Nob Hill Business Association



Meeting was called to order by Joseph Lyons

PRESENT: Denny Schleifer, Pat Fiedler, Sanford Booth, Susan Thomas, Elizabeth Aaby

We were unable to approve the February Board Minutes.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Balance: $3,904.41

Corrections: The reimbursement of $250 to Joseph Lyons should be added to Social Media

Constant Contact $336. is listed twice. Is this a duplication? If so, the total expenses should be: $1,811.49

Pat requested that we itemize all the new memberships in the month Treasurer’s report

Denny requested a breakdown of the Social Media Charges.

Joseph is sending the Wittmayer Social Media Contract to the Board.



Elizabeth Aaby reported that the City is moving forward on the proposal to allow private parking lots to be commercial lots and able to charge their users.

There is some discussion to lower the employee parking permit percentage from 100% to as low as 50%. The impact of this would be devastating to many of our service businesses who must be able to hire experts in the field who may or may not live in the area, can’t rely on public transportation and may require a car to perform their necessary duties.

It was agreed that NHBA should take a stand against lowering the employee permits allowed.

Some questions that need to be answered:

1. How many employee permits have been purchased compared to the number of employees in our district? If we are significantly below 100%, then there is no problem. Businesses are acting responsibly. Our employees are obviously using other means of transportation and not their cars. Let’s don’t punish good behavior!

2. Is the percentage based on the total number of employees in the district or based on employees at one business? We feel the percentage should be based on the total of employees in the district. With 100% the formula doesn’t matter; however, with a lower percentage, this formula could alleviate any problems for companies that need 100% employee permits.For example: Child’s Play has 12 employees, but only buys 2 permits This leaves 10 permits that someone else could use.

3. Currently residents are buying permits and leaving their driveways free for friends, service people and in regard to Air B&B’s, their overnight guests. If the Employee Permits percentage is lowered, shouldn’t the Resident Permits be lowered?

4. Should future new construction that has no accommodation for on-site parking be given permits?


The parking meters were installed in February. No real complaints to date.

New committees – events and membership

It was moved by Susan and seconded by Denny to form an Events Committee.

Suggested Members (However, everyone is welcome to join):

Joseph (Cooper Realty), Susan (CoffeeTime). Bethany (Goorin Hats), Maya (Santa Fe)

Motion approved by the board.

It was moved by Sanford and seconded by Denny to form a Membership Committee:

Suggested Members: Sanford (Big Frog), Pat (Child’s Play), Joseph (Cooper Realty)l and Jenny (NW Children’s Theater)

Motion Approved by the Board

Sanford requested a meeting to clarify membership and create a strategy. Joseph will create a bullet list of procedures and ask if Venture Portland has some suggestions for us. Pat will contact the members to set up a meeting date next week.


Date: March 19th

Pat reported that 17 businesses will be participating (This number is now finalized at 14 with an additional two businesses giving prizes but will have no event). The posters are ready to distribute. Joseph volunteered to help. He will take Jenny’s businesses. Pat will email him the list of businesses to contact. All the events are very creative. Pat showed the list of media contacts being sent a press release and informed the board that she would create a Media List to be given to each Board member. Denny volunteered to contact Drew Carney to promote our event. We will be placing an ad in the Willamette Weekly Newsletter on Wed. March 16th and Willamette Weekly Online March 16-18. We are also using PDX Pipeline and are sending press releases to 19 media outlets.


Inn at Northrup Station will be having a NHBA social in April. We would also like to do 2 more socials - one in the summer and another in the Fall. Susan suggested Bull and China as a possible host for one of the socials.


A few people attended the Happy Hour at Santa Fe Taqueria. They seemed enthusiastic to have more events in Nob Hill. They would like to combine something with the Sidewalk Sale.

There was some discussion at the Happy Hour about changing the date of the Sidewalk Sale because that is also the date of the Mississippi Street Fair. Since it is impossible to schedule anything in the summer without competing with another event, it was the general consensus to keep our July 8-10th date for the Sidewalk Sale this year.

Joseph mentioned that 3 board members attended the Street Fair Forum at Venture Portland. The City stated that there will be no new 2016 street fairs.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Fiedler