SEPTEMBER VACATION CARE 2016 Program & Booking Form

Monday 26th Sept.

Niagara Park Sports Centre
Get active with some:
Wheelchair Basketball, Soccer, Trampolining, Foam pit much more.
Remember your socks & joggers!
Depart: 9.15am
Return: 3pm
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Tuesday 27th Sept.
Clip & Climb
Check out Gosford’s newest indoor
climbing centre.
Race your mates on the speed walls or spiral stair case!

Depart: 11am
Return: 3pm
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Wednesday 28th Sept.
Ettalong Movies
K, Yr 1,2 &3

Yr 4,5 & 6

Drinks & popcorn provided.
Depart: 9.30am
Return: TBA
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Thursday 29th Sept.
Japanese Gardens
We are heading back to East Gosford to explore the tranquil Japanese Gardens.
We will have a guided tour through the garden’s, have an art lesson before heading to the park for a play.
Depart: 8.15am
Return: 3pm
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Friday 30th Sept.
Centre Day

Today we will be having a day of imagination & play using a range of LEGO@ pieces.
Perm:$47 Non-Perm:$52
Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name:
Monday 3rd October
/ Tuesday 4th October
Centre Day
We will be splitting up into teams today and racing against the clock to collect clues & make it to the nearest checkpoint.
Perm:$47 Non-Perm:$52 / Wednesday 5th October
Ten Pin Bowling

Come & join us for 2 games of Bumper Bowling!
Remember your SOCKS!
Depart: 10.15am
Return: 1.30pm
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Thursday 6th October
Umina Park
& Scooters
Join us for a play at Umina park & enjoy hot chips for lunch.
Bring your scooter & helmet along.
Depart: 8.15am
Return: 2pm
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57 / Friday 7th October
Ettalong Movies

Drink & popcorn provided.
Depart: 9.30am
Return: TBA
Perm:$52 Non-Perm:$57
Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name: / Child’s Name:
Parent Sign: / Date:

Permission Form

Child 1: / Child 2:
Child 3: / Child 4:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Date: / Excursion & Activity Details / Initial
26th September 2016 / NIAGARA PARK SPORTS CENTRE
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Niagara Park Sports Centre & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff. =Sports.
Sausage sandwich & ice block will be provided.
The children will be away from the centre between 9.30am & 3pm.
27th September 2016 / CLIP N CLIMB
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Gosford Leagues Club & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff= Clip n Climb.
I have signed Clip N Climb waiver.
The children will be away from the centre between 11am & 3pm.
28th September 2016 / ETTALONG CINEMA
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Ettalong Cinema & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff.= Watching a movie.
I understand that the movie will be rated PG & that a pop top juice & popcorn will be provided to the children.
The children will be away from the centre between 9.30am & 2pm.
29th September 2016 / JAPANESE GARDENS
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to East Gosford Japanese Gardens & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff.= Walking through gardens, crafts & playing at park.
The children will be away from the centre between 8.30am & 3pm.
30th September 2016 / CENTRE LEGO DAY
I give permission for my child to participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff whilst in their care.
Cooking & eating of cakes.
4th October 2016 / CENTRE AMAZING RACE DAY
I give permission for my child to participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff whilst in their care.=Running.
5th October 2016 / WYOMING TEN PIN BOWLING
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Wyoming Bowling & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff. =Bowling.
The children will be away from the centre between 10.30am & 1.30pm.
6th October 2016 / UMINA SKATE PARK & PLAY PARK
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Umina skate park & play park & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff. = Skateboarding & playing at the park.
Hot chips will be provided for lunch.
The children will be away from the centre between 8.30am & 2pm.
7th October
I give permission for my child to travel by Private Bus: BUSWAYS to Ettalong Cinema & participate in activities organised by Brisbania BASVCC staff.= Watching a movie.
I understand that the movie will be rated PG & that a pop top juice & popcorn will be provided to the children.
The children will be away from the centre between 9.30am & 1.30pm.
Parent Sign: / Date:


Hours of operation are: 7.00am to 6.30pm


Please complete the booking forms & permission forms attached. Once you have booked your VC days, there will be no swapping of days. You may add days if we have a place.

