This job specification is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the current Teachers’ Pay and Conditions of Service Document.

Job Purpose:(1)To teach pupils at Belmont School across all key stages

(2)To co-ordinate subjects as required.

Key Responsibilities:

(1)To be responsible for the education and welfare of all pupils in your care

(2)To be responsible for & co-ordinate the development of a subject

(3)To act as Line Manager, to include performance management, of identified staff

Responsible to:

(1)Headteacher and Governing Body

(2)As class teacher - Deputy Headteacher/KSL’s

(3)As subject teacher (Teaching & Learning) – Deputy Headteacher/KSL & Subject Leader(s)

Key Tasks:

A) Teaching

(1)To plan and deliver a high quality of learning experience (including National Curriculum) for each child, with work suitably adapted to match the child’s ability.

(2)To promote the general progress and well-being of each child, with particular reference to personal, social and emotional needs.

(3)To maintain up to date records on each child for whom you have responsibility

(4)To monitor progress and share information with parents, Headteacher and other colleagues as appropriate, taking particular care to highlight areas of concern.

(5)To seek to ensure that the classroom provides an attractive and stimulating learning environment.

(6)To maintain resources as carefully as possible.

B) Co-ordination

(1)To keep up to date with details of National Curriculum requirements and to seek to ensure that all staff are informed of changes/modifications.

(2)In the context of whole school curriculum planning and in consultation with colleagues:

a)Initiate / co-ordinate development of policy and subject portfolio.

b) Develop schemes of work to meet requirements in the context of a broad curriculum experience.

c) Establish clear guidelines for effective delivery of chosen subject and assessment/moderation of chosen subject across curriculum and key stages.

d) To identify resource needs and priorities for funding.

e)Monitor and evaluate subject data and produce review for Deputy Headteacher and Governors.

(3)a) To monitor and review the effectiveness of the implementation of the subject Scheme of Work and report to the Deputy Headteacher on at least an annual basis.

b) To maintain records of where resources can be found.

c) To have overall responsibility for the maintenance of equipment and accommodation relating directly to chosen subject

C) General

(1)To assume form tutor responsibilities as required.

(2)To participate in, and lead as appropriate, such curriculum and/or school/staff development task groups as are established. No single member of staff shall be required to be a member of every task group. Involvement to be shared as fairly as possible amongst all staff.

(3)To participate in whole staff and phase meetings as required.

(4)To share in the mutual support of colleagues as appropriate.

(5)To have an overview of behaviour patterns and trends within school.

(6)To support pupils and staff in Mainstream and Special School setting through Outreach or support initiatives as appropriate.

April 2018