Exclusive Breast Feeding
- Who has breastfed their children and how long did you breastfeed for?
- Why is breastfeeding so important?
- Should you give any other drinks to your baby in the first few months?
- How long should you breastfeed your baby for?
- Breast milk is the best milk for babies. No other milk provides the same amount of goodness and is as easy and safe to prepare.
- Newborn babies benefit from skin-to-skin contact with their mothers and they should start breastfeeding within the first hour of being born.
- The thick, yellowish milk produced in the first few days is called colostrum. This is the best food for newborn babies and they must be given this milk. If you are told to waste this milk because it is bad you are being given the wrong information.
- Exclusive breastfeeding means that babies are fed nothing else but breast milk for the first six months of life. The more you breastfeed your baby, the more milk you will produce. Babies need to be fed on demand; do not limit the amount of milk your baby takes.
- Babies should not be given water, tea, fruit juice, herbs or traditional medicine in the first six months. Babies do not normally need any other drinks whilst they are being breastfed.
- Babies should be breast fed for at least the first six months of their life and can continue beyond 2 years if you want.
- Breast milk is the best for your baby for many reasons:
–It contains exactly the right amount of nutrients that your baby needs to grow during the first six months
–It is easily absorbed by your baby’s gut and used by your baby’s body
–It provides protection for your baby against infection
–It helps you to bond with your baby
–It is always sterile, which reduces the chance of your baby getting diarrhoea
–It does not cost anything, it is always ready and it is always at the right temperature for your baby
–It can protect you from getting pregnant again; although it is not a 100% reliable method of contraception
- If you think you may be infected with HIV/AIDS you must seek advice from a qualified health professional because breastfeeding can also spread the infection from you to your baby.
Complementary Feeding of
Children from 6 Months
- When should you start to give your baby food other than milk?
- What types of food should you give your baby?
- Why is it important to give babies the right foods when they are growing?
- Complementary feeding is the process when food is fed to your baby as well as breast milk.
- Breast feeding should continue during the process of weaning and slowly your baby will need less breast milk and will get enough energy and nutrients from your family food.
- The best time to start giving your baby solid food is at the age of 6 months. At this age your baby needs more nutrients and energy than the breast milk provides and their gut is able to digest most family foods.
- Before 6 months the gut cannot digest family foods and so your baby should be kept on breast milk alone. Introducing family foods too early can cause your baby to have diarrhoea and will reduce the amount of nutrients and energy that your baby receives.
- Complementary feeding can be a dangerous time for your baby if he does not receive foods that provide the right amount of energy and nutrients.
- Young babies and children have small stomachs and cannot manage to eat a lot of food in one time. For this reason they must receive 4-5 small meals during the day that provide a high level of energy and nutrients.
- When introducing new foods to your baby start with one simple taste and texture then introduce other tastes and textures as your baby becomes happy and confident with the new food. Give the food after a breastfeed so that he continues to suckle as much as possible.
- Porridge is a good food to start complementary feeding with; however plain porridge made from maize meal or flour is not very rich in energy and nutrients. You can add peanut butter or mashed fruit or vegetable, such as banana, carrot or avocado, to the porridge to increase its energy and nutrient content. As your baby becomes happy with this porridge you can slowly introduce your family foods to him.
- You will need to encourage your baby to eat solid food initially, remember that he has been used to taking only breast milk.
- As your baby starts to eat more solid foods and take less breast milk he will need more drinks; your baby will not usually need extra drinks before 6 months. Use water that has been boiled and cooled or natural fruit juice diluted with safe water; if he has sugary drinks his teeth will be damaged before they come through.
- If your baby does not get the right foods he will not get the correct amount of energy and nutrients that he needs. Without this energy and nutrients he will become sick and malnourished. Take care to offer your baby the right foods during this important time.