See our “Calculate your fee's”, on the web page to calculate your CCB Rebate.

PAYMENT Statements will be issued on Tuesdays with total fees owing. Please keep fees up to date or your child’s place may be forfeited. Once a booking is made there will be no refunds given.

DEPARTURE TIME Please ensure you are here 15 minutes before departure time on programme.

BEHAVIOUR Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated at any time. Children who behave as such, risk being excluded from the programme. See our behavioural policy in our policy book.

MEDICATION Medication forms must be completed & all medication must be in original packets or Webster Packs with the child’s name on it. Under No Circumstances are children to carry medication on them. Children can carry Asthma puffers on them, but staff need to be aware they are asthmatic & Asthma forms completed.

IPODS/MP3/GAMES/PHONES No electrical devices allowed at the centre at any time.

PERMISSION NOTES Permission notes must be signed prior to activities. (attached)

CLOTHING Please send children in sun safe clothing. T-Shirts that cover their shoulders to prevent sunburn.


Socks & closed in shoes: joggers or skate shoes are ideal. NO THONGS, SANDALS or CROCS.

Hats: All children must wear a hat each day.

Please send a change of clothes in their bag in case of accidents, water play etc.

A jumper & raincoat or poncho should be in their bag in case of cold or wet weather.

FOOD We promote healthy eating habits in conjunction with an active programme. Could parents keep this in mind when packing children’s food for the day. Our Centre is NUT FREE.

AFTERNOON TEA: We provide AFTERNOON TEA for your children during Vacation Care. A rotating MENU is on display within our service. Please see staff if you have any questions regarding afternoon tea.

WATER All children require a refillable water bottle. If your child attends the centre without a refillable water bottle, they will be given one at a charge of $1.50.

LUNCH & SNACK ORDERS AVAILABLE. Orders must be handed in and payment made to centre staff no later than the day before. As we are a non-profit centre this is one of our fundraisers. All profits go back to the children.

WET WEATHER substitute activities will be sort if activities can not go ahead due to wet weather.

TRANSPORT Unless otherwise stated all transport will be by privately booked buses.

ILLNESS Do not send your child if they are sick or feeling unwell. As per policy P14, ‘Management of Incident, Injury, Illness & Trauma’.

LOST PROPERTY Please label ALL children’s items and check lost property if you have a lost item.

NON-ATTENDANCE A courtesy call would be appreciated if your child cannot attend as we may be booked out on the day and have a waiting list

OLDER CHILDREN Where possible we will provide special activities for Years 4, 5, 6 & 7.

PROGRAM Please be aware that this program may be subject to alteration at the Coordinators discretion. We hope your child enjoys their time with us.

Mobile: 0410 681 737 Phone: 0243696737 Mobile: 0410 469 673



Snacks / Lunch
o Muffin $1 / O Vegemite Sandwich $1
o Chocolate Biscuits $1 / O Jam Sandwich $1
o Grain Waves Chips $1 / O Ham Sandwich $2
o Banana $1 / O Cheese Sandwich $1
o Apple $1 / O Ham Cheese Sandwich $2.50
o Choc Milk Popper $2.50 / O Mac & Cheese $2
o Juice Popper $1 / O Noodle Cup $2
o Bottle of Water $1.50 / O Cheese Toastie $1
Total: / Total:
Paid: / Staff Sign:

* Please hand lunch orders to staff with payment no later than the day before. Thanks.

AFTERNOON TEA will now be provided during VACATION CARE.

Here is our menu for Afternoon Tea that will be rotated over the two week period.

Cookies & Milk

Custard & Fruit


Sao with Cheese/Tomato/Vegemite

Crackers & Dip