SGC 9/23/2014 4:15 – 5:15pm

Review of norms

Update (O’Brien) on high school plan

-questions and concerns brought up to Elizabeth and new super is gathering info (getting caught up to speed with everything), we want our community at the table moving forward. Invite superintendent to SGC to hear from her directly and ask question. Superintendent aware of space issue for next year’s high school.

-What is the backup plan?

School accountability Plan for Oct 1 (trying for Oct 1st) - increased focus on math, new teacher in math and more math time, software, PD FOSNO curriculum,

Goals from teachers first, not top down.

Chronic absences - reduce steps for chronic absences, form for teachers to link to report, then we can track the next step to happen. Requesting parents fill out a form as a request to leave early to be in before 9:00 – make appointments after school or on half days.

School compact – our school needs one per grade level – written so student and parent can understand what it means. Training for parent school compact October 23. Before we define the compact, we need to discuss and send out to teachers. We will look up the definition from the state. PA will have to add per grade level.

Goal – home and school to work together to help students

School compact is academic based - home supporting school

ex: word wall at home that mirrors what is in classroom.

Social , academic, parent and student goal – based on common core

parent teacher collaboration

Guidance Councilors – we are currently meeting guidelines for 504’s

Waiting for approval to post position

DATA – the amount of time it takes teachers to input work

-potential link to power school (to excel) and Performance Plus

Class sizes – Mr. O’Brien does not want to maximize class sizes, some classes are to capacity

Table for next week– Spanish/ enrichment

In Attendance

David Ambrose Dana Shimkus Kate Dougherty

Felicia Licki Renee Tavares Josh Scherer

Sue Ellen Repeta Richard Stohl Ken O’Brien

Jose Sierra Dennis Rizzo

Mary Manwaring Tracy Saperstein