Science Learning Module 4.4

Identify Bones of the Head, Face, Arms and Hands, and Feet

Upon completion of this Science Learning Module, the student will be able to identify the bones of the head, face, arms and hands, and feet, with 80% accuracy, using the time necessary for the individual student's own learning pace. A test will be given upon completion of the Science Learning module.

To be completed:

1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 6 – 16’, PP 118 - 122.

2. Information Sheet # 1 - Joints Classified to Degree of Movement Permitted.

3. Information Sheet # 2 - Bones of the Arm and Hand

4. Worksheet # 1 - Bones of the Head, Face and Neck

5. Worksheet # 2 - Bones of the Arm and Hand

6. Worksheet # 3 – The Skeletal System

Must complete one (1) of the following projects:

7. Make a chart of the bones of the arm and hand/ leg and foot, OR face and

skull that a cosmetologist must have a knowledge of to perform services

more effectively.

8. Make a poster depicting an arm and hand/leg and foot, face, OR skull and

draw and label the bones.

9. Give a PowerPoint presentation to the class pointing out the bones of the arm

and hand, leg and foot, or face and skull, including what services would

benefit from the cosmetologist having a knowledge of these bones.

Research (optional):

10. Write a research paper on how bone structure affects three services given in a

salon. How and why does bone structure come into play concerning a

haircut? Makeup? Fingernail Tips? The paper must be at least three (3)

pages in length, double-spaced and typed or printed (not cursive) neatly. At

least three (3) resources must be utilized and a list if those resources attached

using Citation Machine for formatting the bibliography.

Cosmetology Learning Module 4.4Name ______

Worksheet #3Page 1 of 3

The Skeletal System

1. The skeletal system is the ______

of the body.

2. ______is the second hardest tissue of the body.

3. ______is the hardest tissue of the body.

4. Bone is made up of about ______animal matter and ______mineral matter.

5. ______is the technical name for bone.

6. ______is the scientific study of bones, their structure, and functions.

7. List the primary functions of the bones ( in complete sentences).






8. List the two (2) parts of the skull.



9. The ______bone forms the lower back part of the cranium.

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10. The two (2) ______bones from the sides and top of the cranium or the


11. How many temporal bones are there? ______.

12. The ______bone is a light spongy bone between the eye sockets and

forms the nasal cavity.

13. What two (2) bones are not affected by massage?



14. How many nasal bones form the bridge of the nose? ______.

15. There are two (2) ______bones that form the prominence of the


16. The ______is the lower jawbone.

17. What is the largest and strongest bone of the face? ______

18. How many maxillae bones form the upper jaw? ______.

19. The ______is the uppermost and largest bone of the arm.

20. The ______is the large on the little finger side of the forearm.

21. The ______is the small bone on the thumb side of the forearm.

22. How many carpals are there? ______.

23. What do the carpals form? ______.

24. How many metacarpals are they? ______.

25. What do the metacarpals form? ______.

26. What are the tarsals ? ______.

27. How many tarsals are there? ______.

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28. What are the metatarsals? ______.

29. How many metatarsals are there? ______.

30. Each finger consists of three (3) ______while the thumb has only

two (2).


Science Learning Module 4.5

Identify the Muscles of the Head, Face, Arms and Hands and Feet

Upon completion of this Science Learning Module, the student will be able to identify the Muscles of the head, face, arms and hands, and feet, with 80% accuracy, using the time necessary for the individual student's own learning pace. A test will be given upon completion of the Science Learning module.

To be completed:

1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 6 – 16’, PP 122- 128.

2. Information Sheet # 1 - The Muscular System

3. Information Sheet # 2 - Muscles of the Face and Head

4. Worksheet # 1 - Muscles of the Head, Face and Neck

5. Worksheet # 2 – The Muscular System

Must complete one (1) of the following projects:

6. Make a chart of the muscles of the arm and hand/leg and foot, OR face and

skull that a cosmetologist must have a knowledge of to perform services

more effectively. List what services would benefit from the knowledge of

each muscle.

7. Make a poster depicting an arm and hand/leg and foot, face, OR skull and

draw and label the muscles.

8. Give a PowerPoint presentation to the class pointing out the muscles of the

arm and hand, leg and foot, or face and skull, including what services would

benefit from the cosmetologist having a knowledge of these muscles.

Research (optional):

9. Write a research paper on how muscles affect the services given in a

salon. How and why does muscle come into play during a manicure?

Pedicure? Facial? The paper must be at least three (3) pages in length,

double-spaced and typed or printed (not cursive) neatly. At least three (3)

resources must be utilized and a list if those resources attached using Citation

Machine for formatting the bibliography.

CosmetologyLearning Module 4.5Name

Worksheet # 2Page 1 of 2

The Muscular System

1. The muscular system ______, ______, and

______the skeleton.

2. Its function is to ______of the body.

3. ______is the study of the structure, functions, and diseases of the


4. Muscle comprise ______% of the weight of the human body.

5. List the three (3) kinds of muscle tissue and define them.




6. What is the part of the muscle that does not move? ______.

7. What is the part of the muscle that moves? ______.

8. The ______is a broad muscle that covers the top of the skull.

9. What are the two (2) parts of the occipito-frontalis?



10. The ______is the band around the eye.

11. The ______muscle draws the eyebrow down and in.

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12. The ______is the three (3) branch muscle surrounding

the upper lip.

13. The ______is the tip of the chin.

14. The ______is the flat band around the mouth.

15. The ______draws the corner of the mouth out and in as in


16. The ______extends over the cheek bone and elevates the lip

as in ______.

17. The ______is in front of the ear.

18. The ______is the broad muscle that extends from the chest and

shoulder muscles to the sides of the chin.

19. The ______bend the wrist, draw the hand up, and close the fingers

toward the forearm.

20. The ______straighten the wrist, hands, and fingers to form a straight


21. The ______muscles separate the fingers.

22. The ______muscles draw the fingers together.


Science Learning Module 4.6

Identify the Nerves of the Head, Face, Arms and Hands and Feet

Upon completion of this Science Learning Module, the student will be able to identify the nerves of the head, face, arms and hands, and feet, with 80% accuracy, using the time necessary for the individual student's own learning pace. A test will be given upon completion of the Science Learning module.

To be completed:

1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 6 – 16’, PP 128 - 132.

2. Information Sheet # 1 - Two Heads with Nerves Drawn

3. Worksheet # 1 - Motor Nerve Points

4. Worksheet # 2 - Nerves of the Scalp, Face and Neck

5. Worksheet # 3 - Nerves of the Head Face and neck

Must complete one (1) of the following projects:

6. Create a Hanging mobile depicting the various nerves of the arm and hand/

leg and foot, OR face and skull, that a cosmetologist must have a knowledge

of to perform services more effectively. (Can be hanging from yarn, clothes

hanger etc.).

7. Make a chart of the nerves of the arm and hand/ leg and foot, face, OR skull

that a cosmetologist must have a knowledge of to perform services more

effectively. List what services would benefit from this knowledge.

8. Give a PowerPoint presentation to the class pointing out the nerves of the arm

and hand, leg and foot, or face and skull, including what services would

benefit from the cosmetologist having a knowledge of these nerves.

Research (optional):

9. Write a research paper on how the nerves affect the services given in a

salon. How and why do nerves come into play during a manicure?

Pedicure? Facial? Scalp Treatment? The paper must be at least three (3)

pages in length, double-spaced and typed or printed (not cursive) neatly. At

least three (3) resources must be utilized and a list if those resources attached

using Citation Machine for formatting the bibliography.