June 2012


NAME:Milton Viederman, M.D.

BUSINESS:60 Sutton Place South, Suite 1-CN

New York, NY 10022

Tel: 212-308-2179/Fax: 212-308-2307

EDUCATION:B.A., Columbia College, 1951

M.D., Cum Laude, Harvard Medical School, 1955

Internship:Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston,

Massachusetts, 1955-56, Medicine

Residency:New York State Psychiatric Institute, Psychiatry, 1956-57, 1960-62

Service:U.S. Army, Captain MC, France, 1957-60

License:New York State


Training:Columbia Psychoanalytic Clinic, 1960-64

Diplomate:American Board of Psychiatry, 1966


Current:Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, 2003

New York Presbyterian Hospital

Attending Psychiatrist, 1978-present

Columbia Psychoanalytic Center

Faculty Member, 1964-present

Staff Psychoanalyst, 1969-present

Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, 1969-present

Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons

Lecturer in Psychiatry, 1975-present

Ethics Committee, 1990-present

CURRENTConsultation-Liaison Patient Conference

ACTIVITIES: Psychiatric Residents and Medical Students.

Weekly, 1-1/2 hrs.

Professor Rounds Inpatient – Payne Whitney Clinic

Monthly, 1-1/2 hrs.

CIMA Patient Conference, Monthly, 1-1/2 hrs.

Primary Care Medical Student Conference

Monthly, 1-1/2 hrs.

Seminar in Psychotherapy Course, Yearly, 3 sessions

Qatar Conferences – Skype Televised, Yearly, 3 sequences

Undergraduate Cornell Student Conference, Yearly, 1-1/2 hours


Weill Medical College ofCornell University

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, 1978-2003

The New York Presbyterian Hospital

Director, Consultation-Liaison Service, 1975-2000

Cornell University Medical College

Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, 1975-78

The New York Hospital

Director, Psychiatric Services

Rogosin Kidney Center, 1975-80

Columbia University College of Physicians& Surgeons

Instructor of Psychiatry, 1962-67

Associate in Psychiatry, 1967-71

Assistant Clinical Professor, 1971-75

Consultant, Hemodialysis and Transplant Unit, 1970-75

Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Training and Research

Associate Director, 1991-1997

Memorial-Sloan Kettering Medical Center

Adjunct Attending Physician,

Psychiatry Service, 1975-2002

Rockefeller University Hospital

Consultant, 1978-2002


The Boylston Society (Harvard Medical School), 1954-present

The Aesculapian Club (Harvard Medical School), 1954-present

American Psychoanalytic Association, 1968-present

American Psychiatric Association, 1960-Present; Fellow,

1970-present;Life Fellow, 1995

Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine,1964-present

New York Academy of Science, 1968-1990,Fellow 1990-present

American Association for the Advancement ofScience, 1970-present

American Psychosomatic Society, 1975-present Council 1987-1990

College Art Association of America, 1982

New York Psychiatric Society, 1983-present

The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, 1988-present

American College of Psychoanalysts, 1989-present

New York Academy of Medicine, Fellow, 1991-present

The Century Association - 1993


M.D., Cum Laude, Harvard Medical School, 1955

Merit Award for Outstanding Candidate,

Psychoanalytic Clinic, 1964

Outstanding Teacher Award, presented by

Westchester Division, The New York Hospital, 1979

Outstanding Teacher Award, presented by

Payne Whitney Clinic 1980

Distinguished Lecturer, Radcliffe Hospital,

Oxford University School of Medicine,

Oxford, England, May 1982

Visiting Professor, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital,

Boston, Massachusetts, February, 1984

Visiting Professor, Duke University Medical School,

Dept. of Psychiatry, Durham, NC,

April, 1984 San Diego, CA, May, 1984

Outstanding Teacher Award, presented by PayneWhitney Clinic,

June 1984

Visiting Professor, Michael Reese Hospital,

University of Chicago, April 2, 1985

Richard and Editha Sterba Lecture in Applied

Psychoanalysis, Michigan PSA Institute,

April 13, 1985

Visiting Professor, Maine Medical Center,

October 22,23,1985; June 9,10, 1986

Cedar/Sinai Medical Center, Kira Anchin Kaniel Memorial Lecture, October 1987.

