Razhan Omar Muhammad

Access year two

Iris & Face recognition

Razhan Omar Muhammad

30th May 2013


"Biometric is certainly the most common secure form of authentication and it is hardest to imitate and duplicate" (Avivah Litan).Biometric is a term comes from Greek words and it separate into two words bios (life) and metrikos (measure). It is a powerful tool for checking authenticating and identification concerns for customs and transmigration, computer safety and physical security. Since biometric has a lot of types that used for security like (iris, finger print, palm print, hand geometry, face recognition).Face and Iris recognition system are among the highest types. Those companies who want to have a new secure system iris is the most reliable recognition method while face recognition is none aggressive and kindliest method of identifying a person (W. Yunhong, T.tieniu). In this essay I will compare face recognition system with Iris recognition system in terms of public acceptance, design and reliability. Although most people say that face recognition is more friendly system but I will argue that Iris is more reliable and secure.



Iris system is very safe, correct and it is the most successful biometric technology (John Daugman 2001) and each person has it is own Iris for identify his/her identification, even when twins born they will have very similar parts together such as same shape and same DNA but the Iris will be unique for each of them. Another astonishing point is that the iris of a person is different in right and left eye (Soma.C and Durga. K, 2013).

While face recognition is unique and everyone has it is own shape of face, it can be change over time. In spite of face, iris cannot be change in the whole life. The image of iris will be unique after six month on the day of birth to the day of death. But face is changing when the person is a child and when he/she will be older the shape will change from child to adult and to very old. Likely, according to Soma.C and Durga. K, (2013), they claimed that facial recognition cannot be trusted in low light because it won't recognize the face shape correctly.


The design of Iris is very high developed. According to John Daugman (2001), while people stick their eyes with the device it will take the colored part of the eye covers slight shapes that differ randomly from person to person, presenting a great resources of identification. The design of the system inside works in some steps that shown in Figure 1. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1: the process inside iris system:

Simply the figure shows that when the system takes a sample from the eye, it will be done in these steps:

Step 1. Eliminate the Undesirable things on the pupil of the eye like dust

Step 2. Defining the wavelets and transforming the Gabor, redgielet, k-l, values and Hough.

Step 3. Scheming the shift value, hamming distance, miller value and Fourier transform

Step 4. The final step which the system will match the sample and the result will be either the sample identified of not identified.

Although some people believed that the design of face recognition system is better that iris system because it is more applicable. Iris is non-invasive. Face recognition system use a laser technology to define the person's face and record the image of the person. Differently, iris system does not have any laser technology just simple record a picture. There are some small differences in the shape of iris and facial recognition design. (Figure 2)

As we can see in figure 2, is the shape of iris system which is small and it takes a little space. Another point of iris system it took the shape or a sample of the eyes in a distance away.

Figure 2: the shape of iris recognition system

Also in figure 3 we can see the shape of the facial recognition system. It shows that the system is also small but it needs the whole face to identify it opposite the iris system.

Figure 3: the shape of face recognition system

Public acceptance:

Iris recognition is the most accurate method among all commonly used biometric technologies, also Iris recognition is faster than face recognition, and it takes less than 2 seconds. 20 times more matches per minute than its closest competitor (Jenny. Mei-Jane Chan, N.D). Since Iris result is more accurate but the face recognition is easier for humans to verify results and this makes face recognition to be more acceptable than Iris. Although it still have more important for some people to have an exact rather than verifying it easier therefore sometimes the result can save someone’s life or take it. Nevertheless, there is almost no official and very little public concern for individual privacy Iris was more acceptability by public more than Face because Iris is the one of the most important identification techniques. Face recognition cannot be used for forensic application as one dose not leaves one’s iris at the sight of an offense.


Biometric is a strong tool for checking authenticating and identification of people. Since biometric has a lot of types that used for security like (iris, finger print, palm print, hand geometry, face recognition).But this essay focused on Face and Iris recognition system in terms of reliability, design and Public acceptance. Iris and Face systems are the highest types of Biometric technologies and they are the two best ways as well. Although many people believe that Face recognition system is more friendly and beneficial but in this paper I argued that Iris recognition system is more accurate and secure. Iris is a unique because of its differences such as being fast, reliable, accurate, and design, it also has a stable shape and it will never change since a person is born until its death. This paper offers an analysis of those concerns and it provides recommendations for people to make an allowance for adopting Iris scan system. The centre is on Iris-based systems, but other figures of biometrics will be declared as suitable.


1.  Daugman. J (Vol. 89, No. 4 (JULY-AUGUST 2001), pp. 326-333. The Iris Recognition. Published by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society Stable. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27857501

2.  Delac, K. & Grgic, M. (2004). A survey of biometric recognition methods. Pp (184-193).

3.  Jenny.Ch (2007).Biometric Technology-Iris Scan.

4.  Unknown, (2009) Biometric” Foundation Documents” P. (3-21, 40-44).

5.  Wu, C. (1998). Private eyes. Science News. Vol. 153, No. 14. Pp (216-217). http://www.jstor.org/stable/4010443.

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