New Mexico Geospatial Advisory Committee
January 10, 2006
Porter Hall, EMRND (Wendell Chino) Building
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Chair: Richard Koehler Recorder: Leland Pierce
Called to Order: 9:30am
Agencies and Private Companies Represented: Department of Game & Fish; Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), IT, Mining, & Forestry; Resource Geographic Information Systems (RGIS), Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC); Department of Transportation; City of Albuquerque; Taxation and Revenue; State Land Office; Los Alamos county and NM Association of Counties; Bohannon-Huston; UNM Dept. of Government Research
The minutes from the December meeting and the agenda for the current meeting were accepted.
Highlight Corner – No presentation given
Old Business
· Statewide GIS Data Acquisition and Distribution Working Group (GDACC) – M. Inglis reported that the QC efforts by the USGS are now back in full swing following a delay for the holidays. 50% of the state images should soon be ready, and the goal remains to release 1/6 of the data with complete metadata by the end of the month. Final distribution of monies is being negotiated with the Army Corps of Engineers.
· Statewide GIT RFP- G. Condon announced that the three contracts have been finalized and that links are now in place at the State Purchasing website. Please see the e-mail from E. Martinez of SPO:
From: Martinez, Eluid, GSD
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:25 PM
To: Martinez, Eluid, GSD; 'Ben Dorland'; 'Kavanaugh, Kenneth J'; 'Kevin Hodson'
Cc: Storie, Glen D., NMDOT; Condon, Glenn S., NMDOT
Subject: RE: Notice of Award--Term Date Change.
Just wanted to let you all know that the Office of the State Purchasing Agent has approved the GIS Software awards.
Below are the links on the State's web-site:
ESRI-Agreement No. 61-000-000-00-00045 (61-00045):
Intergraph-Agreement No. 62-000-00-00045 (62-00045):
Leica-Agreement No. 63-000-00-00045 (62-00045):
Please review the website and send me any changes. The agreements are being scanned and will be active sometime on Friday, January 6, 2006. Please send any website change to me when you can.
Eluid J. Martinez
Information Technology Lead
State of New Mexico General Services Department
Purchasing Division
Phone: 505-827-0404
Fax: 505-827-2484
· Legislative Efforts- M. Inglis reported on recent efforts to craft a bill for a Geospatial Resource Center (GRC). A draft of the bill had drawn many comments, and, in one particular case, extensive criticism. M. Inglis described the history and intent of the GRC, how the committee to form the center purposely tried to avoid regulatory issues, that it was primarily a coordinating body, the funding request was the same as the 2005 C-3 plus monies for scoping of the rural addressing project and the scoping of a Geospatial Information Officer/coordinator (GIO), and that, if funded as a statutory body, would not be directly associated with the University of New Mexico. M. Inglis met with representatives of the OCIO and ITC and feels that the bill has their support.
E. Wright expressed concern that agencies that cannot manage the GIT demands placed upon them are not as well represented in this bill as they were in the 2005 C-3 request; he further expressed concern that with a lack of a revenue stream and an emergency clause to begin funding for the center prior to the start of the next financial year, the new center would not have sufficient products in place to meet the demands placed upon the GRC by the legislators. E. Wright proposed that a memorial with language requiring long-term funding for the center and a GIO would be a better option.
M. Inglis would take all comments and proceed from there, under severe time constraints.
New Business
· 2006 Chairman- Rick Koehler of the Mining Division of Energy, Minerals, & Natural Resources was voted in as the 2006 chair.
· Cadastral Survey- E. Wright and J. Phillips were concerned that the recent completion of a cadastral survey form might have given the impression that the state has people employed to manage cadastral mapping when the work is done on a voluntary basis, and that a plan was already in place when it is still in process. Both emphasized the need for more and better coordination in the state on such issues.
· Centerline Standards- E. Wright expressed concern that DFA would use postal standards for the E-911 project where as such national entities as the 2010 Census would use FGDC standards. After an extensive committee discussion, which centered principally upon the imperative for better coordination, E. Wright was going to develop a review of the two standards and new chairman R. Koehler would contact OCIO staff about the statewide efforts for IT standards, and arrange a meeting of concerned parties if possible to move towards resolving issues with the DFA proposal.
· 2006 Strategy for the GAC- R. Koehler would forward the GAC strategy to a committee formed in December to revise the document. The committee felt it would be important to emphasize specific goals and accomplishments, in addition to the standard yearly revisoiin and updating neceesary.
· National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) – L. Pierce reported that he would be able to accept the position as the representative for New Mexico for the time being. Recent activity included the development of a document to describe the duties of a FGDC committee on wildfire cadastral issues, concerns that the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency was not respecting state entities, the use of centerline data to improve taxation and revenue, that the Imagery for the Nation project was moving ahead, and discussion of who in state government was best suited to be the steward for the National Hydrological Datasets. For copies of the documents and discussion, please contact Leland Pierce.
· Western Governor’s Association – R. Koehler reported that no activity had taken place since the last GAC meeting.
· Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS)– M. Inglis reported that RGIS would finalize the metadata for the imagery of Santa Fe County.
· New Mexico Geographic Information Council – R. Koehler reported on the upcoming Spring, vendor-oriented meeting, to be held April 27th & 28th in Albuquerque. The Spring Workshop will be a survey of image processing and remote sensing softwares conducted by the vendors. R. Koehler is currently working to improve the NMGIC website.
· Geodetic News – No report given.
Agency Reports
· EMNRD, Forestry: Kim Paul announced she has taken the new position of State Timber Management Officer (but she’s still doing GIT).
The meeting was adjourned by Chair at 11:35 am
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Date at 9:30 am – State Records Building., Santa Fe, NM