
Training Committee


August 1, 2001

1:30 P.M.

Clinton County Court House

St. Johns, MI

Members Present: Dale Rothenberger, Suzan Hensel, Thomas Altland, Harriett Miller-Brown, Bruce Pollock, David Ackley,

Paul Rogers, Dawn Adams, Christina Russell, John Bawol,

Richard Beltnick, Charles Nystrom

Guest Danny Rosa – MCOLES

1.  Chairperson Nystrom called the meeting to order at 1:35 P.M.

2. Minutes for the July 13, 2001 were accepted as printed

3.  Dale Rothenberger and Danny Rosa (MCOLES) presented

seven dispatcher training courses to the sub-committee for

it’s review. Three individual course approval requests

from three vendors and a fourth vendor submitted four

courses for approval. Rosa of MCOLES explained each

course approval request and any exceptions from a

normally complete request.

A.  Domestic Violence Intervention – PowerPhone

B.  Stress Identification and Management – PowerPhone

C.  Suicide Intervention – PowerPhone

D.  Law Enforcement Dispatch – PowerPhone

E.  EMD Training and Certification Course – Medical Priority Consultants

F.  Handling Discipline – Criminal Justice Management Institute

G.  40-hour Basic Telecommunicator CD-ROM Course – Advanced Systems Technology

MOTION: Thomas Altland moved to approve all seven requests pending receipt by MCOLES of any missing information. Dawn Adams supported the motion. MOTION CARRIED

4.  Discussion ensued with the two representatives of

MCOLES regarding the TC-34D approval process.

A.  The sub-committee requested that when an approval

is granted to a vendor for a particular course that the

vendor only be allowed two annual renewals before

having to submit a complete application. If any

significant changes are made, such as course

hours, content or instructor, the vendor would be

required to submit a new application, as is the case

with normal MCOLES course approvals.

B.  When MCOLES sends out the letter of course

approval they will reiterate to the vendor the vendors

responsibility to submit the blue mark sense data

collection form. The data collection form is

completed by the student(s) and must be submitted in

a timely manner to MCOLES by the vendor or

instructor after completion of every class.

Considerable discussion was spent on failure of

vendors to submit completed blue mark sense data

collection forms each time a course is taught. Should

failure to submit result in the vendor being ineligible

in course renewal? Note: this raised several more

questions 1) if the course is computerized based, i.e.

no instructor is present, who is the instructor for the

purposes of MCOLES record keeping? 2) If no

instructor is required, should the vendor of the

training program be sanctioned for failure on the part

of the purchaser to record the training 3) If the forms

are not submitted, how does the vendor re-establish

the right to have course approved by


These questions will be addressed at the next

Training Subcommittee meeting on September 26,

2001, by the taskforce chairs and MCOLES

5.  Next Training Subcommittee Meeting – The next

training subcommittee meeting will be on September 26, 2001

following the ETSC meeting at the APCO fall conference in

Tustin, Michigan.

6. Meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M..