Phillippe Harbord

One of my fears about coming to Imperial was the stereotype of “all work and no play” that surrounded the university. After funneling through a marigold rubber glove on stage at Fresher’s Roadshow, I realised I couldn’t have been more wrong! I’ve come to discover that ICSM isn’t just about high academic standards, but the astounding social life, banter and insanity you can have here alongside your studies, with people of all ages across the Medical School, that make it second to none. By being on the RAG committee, I have helped organise and advertise its many social events, which has given me essential experience for this position. It’s the incredible time I’ve had so far this year that’s inspired me to want to make the coming year even better for freshers and older years alike. I think this can be achieved by:

- A greater student input into the events that we hold, from everyone across the ICSM spectrum, drinkers and non-drinkers alike.
- Aiming to provide better deals on all drinks, maintaining current events such as quiz nights and incorporating new events centered on socialising rather than alcohol.
- Constant updates on the social section of the ICSMSU website on upcoming events, as well as including pictures/videos/gossip from previous events that will make non-ICSM green with envy!

Next year, if voted Social Secretary, it will be my mission to make sure EVERYONE can abide by the “work hard, play hard” motto and make it THE BEST year yet!

Katherine Kennet

Bops to balls, Freshers’ fought-night to Final years’ fun, Clubs in central, and Relaxing in the Renolds- It would be an honour to make being a medic even more fun for YOU.

I relish the opportunity to put my 3 years of ICSM partying “research” to a practical use for the medical school and join the team organising your social calendar for the next academic year.
Having barely missed an event during my time here, I think I’ve learnt what works and I plan to use this experience, along with my endless love of partying and organisational skills to ensure everyone has as much fun as I’ve had being an imperial medic in the new academic year.

VOTING for me will bring you:

- Using one of the world’s most exciting cities by organising events around London including touristy sight-seeing days and picnics in the parks through-out the year,
- Club nights at fresh venues (including roller-discos), attracting not just the regulars but also older years (who may be experiencing Reynolds-fatigue) with targeted advertising in hospital common rooms,
- Holding a Clinical-Years-Carnival (think Doctors and Nurses meets a bop!) event to introduce graduate and new Oxbridge students to the 3rd years in September,
- Escapism Evenings at the Renolds during revision periods for a stress-free few hours,
- A dedicated, bubbly and approachable member of the SU, working hard to ensure successful SU events get even better.
So please, to bring even more fun, from freshers to finals, VOTE KATHERINE!

Vaitehi Nageshwaran

When at the gates of heaven after almost killing myself on the ICSM ski trip last year, God asked me where I would like to spend eternity, heaven or hell. I smiled at him as I began to chant, “I-C-S-M, I-C-S-M, I-C-S-M!” An impressed God said, “You’re right, there’s no better place! Like the phoenix you will rise again.” Waking up in hospital my mission was clear: TO BECOME THE NEXT SOCIAL SEC AND SPREAD ICSM LOVE!

Having done Freshers twice I feel I’m in a great position to help improve the already awesome ICSM social scene! I will:
- Ensure that Fresher’s Fortnight is fun for everyone: teetotallers, moderate drinkers and drunks alike! People should feel included right from the start.
- Listen to YOUR ideas on how to make ICSM better, after all 2000+ great minds are better than one!
- Work hard to boost the publicity and turn out to bops, ensuring that Clubs and Socs raise as much as they can.
- Increase the number of chilled out social events towards terms two and three so people can get a break from revision without worrying about being tired the next day.
- Work with the Ents. chair to create a bit of friendly competition between the groups in ICSM; Undergrads Vs Postgrads, Rugby Vs Rowing, Medics Vs Biomedics, etc.
- Finally social study groups, anatomy quizzes, etc at the Reynolds (who says learning has to be boring?)

Vote V for Diversity (not just the ethnic kind)!

Thomas Newman

So after a year of complaining about being Social Secretary for the boat club, I guess you wonder why I’m running for ICSM Social sec. Well despite some whining I have thoroughly enjoyed being soc sec, and I think that it has set me up brilliantly for the challenge of taking the same role in the Med school.
The things you really want to hear about are my plans should I get the role:
-Obviously keep up the major and traditional social events which really make the ICSM social calendar unrivalled by most Uni’s
-We don’t have much outside talent come to the Reynolds, and although it is quite small it would be fantastic to bring in some up and coming entertainers. Also I don’t see why we couldn’t get some fairly big names if it was for charity (RAG)
-Continue the fantastic step that was made last year to include more events not centralised around drinking to get more students involved
- There was a pub quiz to raise money for Haiti which was a big success and enjoyed by all so I think a Pub Quiz held once a month could be a good introduction
-I think it would be useful to get feedback from students to see what they would like
Having both the experience of a year being Soc Sec already and knowing many of the previous ICSMSU Social Sec’s I believe I understand exactly what the role requires
Vote Tom Newman

Steven Tran

Dear ICSM members,

Since arriving, ICSM has been a non-stop whirlwind tour of how London medical students do it best. Although my fresher’s fortnight was only about half a year ago, I don’t believe my fresher’s experience has ended yet nor will it any time soon. Each week since October there has always been something to do; whether it be chilling or bopping in Reynolds or partying until the early hours in the clubs of London.

I have jumped on every opportunity to have fun and I believe EVERYONE should have those chances too.
I’m under no illusion that next year will be tough and busy, but will be just as rewarding as I will endeavour to provide you:

- Pure entertainment
- An AWESOME Fresher’s Fortnight Timetable for 2010, including a venue for Drs and Nurses.
- Regular information on the major student clubbing scene in London
- More chilled nights at Reynolds, such as film nights or sport matches
- New events such as Reynolds Olympics or a hilarious Speed-Dating night
- A way to involve all 6 Years, GEPs and Bio-meds in various events
- Real consideration for those less-inclined to down pints

This year, I’ve been a pro-active Year 1 Education Rep. I hope people have found me organised, approachable and ‘exceptionally’ friendly. Needless to say, I have been pragmatically advocating for my year academically.
However allow me to advocate for YOU and the whole of ICSM socially next year.


Steve Tran