1. Revisión de vocabulario. Marca con (P) las palabras que ya conoces.

Verbs (activities) / £ relax at home / £ luggage / £ bus stop / £ drive
£ be on holiday / £ rent a flat (an
apartment) / £ motorway / £ class / £ end
£ book a single/double
room / £ passport / £ coach / £ go out
£ place / £ ferry / £ pack
£ book a flight / £ spent time doing
something / £ platform / £ plane / £ order
£ buy a pet / £ reservation / £ return / £ receive
£ do homework / £ study for an exam / £ road / £ single / £ take
£ get a new
boyfriend/girlfriend / £ sunbathe / £ special / £ taxi / £ think about
£ surf / £ street / £ ticket / £ visit
£ get a part time job / £ take an art class / £ suitcases / £ train / £ wear
£ get married / £ travel around the US / £ tanned / £ tram / Ordinal
£ go for a walk / £ travel alone / £ ticket (office) / £ tram stop
£ go sightseeing /camping/fishing/swimming / £ visit friends in … / £ tour / £ underground / £ 1st
Words / £ tourist / £ (railway) station / £ 31st
£ go to college / £ bag / £ towel / Places to visit / Adverbs
£ go to the
theater/the disco/the
park/the museum / £ bill credit card / £ traffic / £ archaeological site
£ cash / £ traveler’s
checks / £ ruins / £ around
£ driver / Accommodation
£ driving license / £ trip / £ camping-site
£ go to the mountains / £ flight / £ Visa / £ guess house / Prepositions
£ go to the seaside/to a
foreign country / £ gate / £ waiting room / £ tent / £ for
/ your
£ guest house / Private
transportation / £ single room
£ have a baby / £ holiday / £ double room
£ look for a new
apartment / £ ID card / £ bicycle / Verbs
£ information desk / £ car / £ arrive at/in / Adjectives
£ move to/ from the
city/country / £ information office / Public transportation / £ ask (=invite) / £ different
£ insurance / £ book/check in / £ same
£ quit smoking/drinking
alcohol / £ journey / £ boat / £ change / £ special
£ key / £ bus / £ carry / £ unusual

Toma nota de las palabras que aun no aprendes y revisa diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario en el pathway de auto aprendizaje, pon en práctica la que consideres más adecuada para ti.

2. Revisión de funciones. Marca con (P) las funciones que aprendiste o ya conoces.

£ Are you going to …?
£ Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
£ Yes, I’m going to…
£ No, I’m not going to …
£ What are you going to …?
£ I’m going to …
£ Where are you going to …?
£ When / How / Who’s going to …?
£ What is he/she going to do next vacation?
£ Who’s going to go …?
£ Who are you going to go with?
£ Why are you going to …?
£ Why is he/she going to …?
£ How long are you going to …?
£ How long is he/she going to …?
£ He/She is going to …
£ What are your vacation plans for next week? / Giving a positive reaction
£ Have a good time
£ Fun!
£ Fabulous!
£ Nice!
Expressing an opinion
£ Hmm. That’s unusual.
£ (That) sounds like fun.
£ Take some days off
Expressing preferences
£ I always travel second class
£ Let’s take the underground
£ The train is now boarding
£ Two singles to
£ Eastern vacation

Te recomendamos que en caso de que aun no manejes alguna de las funciones hagas un repaso de ella y reflexiones sobre qué tipo de estrategia puedes emplear para aprenderla y ponerla en práctica.