National Shelter/NFI Cluster Meeting–Minutes
11 September 2014
Jouhayna Hotel, Erbil
Chair –Dag Sigurdson – National Shelter/NFI Cluster Coordinator
UNHCR, IOM, UN-Habitat, UNOPS, Erbil Refugee Council, World Vision, NRC, INTERSOS, Qandil, Medair, Samaritan’s Purse, ACTED, Tearfund, CRS
- Opening Remarks – Dag Sigurdson
- Proposal for National Shelter/NFI Strategy – Dag Sigurdson
- Draft National Cluster Objectives
- Draft National Cluster Key Issues
- Proposed National Coordination Structure – Dag Sigurdson
- Update from KRG – Jens Christensen – Sub-National Shelter/NFICluster Coordinator North
Opening Remarks – Dag Sigurdson
- National Shelter/NFI Cluster is about the whole of Iraq.
- The intention of these national meetings is to also bring partners in the south to the table through teleconference/Skype. Unfortunately technical challenges prevented the link to work today.
- The overarching Cluster objective is to consolidateshelter and NFI interventions to the displaced population in the north and south.
- There are IDPs in the whole country; however the needs are quite the same.
- A lot of focus has been on the north, and much excellent work has taken place in the north. There are IDPs in other areas that we need to bring to the attention of the international community. We need to capture the needs in a coherent and consistent manner that reach and benefit all IDPs. The Cluster does not work in isolation; there isa need to coordinate and consolidate efforts with other activated clusters.
- There is a wealth of information in the whole country that can be tapped into to guide the countrywide approach.
- The aim is to have one overarching national Shelter/NFI Strategy that can guide and anchor all shelter and NFI assistance programmes in Iraq.
Proposal for National Shelter/NFI Strategy – Dag Sigurdson
- The NationalShelter/NFI Strategy (maximum 4 pages) should follow the global and universal shelter cluster template.
- The national shelter strategy will be supported by sub-national operational plans for the north and the south/central areas, reflecting the diversity of Iraq.
- The SRP Objectives shouldhelp every humanitarian actor to move together in the same direction.
The Draft National Shelter/NFI Cluster Strategy Objectives:four broad objectives were outlined to capture the National Cluster’s work.
Commentsreceived on the presented Draft National Shelter/NFI ClusterStrategy Objectives:
- Now we can identify where people are located, so the strategy is realistic.
- There is a need to build local capacity.
- Need to improve distribution for those going to camps because IDPs do not want to go to the camps.
- Suggestion to incorporate ‘emergency’ strategy in the title because it is not the same as a transitional or long-term plan.
- This is not only an emergency strategy. The Cluster is activated because of the huge number of IDPs. The strategy includes IDPs who are not in an emergency phase. This strategy works on the emergency phase in the north and the non-emergency phases in the south. The National Cluster’s goal is to bring attention to both emergency and non-emergency IDPs.
- As well, as there is always an emergency in Iraq, there are partners who only focus on emergency aspect and other partners are more development or longer-term focused. This strategy is so that everybody finds a space in the document.
- Suggestion to consider mortgages, banks and financing for longer-term vision.
- The sub-national operational plans may address these longer-term options; however will not emphasise the longer-term options.
- The emergency, mid-term and long-term visions will harmonise with each other.
The Chair encouraged participants to provide feedback and comments to the draft objectives.
Action point:Take the time to digest the strategy and send feedback by COB 14 September.
Key Issuesto be addressed to achieve the objectives of the Draft National Strategy:
- We need to collectivelywork on concrete action points to capture what is required to achieve each national cluster objective. (For example: winterisation requires orders to be placed and supply pipelines to be established in a timely manner).
Action point: Participants were requested to submit their input on key action points by COB 14 September.
Proposed National Coordination Structure – Dag Sigurdson
The Chair presented and explained in detail a chart outlining the structure of the Shelter/NFI Cluster designed to capture the geographical and operational realities in the north and south/central respectively.
Action Point: Participants were encouraged to identify their organisation’s focal points and capacities in the structure to identify who is doing what from each organisation by COB 14 September.
Comments on Key Issues and Coordination Structure:
- There is government support for the cluster structure.
- IOM is prepared to contribute another IMO, so two in total to the Shelter/NFI Cluster.
- Cash assistance is a cross-cutting issue so may fit in a national task force, there needs to be government support for cash assistance implementation.
- Winterisation is to be discussed at NFI Working Group on Tuesday. Winterisation should be part of the NFI discussions.
Action Point: If your organisation has the resources and can contribute to support this structure, your participation would be welcome.
Update from KRG– Jens Christensen – Sub-National Shelter/NFICluster Coordinator North
Immediate Response Plan for Shelter in KR-I as discussed with local authorities on 10 September:
- Priority Groups were identified by current location; also need to treat those who refuse assistance or are not truly vulnerable separately. There is not one priority group – all activities are pursued simultaneously(slide 2)
- Identified needs by location: 63% Dohuk, 20% Erbil, 16% Sulaymaniah (slide 3)
- Planning numbers – possibly 477,462 in need of shelter253,000 in need of relocation (slide 3)
- Objectives: Provide all vulnerable IDPs with shelter, vacate schools, winterisation kits (slide 4)
- Actions/actors/targets/gaps were presented and discussed (slide 5)
Comments on Immediate Response Plan for KR-I:
- There is a need to highlight the distinction between the funding gaps versus actual ability to construct;
- Rehabilitation of buildings is sensitive because there is no legal framework to address private buildings unless government makes commitments to private owners;
- Collective centresexist already, i.e. the Ainkawa Mall;
- National Shelter/NFI Cluster should also address the 150,000 people who are not yet addressed in the planned actions and priority groups.
- Timeframe for projects – there is an urgent need to act; great pressure to deliver.
- SRP and HNO process – 1.8 million IDPs in Iraq. The Cluster needs to decide on a realistic target to guide the humanitarian activities for 2015. The SRP should be ready by the end of September and we need to agree on figures in the future.We require your cooperation and support to finalise the figures.
- Action Point: Please provide feedback on the meeting format; how to best address this challenge because many people are going to multiple meetings.
Action Point: Follow up with REACH on the status of the household level shelter-specific assessments
Action Point: Follow up with UNICEF on the scope of work required for school rehabilitation
Action Point: Share project proposals to feed into the SRP process
Action Point: National Shelter/NFI Coordinator to update mailing list to reflect national Shelter/NFI Cluster participation