ROMANIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE / Bucharest 1, 38 Alexandru Alley, Zip Code 011824
Secretariat: Tel., Fax.
Telephone exchange:,

General Regulation – Grants and Residencies – 2016

GENERAL REGULATION regarding the award of research and documentation grants and also the provision of other forms of material support (residencies)



Article 1

(1) The grants for research and documentation and other forms of material support (residencies) are awarded to individuals under the conditions provided by this regulation by not exceeding the quantum of the amounts allocated for this purpose.

(2) The amounts provided for the research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) are used only for the purpose for which they were allocated.

(3) The amounts provided for the research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) are used only in accordance with the contractual provisions.

Article 2

(1) The contractual personnel of the Romanian Cultural Institute may not benefit of such research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) during the deployment of the individual employment agreement.

(2) The individuals may benefit of a single type of research and documentation grant or of other form of material support (residencies) once during a budgetary year.

(3) The individuals may not benefit of the same type of research and documentation grant or of other form of material support (residencies) more than once.

Article 3

The Romanian cultural institutes from abroad may organise at their headquarters evaluation and selection sessions under the conditions mentioned in this regulations and the annexes hereof.



Article 4

The research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) shall be awarded for the following fields:

1.  Visual arts, curatorship and art critic, museology/museography;

2.  Music and musicology;

3.  Journalism;

4.  Translations;

5.  Architecture, town-planning and design;

6.  Literature and literary criticism;

7.  Cultural patrimony;

8.  Cultural management

9.  Economic sciences;

10.  Human and social sciences.

Article 5

(1) The research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) are awarded based on an evaluation and selection procedure.

(2) Every budgetary year, the evaluation and selection sessions are organized according to the annexes to this regulation.

(3) The President of the Romanian Cultural Institute may approve the organisation of other evaluation and selection sessions on dates other than those indicated at paragraph 2, by complying with the provisions of this regulation.

Article 6

(1) The announcement regarding the organisation of selection shall be published on the website of the Romanian Cultural Institute and on the websites of the Romanian cultural institutes from abroad, as the case may be, and it shall be displayed at their headquarters.

(2) The announcement regarding the organisation of selection contains: the fields for which the selection is organized, the due date for the submission of the files, the documents contained in the application file, the evaluation criteria and also the amount allocated for each grant and other forms of material support (residencies).

Article 7

(1) The application file regarding the research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) should mandatorily and cumulatively contain, as the case may be, the following documents:

a) the dated and signed selection application file, in which it is mandatory to indicate the grant and other forms of material support (residencies), the period for which funding is requested and also the mailing address and the contact data of the applicant;

b) curriculum vitae, which to contain, as the case may be: participations in colloquiums, seminars, conferences, congresses, communications; published works, projects executed or in progress; c) copy of the identity document/passport

d) copies of the education degrees;

e) letter of intent or project in progress;

f) two or three letters of recommendation (depending on the type of grant).

(2) The application file for grants and other forms of material support (residencies) may also contain other relevant documents in addition to the ones listed at paragraph 1, according to the provisions of the annexes to this regulation.

(3) The files that reach the registry of the Romanian Cultural Institute subsequent to the due date for registration, but having the date of dispatch within the registration period, shall be declared eligible;

(4) In the exceptional case when the number of submitted files does not exceed the number of allocated grants, the Romanian Cultural Institute (RCI) reserves the right to extend the due date with the consent of the manager of the directorate who coordinates the program for research and documentation grants, and also to provide other forms of material support (residencies) and to inform RCI Steering Committee.

Article 8

The quantum of the grants and other forms of material support (residencies) is established in the annexes to this regulation.

Article 9

The criteria for the evaluation of the applicants in order to award the grants and other forms of material support (residencies) shall be communicated together with the announcement regarding the organisation of selection according to Article 6, paragraph 1.

Article 10

(1) The research and documentation grants and other forms of material support shall be awarded based on the decision of the evaluation and selection commissions.

(2) The evaluation and selection commissions consist in an odd number of members appointed under the order of the President of the Romanian Cultural Institute.

(3) The lists containing the proposals for the members which are going to be part of the evaluation and selection commissions shall result from the consultation of RCI partner institutions. In the case of commissions consisting in members of the academic community, they shall be selected from the most representative institutions of higher education or research from Romania. For the grants awarded to foreign cultural journalists, it is recommended to consult the main media agencies and the relevant research institutions.

(4) Such consultations shall take place upon the written request of the coordinators of grant and residency program within Grants Compartment from the Directorate for Internal Programs of the Romanian Cultural Institute, but also of other program coordinators of the Romanian Cultural Institute who organise evaluation and selection sessions for the award of grants or other forms of material support (residencies).

