Board of Trustees MinutesCLOSED
10am 7thDecember2015 in Meeting Room A
No. / Item
Pre Board : Education and Briefing Session
A / Board Briefing / Themed Discussion : Diversity
MM presented a discussion on diversity.
The board deliberated various issues on the topic of diversity including:
- What are the demographics of our students?
- What does a diverse board look like?
- Can board discussions be structured to encourage diverse thinking?
- Should student reps be invited to participate in Board and Committee meetings to increase the range of student voices? MM to speak to other SU’s to see how they structure their boards and see if we can implement any of these ideas.
- How can the board be assured that decisions in the day to day running of the SU take diversity into account? SMT to reflect on whether we can produce a one page profile of our students to check decision making against.
- How do we ensure that we understand the key priorities for the whole student population?
- Can Social media and work at course level be used as ways to increase our interaction with hard to reach students?
Governance Arrangements
1 / Quorum, attendees and apologies for absence
Present: Margaret Dale (Chair), Jane Glaister, Mike Kagioglou, Karen O’Neill, David Butcher, Mike McGougan, Jordan Aird, Alysia Ford, Sabina Hussain, George Gill
In attendance: Matt Mills, Tom Royle, Matt Short, Lydia Blundell, Rae Ellis (Minutes).
Apologies: None
2 / Declaration of any interests
Confidential items 04c, 05d, 07a, 07b, 07d, 08a, 08c, 09a, 10a, 12a, 12c, 12d, 12e, 12f
3 / Minutes of previous meeting 07September 2015
a)Matters of Accuracy
Minutes of 7th September 2015 accepted as a true and accurate record.
RE to add DB apologies to the minutes.
a)Matters ArisingCLOSED MINUTE
4 / Constitutional and Governance
a)To consider reappointment of Board members (KON)
The Board received the paper.
Q.KO would you like to stay on as a member of the board?
A. Yes
Q. Does the board invite KO to continue subject to Union Council approval.
A. Yes
Minute Action:
LB to add this as a standing item to Union Council Agenda
Minute Note:
The Board extends congratulations to Karen
The Board approved the paper.
b)To note work plans and focus areas of sub committees (F&S, PARR, Man ctte, SAE)
The Board received the paper.
Q. What topics would Board like to focus on in the next year?
A. Paper 14b shows topics for next away day The Board are happy with these topics.
Q. Should democratic review work be included?
A. This is ongoing and perhaps the board should be in on this discussion? Add to February away day
Q. What would the Board like as a discussion topic for the next Board meeting in March?
A.Themed discussion should be Communications and Insight.
Minute Note:
Content for further meetings to be confirmed nearer the time.
Q.Under PARR – Item E legal structures – what does this mean?
A.This is an opportunity to look at alternative legal structures.
The Board approved the paper.
b)To receive an update and briefing on Membership Opt out & data sharingCLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
c)To confirm AGM Arrangements
The Board received the paper.
Q.Is the Board happy to leave the AGM as per last year or do theywant to widen the student input by including this as part of a wideractivity?
A.The people who went last year knew where they were going and why. Adding it on to something else dilutes this.
Q. Could we hold it on the open floor as these people engage with the SU on a daily basis?
A.The statutory requirements of the AGM are not always the most engaging topics. Historically it is difficult to engage students on this as a stand-alone.
Q.There is a legal requirement to get a minimum of 100 attendees - how do we ensure that we get this number?
A.MD requests that that MMc and LB work on a plan to ensure there are 100 engaged students in attendance.
The Board noted the paper.
5 / Board Policy
a)Policy Registry
The Board received the paper.
The Board noted the paper.
b)Prevent Duty Briefing[MJM1]
The Board received the paper.
Q. Do we want to produce a policy of our own on this topic?
A. We don’t have a duty to produce our own policy; we can just adhere to the University’s policy.
Q.Do we need to update our External speaker’s policy to make sure it falls in line with Prevent?
A. Yes this should be done as a priority and then be regularly reviewed.
Q. Who is our media contact if something goes wrong? If a journalist calls regarding terrorism where is this directed?
A. There should be a joint response with the University when appropriate. If there is a query about student identity we would always work with the University as there is a data protection issue.
Q. Have the President and officers had training to avoid being caught out by journalists?
A. No official training givenbut any calls for information would always be discussed with MM and the University where appropriate.
Q. How are we aware as trustees what the operational/reporting issues are in relation to external speakers as the wording is very specific that we are responsible for this?
A. We have a policy in place and the key is making sure there is a robust process to make sure that the policy is being met. It is not about trustees debating individual speakers.
Minute Note:
The procedure for external speakers should be very closely aligned to the University’s procedure as this provides us with an element of protection.
Minute Note:
The Trustees need to be assured that the process is robust and mitigates risks. There should also be an ability to elevate this to Board level if required.
Q. Did board members know that ISOC wanted to bring in a guest speaker and it flagged up the day before they were due on campus that the speaker was homophobic and as such the speaker was not allowed on campus?
A.No - It is good that we have a process which has worked. In future there should be a report of this to Board so that external trustees are aware that this happened.
Minute Action:
Update Speakers Policy - to include reporting related to speakers (number and referrals) to Board.
Minute Note:
As employee of the SU MM is approved as the named SU representative in the University Freedom of Speech and External Speakers Policy.
Minute Note:
The Students’ Union Board of Trustees have considered Prevent Duty andnote, accept and acknowledge the University policy and the obligations of university members under this.
Minute Action:
MM to check affiliates status and consideration under University Prevent Agenda.
c)Community Engagement Policy Statement
The Board received the paper.
Minute Action:
Board requests that Kirklees be replaced appropriately for Huddersfield within the wording of the statement.
Minute Note:
Map out community engagement activities already taking place in Huddersfield. Look to support and compliment existing activities as building partnerships with these will increase the longevity of impact.
Minute Action:
Review and consider practical next steps considering clarity of advice from the Board.
The Board accepted the policy statement as a draft.
d)Risk Appetite StatementCLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
Student Matters and Representations
6 / a)To receive Representations from, Executive Students & Union Council
The Board received the paper.
Minute Action:
AF to provide a report to next board about the impact of mental health provisions being cut and the SU’s stance and concerns on this.
The Board noted the paper.
Operations and Performance
7 / Finance & Income generation
a)To receive Audited Accounts YE 2014/15CLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
b)To receive Management Accounts and Finance Report to Month End October 2015
The Board received and noted the paper
c)To receive a verbal update on student recruitment and forecast impact on grant income
The Board deferred the paper until the University SMT meeting.
d)To receive a summary of reserves and investment position
The Board received and deferred the paper.
8 / Performance Indicators and Exception Reporting
a)To receive NSS Action Plan and note HSU consultation response to proposed changes to NSS Framework
The Board received and noted the paper
b)To receive results of FreshersFirst Impressions Survey
The Board received the paper.
Minute Note:
Consider adding one additional event which will then mix up the line-up and add variety.
The Board noted the paper.
c)To receive update on performance against /KPIs CLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
9 / Risk
a)To receive risk register & summary of principal risksCLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
b)To consider any changes to the Students’ Union Risk profile (Verbal)
The Board received the update.
The Board noted the update.
10 / Staffing Quarterly Update
a)To note quarterly staffing updateCLOSED MINUTE
The Board received and noted the paper
11 / a)Questions to Chief Executive
12 / Sub Committee reports/ minutes
a)Minutes of Finance and Staffing Committee
The Board receivedand notedthe minutes
b)Minutes of Performance, Audit, Risk and Remuneration
c)Minutes of Management Committee
The Board receivedand notedthe minutes
d)Minutes of HudLets Company Board
The Board receivedand notedthe minutes
e)Minutes of Union Council
The Board receivedand notedthe minutes
f)Minutes of Executive Committee
The Board receivedand notedthe minutes
g)Minutes of Student Activities Executive
13 / Emergency Business
14 / Forward planning
a)Date of next meeting: 14th March 2016
b)Future agenda items
The Board received the paper.
The Board agreed the paper.
15 / Reflections on structure and effectiveness of meeting
& Preparation for Joint University Meeting
Minute Note:
The Board are happy that the Sub Committees are doing their job. There is a feeling that the Board need to ensure openness within meetings as this is when the Lay Trustees are able to provide the best level of help and support.
Minute Note:
The Board need to be content with disagreement within the meetings.
[MJM1]SU BoT considered (07/12/15) the University Prevent Policy, Freedom of Speech and External Speakers Policy and allied legal and Charity Commission Guidance with regard to Protecting Charities From Harm . The BoTmade the following decisions:
A)To note the Prevent Duty and University Prevent Policy and implications for members of the University community
B)To revise our existing External Speakers Policy and Procedure to compliment and reference the new University Policy and ensure there is a clear mechanism for Trustee oversight of the policy.
- [A revised and complimentary policy has been drafted and it has been implemented with the staff team from 05/01/16. This is subject to consideration and approval of our Performance, Audit Risk and Remuneration Committee on the 29th January and Full Board Approval on the 14th March. Targeted training and 1-1 sessions on the revised policy are being organised in term two with student groups who regularly book speakers and will need to be aware of the policy]
C)To approve designation of Chief Executive as Responsible Person within the FoS and External Speakers Policy