ESL 046-01 Intermediate Speaking/Listening II

Fall, 2009

Instructor: Ted Uhlman

Days/Time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:25 à 2:20 PM

Room: 3279

CRN: 494

ESL 046-01 Intermediate Speaking/Listening II

Fall, 2009

Emergency Closing: School Number is 470 (2470 for night classes) Listen to KYW Radio (1060 AM) or go to if the weather is bad.

Textbooks and Materials (Buy these at the Book Store)


2  NOTEWORTHY (3rd Edition) – LIM

3  Spiral Notebooks (TWO): One each for NoteWorthy and Presentations

4  Recording Media (Choose One)

a  Blank Audio Cassette Tapes (not micro-cassettes)

b  Thumb Drive (with your name on it)

c  Email – (for short audio projects)

Course Description

·  This course emphasizes the comprehension and production of longer segments of speech. Students entering the course should be able to extend a narrative to several sentences. The class covers speaking in everyday situations conventions of speaking in academic settings (e.g., participating in class discussions) and pronunciation. Students normally take this course with Intermediate Reading II (ESL 045) and Intermediate Writing II (ESL 044). An additional two hours each week of lab time will provide extra listening practice. =

·  Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

o  Use different levels of politeness in a variety of situations.

Speak spontaneously at an extended level of discourse.

Organize and deliver a five to seven minute presentation.

o  Contribute to group problem-solving discussions.

Use listening strategies to understand the main points in longer narratives and conversation, some unsimplified.

Take notes on extended narratives.

Improve pronunciation and intonation.

o  Demonstrate grammatical accuracy in most everyday conversational situations.

·  Prerequisite: Intermediate Speaking/Listening I (ESL 036).

·  Special needs students with learning, physical, or psychological disabilities who require accommodations for this course must contact the Director of Special Needs Services in room 1320 (Marple campus) in the Career and Counseling Center or call 610.325.2748. Please meet with the director to discuss your accommodation letter.

·  Students who need help planning, editing or documenting written assignments can schedule a tutoring session in the Writing Center, room 4277. The Center is open from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments are strongly recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. Call for an appointment at 610.359.5018.

Course Requirements

·  Tutoring and Learning Center - This class meets three hours each week in the classroom and two additional hours in the Tutoring Center (Room 1175) and the Learning Center (Room 4260). You will listen to audio tapes/CDs and complete listening activities in Room 4260, and you will work with a tutor (probably in a small group) in Room 1175. There will be tests on the listening assignments. Students who do not attend tutoring will not pass the course. Over the course of the semester, you are permitted to miss tutoring three times.

·  In Class – attendance is required. Over the course of the semester, you are permitted to miss class three times. If you miss more than three times, ten points will be deducted from your final grade for each additional time you miss class. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS. “I WASN’T HERE” IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE REASON FOR INCOMPLETE WORK.

o  Listening Tests – You will listen to the teacher, or a tape, or other students, and answer questions based on what was said.

o  Speaking Tests – You will speak to the teacher, another student, and/or the entire class.

o  Participation in Class – You will speak and listen to the teacher, students and tapes.

o  Homework – You will complete exercises as assigned.

o  Tapes – You will record tapes and hand them in to the teacher as assigned.

Final Course Grades

HP High Pass - Excellent Work (>92) Student will move out of ESL 046

P Pass - Good Work (75 – 92) Student will move out of ESL 046

NP Not Passing Not Enough Improvement (<75) Student will repeat ESL 046

W Withdraw Course is not completed Student will repeat ESL 046

Grades are calculated thus:

·  (80%) Listening Tests: Five tests on Noteworthy and Five tests on your presentations

·  (10%) I can add as much as ten points as part of my subjective grade for your homework (on time, complete, effort) and presentations (on time, complete, effort, understandable, interesting)

·  (10%) Speaking based on the comprehensibility of presentations and tapes. You must attain a passing score on all the tapes.

·  Class / Tutoring Attendance: You are allowed three absences (with or without an excuse). For additional absence, you lose 10 points from your final grade.

·  MISSED A TEST? No makeup tests are given, but EVERY student will erase the lowest grade. If you miss a test and get a ZERO, that grade will be dropped. If you miss two tests, you have a problem.

Class Rules

1.  During tests, do not talk or look at other students’ papers.

2.  Do your own homework; do not copy homework from others let others copy your homework.

3.  If you are late for class, come in quietly and sit down quietly. If you are less than 15 minutes late, you are ½ absent. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you are absent. Three absences are all that are allowed.

4.  Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in class. I can’t do it, so you can’t either. WATER ONLY IS ALLOWED.

College Rules

1.  Students must attend class.

2.  Students must attend tutoring.

3.  Students must attend final exams.

ESL 046-01 Intermediate Speaking/Listening II

Fall, 2009


Week / Starts / NoteWorthy / Targeting Pronunciation / Presentations / Tests / HW
1 / 8/31 / 1st Day Test / Chapt 1 / Chapter 1 / Introductions / Prepare Outline for Introduction
2 / 9/7 / Mon. NC / Chapt 2 / Chapter 2 / Tape #1 TP
3 / 9/14 / Chapt 3 / Chapter 3 / Outline Sport
4 / 9/21 / Chapt 4 / Chapter 4
5 / 9/28 / Chapt 5 / Chapter 5 / Sport/Hobby / NW 1-3 / Tape #2 Empire
6 / 10/5 / Chapt 6 / Chapter 6 / Introductions / Outline Folktale
7 / 10/12 / Chapt 7 / Chapter 7
8 / 10/19 / Chapt 8 / Chapter 8 / Folktale / NW 4-6 / Tape #3 R-L
9 / 10/26 / Mon. NC / Chapt 9 / Chapter 9 / Sport/Hobby / Outline History
10 / 11/2 / Chapt 10 / Chapter 10
11 / 11/9 / Chapt 11 / Chapter 11 / History / NW 7-9 / Tape #4 Th
12 / 11/16 / Chapt 12 / Chapter 12 / Folktale
13 / 11/23 / Fri. NC / Chapt 13 / Appendix A / Outline Choice
14 / 11/30 / Chapt 14 / Appendix B / Your Choice / NW 10-12
15 / 12/7 / Chapt 15 / History
12/14 / Monday = Last day of class
12/15 à12/21 FINAL EXAM WEEK (NW 13-15 & Your Choice Test)


/ Topic
#1 / 3 – 5 / Introduce Yourself
#2 / 4 – 6 / Your Sport or Hobby
#3 / 5 – 7 / Folktale
#4 / 6 - 8 / History

subject = folklore

GOOGLE “folklore”