The American College of Psychoanalysis. Fellow 1987

Visiting Professor, UCLA School of Medicine, 1987

Dr. Nathan Sidel Lecture on The Art of Medicine.

Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA, April 1988.

The Michael M. Axinn Third Annual Memorial Conference

“Coping with Death”– North Shore University Hospital.

May, 1988

Robert Liebert Award in Applied Psychoanalysis, 1990

Samuel W. Perry, III, M.D. Memorial Lecture

Payne Whitney Clinic - April 1996

Outstanding Teacher Award, presented by

Payne Whitney Clinic, 1996

John O'Connor Prize for Outstanding Teacher,

Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for

Training and Research, 1996

Society for Liaison Psychiatry -

Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award, June 1997

Ruth B. Easser Memorial Lecture

Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, November 1998

Goldman Award - Columbia Psychoanalytic Center

Outstanding Contributions - 1999

Psychiatric Services - Gold Video Award

American Psychiatric Association;October 2001

Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Weill Medical College of Cornell University2002

Praeger Lecture: Psychoanalysis and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

Visiting Professor

George Washington University Medical School, April 10, 2003

Visiting Professor, Chengdu University, Chengdu, China,

May 29-June 9, 2006

Master Clinician Presentation, American Psychosomatic Society,

Tucson, Arizona, November 15, 2006


C-L Training Grant - #T01 MH14747-04, 1977-1980, National Institute of

MentalHealth - Principal Investigator

C-L Training Grant - #T01 MH14747-04, 1980-1985 (until 1983 when funding discontinued for Consultation-Liaison Training), Principal Investigator

AIDS Training Contract #278-88-0013, 1988- 1991, National Institute of

Mental Health, Principal Investigator

Soros Foundation Proposal: "Care of the Dying Patient and Family", 1998-2000


American Psychoanalytic Association, Committee on New Training Facilities, 1978-1981

Committee on Psychoanalysis, Community & Society,1983-1990

Program Committee, 1983-1986

International Psychoanalytic Association Evaluation of new training facility - IPSAR

New York Academy of Medicine - Committee on Physician AssistedSuicide

Columbia Psychoanalytic Center for Training and Research

Current - Current Administrative Roles

Associate Director, 1991-1996

Executive Committee, 1980-1998

Administrative Committee, 1991-1996

Rado Lectureship Committee, Chairman 1984-1990

Special Candidates Committee, Chairman, 1990

Teaching: Psychoanalytic Theory & Clinical Case Conferences

Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst, 1969-present

Committees: Membership on committees (at various times),

Executive, Progression, Curriculum, Selection,

Training Analysis (Chairman)

Emory Liaison to Provisional Institute

Search Committee for Director (1975, 1980, 1986 (Chairman)

Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine, Program Committee

American Psychosomatic Society,

Program Committee, 1986-1989

Member of Council, 1986-1989

Long Range Planning Committee, 1992-1994

Editorial Board-General Hospital Psychiatry, 1988-present

Reviewer for:

American Journal of Psychiatry

Archives of General Psychiatry

Hospital and Community Psychiatry


Psychosomatic Medicine

Journal of Psychotherapy Practice & Research

International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine

International Journal of Psychoanalysis


Teaching at CUMC-NYPH -- Psychiatry Residents

PGY II - Interviewing Course

PGY II - Introduction to Psychotherapy

PGY III – Weekly Case Conference on C-L Service

PGY IV - Professor Rounds

PGY II-IV - Supervision of Residents

CUMC I - Co-Director Course-AIDS as a Paradigm, 1985-1990

Lectures: Coping and Adaptation: Active Engagement of the Patient


Lectures: Understanding and Engaging the Medical Patient

(Course on Physical Diagnosis)

Psychosomatic Medicine (Psychopathology Course)


Clinical Clerkship - Psychiatry

Primary Care Conference (monthly)

"How to Talk to the Physically-Ill Patient"