(5) The received lists shall be centralized by the program coordinators who shall be bound to submit them for review to the Manager of the Directorate for Internal Programs. He shall draw the attention of the Steering Committee to the selected proposals in order to take the decision with regard to the final structure of the evaluation and selection commission and also of the list of alternate members.

Article 11

(1) Each application is reviewed by the members of the commission and evaluated according to the provisions of Article 9.

(2) Under the decision of the commission, it is established as follows:

a) results of the selection;

b) period for the award of the research and documentation grants and of other forms of material support (residencies);

(3) The list containing the results of the selection and also the periods for the award of the research and documentation grants and of other forms of material support (residencies) shall be subject to validation by the steering committee of the Romanian Cultural Institute prior to their publication.

(4) Written recommendations with regard to each of the application files declared ineligible, if any.

Article 12

(1) The list containing the elements provided at Article 11, paragraph (1) shall be published on the website of the Romanian Cultural Institute and on the websites of the Romanian cultural institutes from abroad, as the case may be, and they shall be displayed at their headquarters within maximum 10 days as of the issuance of the decision by the evaluation and selection commission.

(2) The complaints may be submitted in writing within maximum three business days as of the date of publishing the list.

Article 13

(1) The complaints shall be submitted at the headquarters of the Romanian Cultural Institute from Bucharest 1, 38 Alexandru Alley, or at the headquarters of the Romanian cultural institutes from abroad, as the case may be, and also via facsimile.

(2) The commission for solving complaints shall consist in an odd number of members which may also include representatives of the grant compartment and of the directorate that manage these programs. The persons who were previously members of the initial evaluation and selection commissions may not be part of the commission for solving complaints.

(3) The structure of the commission for solving complaints shall be decided during the meeting of the Steering Committee, which shall be summoned in the first week as of the submission and centralization of all complaints. The proposals with regard to the structure of the commission for solving complaints shall be made by the Directorate which coordinates the program for research and documentation grants and provision of other forms of material support (residencies);

(4) The complaints shall be solved within 10 business days as of the due date for the submission of complaints.

(5) The results regarding the complaint solving shall be individually communicated to the candidates in an official letter from the Romanian Cultural Institute

Article 14

(1) The research and documentation grants and other forms of material support (residencies) shall be awarded based on an agreement concluded between the Romanian Cultural Institute and the beneficiary.

(2) The agreement provided at paragraph (1) shall necessarily contain the obligations of the beneficiaries as follows: undertaking to spend the entire research and documentation period in the country chosen to carry out the activity proposed in the research project, drawing-up activity reports which to certify such activities, participating in the activities carried out by RCI during their stay in the chosen countries, mentioning in all scientific and public communications (newspapers, radio, TV and websites) and in the materials prepared during the traineeship that the product was obtained as a result of the research performed in the capacity of Romanian Cultural Institute grant holder. Also, the grant agreement shall contain specific clauses regarding the termination of the agreement and also clauses regarding the reimbursement of the awarded amounts in case of terminating the agreement. In the case of translators, both the ones in training and the professional ones, in addition to the aforementioned obligations there is the obligation to send, within 30 days as of the expiry of the grant agreement, an excerpt of 5 pages, in the case of the translators in training, and 10 pages, in the case of professional translators, of the translation that they do. The grant holders have the liberty to choose the desired fragment, which they shall send together with the excerpt from the work written in the original language.

(3) The (intermediate, where applicable, and final) reports shall be prepared in accordance with the specificity of the grant. The final report must contain minimum ten pages, except for the translators in training, which shall include all the types of activities specific to the grant that were carried out during the traineeship and also the excerpts from the studied documents or from the documents drawn-up by the grant holder (research plan, activity schedule, documents afferent to the conferences, workshops etc.). Once prepared, the report must be dated and signed by the grant holder. In the case of grants that do not involve partner institutions, the grant holder is bound, under agreement, to prove his/her travel to/from Romania, as the case may be, with plane, train, bus tickets etc., and also the participation in the activities carried out at the institution mentioned in the application file.

(4) In the case of grants dedicated to some participants residing abroad, but carrying out their traineeship on the territory of Romania, the grant agreement shall be signed prior to the actual initiation of the traineeship provided in the grant agreement. Thus, the participant shall sign the agreement with at least three weeks prior to the initiation of the traineeship.


ROMANIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE / Bucharest 1, 38 Alexandru Alley, Zip Code 011824
Secretariat: Tel., Fax.
Telephone exchange:,