, reading, writing, speaking and listening are addressed)
Key Vocabulary
Linking cubes
Subtraction / Lesson Supports
Linking cubes will allow students to visually see what is happening when finding the difference / Materials:
Each pair of students
·  Cat and mouse game board
·  2 number cubes with the numbers 5-10 on them
·  1 counter for the cat
·  3 counters for the mice
·  45 linking cubes to create the chains 5-10
Student Engagement: Leadership
How will this lesson develop leadership skills for our migrant students?
1. I share and am a good citizen. / Strategies to develop leadership skills:
Warm Up: (10 Minutes) High Yield Routines
·  Number of the day (Double Digit number)
·  Select a number and allow students to discuss the number including drawings, equations, and representations. Students can practice with a couple different numbers.
Content Development: (10 Minutes)
1.  Demonstrate for students how to find the difference between two numbers using linking cubes.
2.  Model for students with trains of 5 and 8. Place them side by side and discuss that the difference is the amount that is left over.
3.  Discuss the rules of the game and how to play.
4.  One player is the cat and tries to get the mice, and the other player is the 3 mice and tries to get them home.
5.  Start a game to model for students using a volunteer and the document camera. / Notes:
Game Activity: (30 Minutes)
1.  Students begin working in pairs to play the game. When one student wins the game, they switch roles and are the mice if they were the cat last game.
2.  Invite students to explain their thinking before using the cubes during the game
a.  Do they count up from the smaller number or count down from the greater number? Do they use the same strategy for every combination of numbers?
3.  Ask a player to point to a square that he or she would like to move and ask, “What roll would you need to make that score?” How do you know?
1.  Have pairs of students create a chart and find all the rolls that would give a difference of one. Students could repeat to find the rolls to get differences of 2, 3, 4, 5. / Review and Assessment:
The game could be more challenging if number cubes were used with the numbers 10-15 written on them.
Cats and dogs game board could also be used as an extension for students.
Home School Connection
Have students take the game board home along with the two dice. Students can play the game with their parents or brothers and sisters to help reinforce calculating difference. A simple rules of the game paper would also need to go home for families. / Materials to Send Home:
Cat and mice game board
Dice numbered 5-10

Maria’s Marbles

Day Two: Problem Solving

Title: Maria’s Marbles
Day Two: Problem Solving / Grade Level:
K-1 / Resources for Lesson:
High Yield Routines:
Illustrative Mathematics: Maria’s Marbles and Peyton’s Books
Lesson: Students will become familiar with three types of comparison problems-unknown difference, bigger unknown, smaller unknown. / Guiding (Focus) Question:
How can addition and subtraction strategies be used to find unknown values?
Unit Learning Targets: I can use addition and subtraction strategies to solve problems with unknown values.
Success Criteria: I can work with my partner to solve word problems with unknown values.
Mathematical Practices
1.  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4.  Model with mathematics
5.  Use appropriate tools strategically.
6.  Attend to precision.
7.  Look for and make use of structure.
8.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
9.  / Content Standards
1.OA-Operations and Algebraic Thinking
·  1.OA.A.1 / Time for Lesson:
Warm up-10 minutes
Content Development-10 minutes
Problem Solving-30 minutes:
Reflection-10 minutes
Content Objectives: (Student Friendly)
I can use strategies to solve word problems with unknown values and explain my thinking. / Language Objectives: I can write equations to solve word problems and discuss my thinking with my partner and the class.
(Throughout unit make sure all four language modalities, reading, writing, speaking and listening are addressed)
Key Vocabulary
Subtraction / Lesson Supports
Manipulatives can be used to help students with the problems. / Materials:
Illustrative Mathematics Tasks
·  Maria’s Marbles
·  Peyton’s Books
Student Engagement: Leadership
How will this lesson develop leadership skills for our migrant students?
4. I use what I have learned. / Strategies to develop leadership skills:
Warm Up: (10 Minutes)
1.  Present the problem “Peyton’s Books to the class. Read the question and allow students to discuss it in groups or with their partner.
2.  What do we know? What is it we are trying to find out?
3.  Working through this problem together can show the relationship between addition and subtraction.
4.  Students could present ideas like 16-?=7 or 16-7=?, or 7+?=16
5.  Allow students to share their thinking.
Content Development: (10 Minutes)
1.  Read through the task Maria’s Marbles with the students, discussing each question.
2.  Explain the directions for the task, and that manipulatives, drawings, etc. can be used to show students thinking.
3.  Discuss how the questions a, b, c are all similar just phrased in different ways. Students can think about how to write an equation to match the problem. / Notes:
Problem Solving Activity:
1.  Working in pairs or small groups’ students begin the task Maria’s Marbles.
2.  Pairs of students should generate an equation to match the problem and can include a drawing if that helps.
1.  Allow groups to share their equations and to share with the class their thinking and reasoning behind their answer.
2.  Discuss the difference unknown, bigger unknown, and smaller unknown. / Review and Assessment:
Home School Connection / Materials to Send Home: