IEEE International Conference on Hand-based Biometrics 2011

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 17 - 18 Nov. 2011


More information is available at

Personal Information Please fill out and fax or mail one form per participant, and please PRINT CLEARLY

Given Name ______

Family Name ______

Name on Badge ______

Affiliation ______

Mailing Address ______


Please specify city / state / zip / country

Phone ______Include country and area code

Fax ______Include country and area code

Email ______

If you are presenting any paper, please indicate your paper number:
If you are an IEEE member, please indicate your member name:

Registration Fee Schedule Regular Participant with paper submission must register no later than 15 Oct., 2011.

Items Provided / Status / Quantity / Registration Fee
On or before 15 Oct.
All plenary / presentation sessions, reception, coffee breaks, one lunch (on 17 Nov.), exhibits, banquet (limit ONE), 1 copies of the flash and Conference Souvenir / Regular (IEEE Member) / USD 500
All plenary / presentation sessions, reception, coffee breaks, one lunch (on 17 Nov.), exhibits, banquet (limit ONE), 1 copies of the flash and Conference Souvenir / Regular (non-IEEE Member) / USD 550
All plenary / presentation sessions, reception, coffee breaks, one lunch (on 17 Nov.), exhibits, banquet (limit ONE), 1 copies of the flash and Conference Souvenir / Student / USD 350
Banquet – 17 Nov 2011 / Guest / USD 100
Total Payment (USD$)

1. Please attach proof of your student status (a copy of your valid student ID or a certifying letter from your department is required) 2. One copy of printed proceeding will be provided to all registered participants 3. Guest is not allowed to join any plenary, presentations and exhibitions during the conference 5. Banquet (Oriental style) tickets at this rate are only for guest only.

In case an author has multiple papers, one registration can cover at only one paper. At least one author per accepted paper must register at "regular rate" in order for the paper to be included in the Conf. proceedings. The payment must be made prior to submitting the final version of the manuscript.

Registration Fee Payment You must include your payment with the registration form.

Please include your payment with the registration form. Each participant must register using a separate form. Participants do not have credit cards should send cheque, money order payable to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and drawn on a Hong Kong bank or a Hong Kong branch of an International bank for the total amount in US Dollars. Participants sending cheque or bank draft will be assessed a $50 USD fee and should be added separately to the total registration fee. Registration payments must be received by the registration deadline for the rate at which you registered; if payment is not received by the deadline, you will be responsible for the higher rate. An acknowledgement will be sent to participants and no invoices will be issued.

Please FAX or mail your completed form so as to reach us before the registration deadline.

Method of payment (select one) / □ Credit card ^ / □ Cheque / □ Money order
Credit card type (select one) / □ Master Card / □ Visa / □ Others

^ Please provide the following information if you make your payment by credit card:

Credit Card Number
Credit Card Holder’s Name
Credit Card Expiry Date
Card Holder’s Signature
Mailing Address: Conference Secretariat, International Conference on Medical Biometrics 2010, Department of Computing, PQ806, Mong Man Wai Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG Phone: (852) 2776-7300; Fax: (852) 2774-0842; Email: