Policies and Procedures
Principles of Health Science
Deerpark High School - North
Instructor(s): Helen Wilson
Classroom: 2719
Telephone Number: 832-668-7300
Email: Conference Time:
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 1:15-2:00
Wed 1:30-2:15
Class Expectations
Entering the classroom:
· Place your homework into your class period’s assigned drawer upon walking into the room.
· Pick up any papers that are placed on the back counter
· Place your backpack against the side wall. No backpacks are to be at your table. Females may place their purse under their chair if they wish.
· Begin the STAT start-up on the overhead. There will be one daily and turned in weekly for a grade. If you are absent then write absent on the space.
· There is no food allowed in my classroom. Only a bottled drink. No gum.
· Safety always comes first! This is not only expected in my classroom, but in all areas of the medical field. Safety rules will be reviewed before the assignment or activity is given. If at any time you jeopardize the safety of yourself or others you will be dealt with on an individual basis. A phone call will be made to your parents and I reserve the right to send you out of the classroom directly to the office.
Respecting others:
· There is zero tolerance for bullying on this campus. You must respect and treats others the way you want to be treated. This includes ALL peers and ALL teachers. If it is witnessed or seen you will be removed from my class and written up.
· Students may have up to 2 projects per nine weeks. These projects count as an exam grade and if the project consists of more than one component, these may be graded separately. Team work is essential in the medical field and students can expect a portion of these projects to be group projects.
· Group work means group work! It will be reported to me if you are not participating in the work and your grade will reflect that. It is possible for one member of a group to pass the project and the other members to fail it.
· You will randomly be assigned to a group. Your group members will be different for every new assignment that requires groups.
· I expect you to participate in all activities during class. You are to be an active listener, ask appropriate questions, and perform to your highest capabilities. This is part of your class grade.
· If I see you working on another teacher’s assignment during our class period, I will pick it up, shred it, and throw it away. There will not be a warning beforehand. When the bell rings for our class to begin until the end of our class bell you are in Health Science and will be giving me your full attention the entire class period.
· Being prepared is a must in the medical field. I expect you to have your supplies every day.
· Supplies needed: a 3-ring binder, notebook paper, pen, pencil, 4 dividers, Kleenex, and 100 notecards.
· You will label your 4 dividers: Policies & Procedures/Syllabus, STAT warm-ups, Notes, Assignments
You will have binder checks periodically for a grade and I will provide you with a checklist one week in advance so that you may organize your notebook if needed. If you are missing something it is your responsibility to ask a classmate for assistance.
Deerpark High School Grading Protocols
Major (Summative) Grades / Minor (Formative) GradesCategory Weight 60% / Category Weight 40%
· Tests/Exams
· Projects
· Presentations
· This list is not exclusive / · Independent practice
· Portfolios
· Quizzes
· Warm-ups
· Reviews
· Progress checks
· Spelling tests
· Daily work
· This list is not exclusive
Assignment of Grades:
· Teacher will refresh on-line grade books at least weekly, each Friday by 4:30 pm.
· Students scoring below “70” on a Major (Summative) TEST Grade shall be allowed to retake a similar test after completing remedial/prerequisite work assigned by the teacher. The higher grade, with a maximum of “70”, shall be recorded. It is the responsibility of the student to get with me to set retest dates.
· Retesting should be completed within five school days (unless the teacher makes alternative provision for extenuating circumstances).
Absences & Makeup work:
· Attendance is essential to the learning process, but is not always possible. If absent for any reason, excused or otherwise, it is your responsibility to get notes/assignments that you have missed.
· If you are involved in extracurricular activities that require you to miss class, it is your responsibility to get your assignments and notes BEFORE you are absent and it is due when you return to class.
· If you were present the day the assignment was given but absent on the due date, the work is due on the day you return to class.
· It is your responsibility to turn in assignments into the proper place on the proper day. Do not bring me your late assignment to me after the class period has ended.
Late work:
· You may submit late work but points will be deducted.
· Late work must be good-faith efforts at the assignment; trivial attempts at assignments will not be accepted or graded.
· For late work -10 points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.
· Work that is not turned in within the 9 week grading period (or within 5 calendar days of the due date, whichever comes later) will not be accepted.
· You may not do “late work” on a participation grade taken in class.
· You must hand your late work in to me (do not place it in class drawer).
· Grades are very important, but especially for those playing sports or other extracurricular activities. Once the progress report grades are uploaded to the computer, I cannot change your grade.
Guest in the classroom:
· When a guest (another teacher, student, administrator, guest speaker, parent) is present in the classroom you are to act professional by being an active listener, asking appropriate questions, and expressing appropriate gratitude.
· If at any time you act unprofessionally you will be asked to leave the classroom and go to the office. Your parents will be called and you will receive a grade of 50 on the activity/worksheet regarding the guest speaker.
· If a substitute is in the classroom you are expected to be in your assigned seat and follow all policies and procedures as if I were present in the room. If the substitute leaves any notes about students not behaving according to school or classroom policies, 25 or more points will be deducted from the classroom activity for that day.
Leaving class:
· You may not leave class during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.
· You may only leave with permission of the teacher.
· You must take a pass.
· You will receive 2 bathroom passes for each 9 weeks. Use them wisely. They will have your name on them so you cannot loan to or borrow from anyone else.
· If there are emergency situations or a medical situation please inform me.
· I will close the door when the bell rings. If you enter my classroom after the bell you will be marked tardy. 5 tardies equals one unexcused absence.
· Do not disrupt the class if you are coming in late. Pick up your materials, turn in your now-late homework, put your backpack against the wall, and sit at your assigned seat.
End of class:
· One minute before the bell I will allow you to prepare to leave the room. You are to make sure your area is free of trash, your personal supplies are put away, and classroom supplies are placed in their original place. I will allow you to get your backpack from the wall and go back to your desk and sit.
· For safety purposes, you are dismissed by ME, not the bell. I may choose to dismiss certain table numbers before others. If I see you standing you will not be dismissed.
· You must push in your chairs before leaving.
Cell phones and technology:
· You must follow school policies. Phones should not be out unless we are using BYOT in the class or I’ve given you permission. I will give you one warning à Not per day à but one warning only!
· There will be zero tolerance for taking pictures during class. I will take your phone immediately!
· If you are caught with a phone during class work or test, I will take your phone immediately and you will receive a grade of 0.
· Your phone and/or technology should be in your backpack, on silent mode. I do not want to hear it vibrating or ringing.
· According to the student handbook:
1st offense: warning but parents must pick up
2nd offense: 2 detentions and $10 administrative fee before parents may pick up
3rd offense: ISS – 1 day and parents may pick up after a $15 administrative fee is paid.
Academic Integrity:
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Deerpark ISD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook with regard to Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work unless otherwise specifically directed by the teacher.
Honor Code: Deerpark expects students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students found in violation of the Honor Code are subject to disciplinary action. Please study carefully the following section of the Code before submitting anything in this course:
"Violation of the “Honor Code" includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion and the abuse of resource materials.
A. "Cheating" means engaging in any of the following activities:
1) Copying from another student's test paper, laboratory report, other report, or computer files, data listings, or programs.
2) Using, during a test, materials not authorized by the person giving the test.
3) Collaborating, without authorization, with another person during an examination or in preparing academic work. Or asking and receiving information about a test someone else has already taken.
4) Knowingly, and without authorization, using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, soliciting, copying or possessing, in whole or in part, the contents of an unadministered test.
5) Substituting for another student or permitting another person to substitute for oneself in taking an examination or preparing academic work.
6) Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered test or obtain information about an unadministered test.
7) Purchasing, or otherwise acquiring and submitting as one's own work any research paper or other writing assignment prepared by an individual or firm. This section does not apply to the typing of the rough or final versions of an assignment by a professional typist.
B. "Plagiarism" means the appropriation of another's work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one's own written work offered for credit.
C. "Collusion" means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.
D. "Abuse of resource materials" means the mutilation, destruction, concealment, theft or alteration of materials provided to assist students in the mastery of course materials.
If you feel you can follow this code, then please sign. If you don’t feel you can follow this code, then please do not sign. Ultimately, the accountability is on you.
Your first two assignments are (1) for you and your parent(s) to sign and date the next page; (2) You will place this signed page inside your binder behind your policies and procedures tab.
Student Acknowledgement and Parent Information Sheet
I, ______clearly understand the rules and procedures stated above, and understand that I must abide by these rules and all other DPHS policies while I am in Ms. Wilsons classroom.
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
Parent / Guardian:
I may be contacting you from time to time to discuss your student – not just for disciplinary issues, but also when they are doing well in the classroom or if they seem to be struggling with concepts. I value your input and hope that we can work as a team on this journey to help your student become a better communicator. Please also feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions about my class. I prefer to communicate by email but will be happy to contact you by phone if you prefer. Email will probably garner the quickest response from me, but all forms of communication are welcomed.
Student Name: ______
Parent Name(s): ______
______E-mail Address
______Home Number
______Cell Number
______Other Number
When would you like to be contacted? Please check the appropriate choices.
_____By phone only
_____By email only
_____Phone or email is ok
Is there any information that you feel is important for me to know that will help your student achieve success in my classroom? If so, please jot it down here. Thanks!