CUMC III and IV - Case Conferences in Medical Outpatient Clinic

Medical House Staff Bimonthly Case Conferences:

1) Medical Outpatient Clinic (CIMA)

2) Monthly Professor Rounds - All Medical Housestaff - Inpatient


Appointment & Promotions Committee - 1987-1991

Residency Training Committee - 1978-1990

Medical Student Education Committee - 1978-1990

PGY III Committee, Chairman - 1984-1987

CUMC II -- Task Force -- Clinical Clerkship, 1995

Faculty Council -- 1984-present, President 1985-1986

Resident Selection Committee - 1978-2005

New York Hospital-AIDS Advisory Committee - 1985

New York Presbyterian Hospital Ethics Committee - 1990-Present

CUMC Financial Aid Committee, 1992-1997

Appeals Committee, 1992-2005

Ad Hoc Committee - Revision of Psychotherapy Curriculum atPayne Whitney Clinic

Rockefeller University - Institutional Review Board, 1997



Viederman M: Anxiety: A confusion of tongues. Int J Psychiatry 9:101-12, 1970.

Viederman M: Adaptive and maladaptive regression in hemodialysis. Psychiatry 37:68-77, 1974.

Viederman M: Case studies in bioethics -- exploring adaptation. The Hastings Center Report 4:8-9, 1974.

Viederman M: The search for meaning in renal transplant. Psychiatry 37:283-290, 1974.

Viederman M: Psychogenic factors in kidney transplant rejection: A case study. A J Psych 132:957-959, 1975.

Viederman M: The influence of the person of the analyst on structural change: A case report. Psychoanal Qtrly XLV:231-249, 1976.

Viederman M and Rusk GH: Psychotherapeutic agents in renal failure. Am J Medicine 62:529-533, 1977.

Viederman M: The doctor-patient relationship as it pertains to patients with terminal renal failure. J Dialysis

1:749-755, 1977.

Viederman M and Rusk GH: The appropriate use of psychotropic drugs in medical practice. Primary Care 4:601-616, 1977.

Viederman M and Rusk GH: The influence of early deprivation on regressive behavior in the hospital: A clinical case conference. Int J Psych Med 8:303-314, 1977-1978.

Viederman M: On the vicissitudes of the need for control in patients confronted with hemodialysis. Comprehen Psych 19:455-467, 1978.

Viederman M: Monica: A twenty-five year longitudinal study of the consequences of trauma in infancy. Panel report. J Amer Psychoanal Assoc 27:107-126, 1979.

Viederman M and Perry S: Use of a psychodynamic life narrative in the treatment of depression in the physically ill. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 3:177-185, 1980.

Viederman M: Psychosocial care of the dying patient. PsychosomMed 42:380, 1980.

Perry S and Viederman M: Management of emotional reactions to acute medical illness.

Med Clinics of N Amer 65:3-14, 1981.

Perry S and Viederman M: The doctor as patient. Cornell University Medical College Alumni Quarterly 43:20, 1981.

Perry S and Viederman M: Adaptation of residents to Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: I. Working with the physically ill. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 3:141-147, 1981.

Perry S and Viederman M: Adaptation of residents to consultation-liaison psychiatry: II. Working with the non-psychiatric staff. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 3:149-156, 1981.

Friedlander RJ and Viederman M: Children of dialysis patients. Amer J Psychiatry 139:100-103, 1982.

Viederman M: The crisis in private consultation. Hosp Comm Psych 33:12, 1982.

Jacobs A and Viederman M: Adaptation to kidney transplantation: a case presentation and discussion. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 4:229-306, 1982.

Viederman M: The psychodynamic life narrative: A psychotherapeutic intervention useful in crisis situations. Psychiatry 46:236-246, 1983.

Viederman M: The scientific aspects of psychoanalysis and their impact upon authoritarianism and idealization in psychoanalytic training. Bulletin Assoc Psychoanal Med 23:33-43, 1983.

Viederman M: Meaning as an intervening variable. Clin Exper Dialysis and Apheresis 7:391-396, 1983.

Viederman M: The active dynamic interview and the supportive relationship. Comprehen Psych 25:147-157, 1984.

