MARCH 12, 2009

Call To Order: 6:02

Present: Sandy Alexander, Jean Carriker, Kathy Fox, Arline Guthary, Elsie Johnson, Sharon Messenger, Pat Neasbitt, Ann Stolfa, Sharon Wagoner, Barby Zink, Terri Pierce, Jovita Black, Jaime Wallace

Welcome! President Sandy Alexander

Thank you providing items for the Children's Shelter.

The Family Shelter appreciated the large quantity of toiletries provided by Pansy Garden Club in February. April we will provide items for the Veteran's Home.

Opening: Flag Salute and creed p. 11 & 12-Pat Neasbitt

Prayer: Elsie Johnson

Dinner provided by Arline Guthary, Sharon Wagoner, and Sandy Alexander

Roll Call and MinutesJean Carriker, approved as circulated

Treasurer's ReportKathy Fox, filed for audit

Old Business:

Environmental Studies School-Report on File by Jean Carriker

Rentals-Ann Stolfa booked through end of May…no weddings in June…Teri will take over

Yearbook…Received envelope with the three yearbooks on the outside “2nd Place”

New Business:

Club Name -- for tax/grant purposes need to find paper work for non-profit status and get all paperwork under one title, either

Ardmore Garden Club Inc. or

Ardmore Garden Council

Pansy Garden Club has non-profit status under OK Garden Clubs

Kathy Fox will research and get corrected after tax season.

East Side Planting-Bring day lilies to plant on the east side of the building…Okie Dirt will be brought for beds.

Upcoming events:

March 29 -Plainview Art Students bring art work to decorate for the South Central Spring Convention

March 30-All members are needed to set up tables, etc. 2 p.m. to set up and decorate… 4 p.m. to stuff goodie bags

March 31 (Tuesday)-South Central Spring Convention

Jean Carriker-program/invitations/lunch (free to club members)

Sharon Wagoner-chair for brunch

Barby Zink- chair for goodie bags (some contents are for out of town guest only-members will receive a bag if any left over)

Kathy Fox-read memorial

Sharon asked for help with brunch…

Jean asked for cakes for dessert…Arline, Elsie, Pat

April 4- (Saturday) Pansy Garden Club Garage Sale 8 to 2-

Jovita Black -Chair; Mary Silverman-will get permit-Jovita will be at the center all day Friday for everyone to bring “pre-priced” items but she will have pricing material if you want her to price it---will check with Re-Run Junction about picking up leftovers by 3 p.m. Jovita will put an ad in the Wed/Thur/Fri paper

April 9-Pansy Garden Club Meeting Maria's Garden-Sharon will check to see if Maria would like us to meet there

April 18-(Saturday) Earth Day-craft project-S. Alexander-milk carton container gardening-coloring sheet and small plant

April 25-Ardmore Garden Club Spring Flower Show (Sat.)Arline Guthary…Sharon Wagoner in charge of Judges Salad Luncheon…each club member bring a salad. Judges will give a review of their judging. Open to public at 2 p.m.

April 30-Red Hat Sock Hop—5 p.m. Pansy Garden Club invited

May 2- (Saturday) Dallas Arboretum--field trip plant sale possible bus trip…Master Gardeners/ABC

May 9-Mad Hatter's Breakfast-Pat Neasbitt's Home…plant/seed exchange

May 16-Bustani Plant Farm-Stillwater—Master Gardeners field trip…possible bus

Other New Business:


Program: Arline Guthary -Flower Show Schedule

(back two pages missing, will send through email)

Call Arline about your Artistic Design entries.

Flower Show committees

Chairman-Arline Guthary

Staging and Properties-Sharon Messenger

Awards-Kathy Fox

Artistic Design Advanced Entries-Arline Guthary

Artistic Design Placement-

Horticultural Classification-Par Neasbitt

Horticultural Placement-Pat Neasbitt

Judges-Judy Grotts, Clara Bishop, ______,______

Clerks, Jean Carriker, Elsie Johnson, Carolyn Graysneck, ______

Judges Luncheon, Sharon Wagoner

Publicity, Barby Zink

Posters, Sandy Alexander

Educational Exhibits, Jovita Black

Dismantle/Clean-up, All members