Viederman M: Obstacles to integration of medical and psychiatric care. Investigative Psych 3:93-94, 1985.

Markowitz J and Viederman M: A case report of dissociative pseudodementia. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 8:87-90, 1986.

Viederman M: Personality change through life experience (I): A model. Psychiatry 49:204-217, 1986.

Viederman M: Rene Magritte: Coping with loss-reality and illusion. J Amer Psychoanal Assoc 35:967-998, 1987.

Viederman M and Hymowitz P: A developmental-psychodynamic model for diabetic control. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 10:34-40, 1988.

Abrams B and Viederman M: Pregnancy and childbirth: Normal and abnormal reactions. Outlook Newsletter - Dept. of Psychiatry - Spring, 1988.

Viederman M: Psychoanalysis and the use of psychoactive drugs. Bulletin Psychoanalytic Assoc 28:83-88, 1988-1989.

Polan J, Auerbach M, Viederman M: AIDS as a paradigm of human behavior in disease: Impact and implications of a course. Acad Psych 14:197-203, 1990.

Viederman M: The impact of the real person of the analyst on the psychoanalytic cure. J Amer Psychoan Assoc 39:451-489, 1991.

Viederman M: Psychodynamic psychiatry remains integral to treatment. Psych Times/Med & Behavior P. 26, December, 1991.

Viederman M: Discussion: An anxious patient with longstanding CUML. Oncol Times Pp. 27-30, October, 1991.

Epstein J and Viederman M: Case of a 39 year old unemployed engineer with hypochondriasis. J Psychother Prac and Research 1:172-183, 1992.

Stoute B, Messina E, Viederman M: Case of a 43-year-old nurse with psychogenic fugue states. J Psychother Prac and Research 1:372-386, 1992.

Viederman M: La persona real dell'analista e il suo ruolo all' interno del processo di cura psicoanalitica. Gli Argonauti 14:187-219, 1992.

Viederman M: Actualisation d'un roman familial et utilisation due passe. Psychiatrie Francaise 24:78-93, 1993.

Viederman M and Blumberg H: Anatomy of a consultation: A teaching method. Gen Hosp Psych 15:183-199, 1993.

Viederman M: A "countertransference cure" through enactment.

J Psychother Prac & Res 2(4)334-341, 1993.

Viederman M: Picasso & Matisse: An unusual relationship: The final encounter of Picasso and Matisse. Psychoanalytic Quarterly LXII, pp. 615-627, 1993.

Viederman M: Edvard Munch: A life in art. J Acad Psychoanal 22(1)73-110, 1994.

Viederman M: The uses of the past and the actualization of a family romance. J Amer Psychoanal Assoc 42(2)469-489, 1994.

Viederman M: Grief: Normal and pathological variants. Editorial - Amer J Psychiatry 152:1-4, 1995.

Viederman M: Metaphor and meaning in conversion disorder: A brief active therapy. Psychosomatic Medicine 57(4)403-409, 1995.

Viederman M: An artist's defense against the fear of loss of creativity toward the end of his life. Psychoanalytic Quarterly LXIV, pp. 691-698, 1995.

Viederman M: The reconstruction of a repressed sexual molestation fifty years later. J Amer Psychoanalytic Assoc 43(4)1169-1195, 1995.

Viederman M: The computer age: Beware the loss of the narrative. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 17(3)157-159, 1995.

Fins J, Viederman M: Case Study - But is it assisted? Hastings Center Report,

May-June, 24-25, 1995.

Zaubler T, Viederman M, Fins J: Ethical, legal, and psychiatric issues in capacity, competency, and informed consent. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 18:155-172, 1996.

Blumberg H, Kanwal G, Relkin N, Mattis S, Viederman M, Makari G: Psychiatric complications in a patient with complex partial seizures. Am J Psychiatry 153:(3)404-409, 1996.

Stoute B, Shapiro T, Viederman M: Developmental arrest and maternal loss in an adolescent girl with lupus erythematosus and terminal renal failure. Amer J Psychiatry 153(11)1476-1482, 1996.

Viederman M: Presence and enactment as a vehicle of psychotherapeutic change.

The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 8:274-283, 1999.

Viederman M: Georges Seurat: A man divided. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 22(1)111-148, 1999.

Mack AH and Viederman M: The use of a transitional object in the context of medical illness. Psychosomatics 41(S):433-5, 2000.

Viederman M: Active engagement in the consultation process. General Hospital Psychiatry 24(2)93-100, 2002.

Viederman, M:The therapeutic consultation: Finding the patient.

American Journal of Psychotherapy 60(2)153-159, 2006.

Viederman, M: A model for interpretative supportive dynamic

Psychotherapy. Psychiatry 71(4)349-358, Winter 2008

Viederman M: Treatment of the dying patient. (In preparation)

Viederman M: The induction of non-interpreted benevolent transference as a vehicle for change. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 65: 337-354, 2011


Viederman M: Response to Letter to the Editor "Grief and Object Constancy" by Douglas H. Frayn, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) in the Am J Psychiatry 153(2)297, 1996.

Viederman M: Response to Dr. Brenneis's Letter to the Editor on "The reconstruction of a repressed sexual molestation fifty years later." J Amer Psychoanalytic Assoc (In press)

Viederman M: Reconstruction and Veridicality. J Amer Psychoanalytic Assoc 46(2)551-556, 1998.

Barocas D, Difede J, Viederman M, Madden M, Yurt R: A case of chronic factitious disorder presenting as repeated, self-inflicted burns. Psychosomatic 39:79-80, 1998.

Viederman M: Review - Sigmundoscopy: Medical-Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison: The Basics by David J. Robinson, JAMA:248(12)1580, 2000.


Viederman M and Rusk GH: Dialysis and transplantation: psychological management. In: Manual of Clinical Nephrology. Eds. Cheigh JS, Stenzel KH and Rubin AL. Boston & London: Martinus Nijhoff, Medical Division, 1981.

Viederman M: The life trajectory of patients with long-term kidney transplants - A pilot study. In: Psychonephrology, I. Psychological Factors in Hemodialysis and Transplantation. Ed. Levy N, New York: Plenum Publ. Corp., 1981.

Friedlander RJ and Viederman M: Children of dialysis patients. In: Psychonephrology 2.Psychological in Kidney Failure and Treatment. Ed. Levy N, New York: Plenum, 1983.

Viederman M: Psychophysiological disorders. In: Core Readings in Psychiatry: An Annotated Guide to Literature. Eds. Sacks M, Sledge W, Rubinton P, New York: Praeger, 1984.

Viederman M: Somatoform disorders. Vol. 1, Chapter 35. In: Psychiatry. Ed. Michels R, Philadelphia: Basic Books & Lippincott, 1985.

Viederman M: Psychotherapeutic approaches in medical illness. Vol II. Chapter 108, pp. 1-12. In: Psychiatry Ed. Michels R, Philadelphia, Basic Books and Lippincott, 1985.

Viederman M: The Psychodynamic Life Narrative: Its Implications As a Transference Cure. Pp. 129-148. In: Between Analyst and Patient. Ed. Meyers H, New York: The Analytic Press, 1986.

Viederman M: The nature of passionate love. Pp. 1-14. In: Passionate Attachments. Eds. Person E, Gaylin, W.,The Analytic Free Press, 1987.

Viederman M: Matisse's Nice period, 1917-1928: A confrontation with middle age. Pp. 257-285. In: The Middle Years: New Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Eds. Liebert R and Oldham J,

Yale University Press, 1988.

Viederman M: Pathological grief response. In: Phenomenology of Depressive Illness. Vol. 1, pp. 238-255. Ed. Mann J, Human Sciences Press, Inc.), 1988.

Viederman M: Personality change through life experience (II): The role of ego ideal, personality, and events. Pp. 111-132. In: Psychoanalysis: Toward the Second Century. Ed. Cooper A, Yale University Press, 1989.

Viederman M: Personality change through life experience (III): Two creative types of response to object loss. Pp. 187-212. In: The Problem of Loss and Mourning: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. Eds. Dietrich D and Shabad P, International Universities Press, 1989.

Viederman M: Middle life as a period of mutative change. Pp. 224-239. In: The Middle Years. Eds. Liebert R and Oldham J, Yale University Press, 1989.

Havens J, Rudolph D, Viederman M: Somatization disorder and hypochondriasis in the medical setting - Current therapy. In: Gastroenterology and Liver Disease 3. Ed. Bayless T, Meyerforr Center for Digestive Disease, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1989.

Viederman M: Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts - Contributor-Eds. Moore, B., Fine, B. The American Psychoanalytic Association and Yale University Press, 1990.


Mahler J and Viederman M: Syndromes of Emotional Origin. Pp. 922-951. In: Differential Diagnosis Ed. Barondess J et al. Lea & Flieger, 1994.

Luber MP and Viederman M: Psychosomatic Medicine. Pp. 341-353. In: Core Readings in Psychiatry: An Annotated Guide to the Literature Ed. Sacks M, Sledge W and Warren C - American Psychiatric Press, Inc., Second Edition, 1995.

Viederman M: The influence of personality on reactions of older adults to physical illness. Pp. 175-187. In: Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment. Eds. C. Rosowsky, R. Abrams and R. Zweig, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahway, NJ, 1999.

Viederman M: Life narrative in psychotherapy of a cancer patient. Pp.215-222. In: Psychiatric Dimensions of Palliative Medicine, Eds. Breitbart W and Chochinov HM, Oxford University Press, New York 2000.

Viederman M: A psychoanalytic stance. Pp. 57-64. In: Changing Ideas in a Changing World: The Revolution in Psychoanalysis. Essays in Honour of Arnold Cooper. Eds. J. Sandler, R. Michels, P. Fonagy. Karnac Books, London 2000.

Viederman M: The psychodynamic consultation. Pp. 183-186. In: Approach to the Psychiatric Patient: Case-Based Essays. Ed. J Barnhill, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C. 2008.


Viederman M: Discussion of "Methodological Issues in the Psychoanalytic Study of an Artist" by RS Liebert, M.D. in Bulletin Assoc Psychoanal Med 21:146-148, 1982.

Viederman M: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Art, Volume 3. Edited by Mary Mathews Gedo. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, 1988. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 59:481-486, 1990.

Viederman M: Introspection in Biography: The Biographer's Quest for Self. J Amer Psychoanl Assoc 40:286-295, 1992.

Viederman M: The Ability to Mourn. Disillusionment and the Social Origins of Psychoanalysis. By Peter Homans. Chicago Press, 1989. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 511:497-501, 1992.

Viederman M: Le Psychanalyste et Le Vieillard - Gerard Le Goues - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1991. J Amer Psychoanal Assoc 42(3)951-955, 1994.

Viederman M: Integrating Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy. American Psychiatric Press, Eds. Beitman BD and Klerman GL. Psychosomatic Medicine 56:475, 1994.

Viederman M: Charles Ives: "My Father's Song": By S. Feder - Yale University Press, New Haven, Psychoanalytic Quarterly Vol. LXIV, No. 1:190-3, 1995.

Viederman M: Wilson & Gedo: Hierarchical Concepts in Psychoanalysis. J Amer Psychoanalytic A 43(4)1239, 1995.

Viederman M: Dynamic Psychiatry: Explorations in Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, and Psychosomatic Medicine. By Pietro Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Madison, CT: International Universities Press, 1991, P. 460. Int J Psycho-Analysis 76(4)863-865, 1995.

Viederman M: The Many Faces of Deceit. Omissions, Lies, and Disguises in Psychotherapy. By HK Gediman and JS Lieberman - Jason Aronson, Inc., Northvale, NJ, Int J Psychoanalysis 1996

Viederman M: Authority: The most misunderstood idea in America. By E. Kennedy and S.C. Charles, The Free Press, New York, NY. JAMA 279(5)1222-1223, 1998.

Viederman M: Psychoanalytic Participation: Action, Interaction and Integration. Frank, Kenneth A., Analytic Press 1999, Hillsdale, NJ. 2002