St. Mary’s Policies

St. Mary’s Financial Policies

Tax Exempt Forms

·  A Tax Exempt Form can be obtained for any store or vendor provided the address with zip code is submitted to the office.

Hobby Lobby Tax Exempt Card - a tax exempt card is available from the office and also gets you the 10% discount for churches.





Vendor Check (a check made out to a specific store or rental facility)

·  The following information is needed

Student Name

Group Name

Vendor/Store Name

Mailing Address of Vendor/Store including zip code

Whether check should be mailed directly to vendor or picked up by student

·  Please note: An invoice from the company or a contract for the services/rental must be turned in to the office before the check can be issued.

Reimbursement Checks

·  These items will be distributed at Wednesday afternoons (except in the case of an unforeseen difficulty). Please plan accordingly.

·  If there are no receipts, no reimbursement will be given.

·  If you have not received your reimbursement within 10 days, please email the office and notify us.

·  SPECIAL NOTE: In order to be good stewards of the funds available, St. Mary’s WILL NOT reimburse sales tax paid for supplies or materials purchased without a tax exempt form.


·  Any purchase made with St. Mary’s funds (including reimbursements) must submit all original receipts with either return cards or with reimbursement form. Save all receipts!

·  If a position on your leadership team handles financial matters and keeps records of receipts, copies should be made and the originals returned to the St. Mary’s.

NOTE: Tax exempt cards, slips and numbers must ALWAYS be given to cashier BEFORE the transaction begins. All cards should be returned to the office no more than 3 days following the purchase.

Tips for Smooth Financial Transactions

Plan Ahead: Make sure you have a supply and shopping list well in advance. This will help you see what tax exempt forms and checks are needed well in advance of shopping day.

Always Shop Tax Exempt: Make sure that you have always acquired a tax exempt form or card before shopping! This helps us be the best stewards of St. Mary’s funds.

Attach Receipts: Make sure that all necessary receipts are copied and returned to the appropriate individuals (see above for receipt details).

St. Mary’s Kitchen Policies

Planning Before the Event: - take five minutes to make a good plan and then follow it.

Check both the pantry and the refrigerator before you shop. There are regular stocked items such as condiments, spices, and powdered drinks. These rarely need to be purchased. Use up ingredients that we have so that we are not wasteful.

1.  Check the pantry for paper products (napkins, cups, plastic ware) to make sure there are enough for your event or dinner. If you foresee you'll deplete the supply, please notify the office ( or 936-564-0661 that more of this item is needed for future events).

2.  Calculate needed food quantities before shopping. It is much more difficult to stand in the grocery store & mentally calculate amounts. Plan ahead, make a list and shop accordingly.

3.  Consider carefully what you will do with the leftover food. The refrigerator and freezer are for short term storage only. They should not be used to store food unless there is a plan for using the food or disposing of it within the week. Perishable items should be redistributed either for students to eat during the week or if there is an excessive amount, check with Godtel Ministries - 936-569-7914 to see if they would like it. Snack foods (chips, cookies, etc.) can be stored in the kitchen for future use or for students to eat. If you want it for future use, it must have a name and date on it! Mark all food items immediately when they are brought into the kitchen. . If you do buy something that you do not want anyone else to use, put your name/initials on it (CSO, CDA, KoC, KYE) and DON'T forget about it.

4.  Put purchaser name, group, phone number, & date of event so follow up can be handled easily. Any food without a label can be used on a first come, first served basis!

Enjoying the Event:

1.  Follow the instructions throughout the kitchen for use of utensils, common food items, equipment, and clean up.

2.  Develop a "clean as you go" philosophy so that there are people assigned to keep things clean during the event.

3.  Remember the event is not officially over until the kitchen is restored to its original order or better and all food is taken care of.

Picking Up After the Event: Serve each other by restoring the kitchen to a better condition than when you found it!

1.  Remove everything that was brought into the kitchen including caterer’s platters, aluminum pans, personal dishes, bowls, platters and plastic ware that was brought in and all trash. Do not leave anything there with the thought that we can use it. We already have everything we need in the kitchen. If you want to suggest something we need, do so at the Receptionist Desk.

2.  Allow time for clean up. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, so plan time in to be able to clean the kitchen according to the instructions posted in the kitchen. After dinner make sure that the kitchen and dining room is cleaned up. (A quick go-through in the living room would be good also.)

3.  Take responsibility for food distribution when there are leftovers. No food should be wasted. It is the purchasing group’s responsibility to find a use for the leftover food. Please do not simply leave items in the refrigerator or pantry assuming someone else will consume them. Godtel Ministries - 936-569-7914 - phone number along with a list of weekly ministry meetings will be posted on the pantry door. Please call and arrange to drop off food items if another organization is not able to use the food. Make sure that leftovers are brought over to St. Joseph's for the following week for student consumption. If there are things that need to be purchased like paper towels, TP, etc, please let the office know.

4.  Responsibly use the designated Group Bins in the pantry. These should be for short terms storage and should be regularly maintained. All non-perishable items should be contained in these bins. No miscellaneous food items (other than spices) should be on the pantry shelves.

Important Purchase Reminders

1.  Have you checked both the pantry and refrigerator for . . .



¨  Condiments

¨  Spices

¨  Leftovers

¨  Powdered drinks



Do not purchase these items if they are already available!!!

2.  Have you checked the pantry for . . .



¨  Paper plates or bowls

¨  Napkins

¨  Cups

¨  Plastic Utensils



If you foresee depleting the supply with your event please notify Kim Briggs at

to purchase more!!!

3.  Have you calculated quantities of food items needed?

Make a detailed list of items and quantities to make shopping easier and reduce waste. See reverse side of this sheet for tips.

(Note: A large pizza will serve an average of 4 people in a mixed group.)

4.  Have you considered what you will do with leftover food?

If there is just a little bit, bring it over to St. Joseph’s for students to have for free lunches. If there is a lot Godtel Ministries is an option. You can call Godtel Ministries - 936-569-7914 before you try to take leftovers to make sure they can use them! Or contact one of the groups with an upcoming meeting to see if they can use the leftovers.

5.  Have you made a plan for kitchen cleanup?

Remember, the event isn’t over until the kitchen is restored and leftovers are distributed!

6.  Have you marked all items with the provided labels?

All unmarked (or incompletely marked) items are fair game and all leftovers with a plan for future use should be relabeled!


Food Quantity Tips &

Shopping suggestions

This form will be attached to all purchase orders, tax exempt forms, and cards requested.

Helpful Websites:

The following websites offer large quantity recipes and quantity conversion helps. Even if the exact recipe you want is not present . . . these sites can assist you in making calculations. You can even search for "budget" or "cheap" or "easy" meals.

Pilgrim’s Pride plant on University sells chicken in bulk. Order & pay cash on Tuesday until 4 pm and pick up on Thursday. (Leg quarters are $17 for 33 lbs.) They also have breasts, tenders & whole birds.

Tips for Large Quantity Purchases

Make a detailed list of what you’ll need for each meal. Include condiments; baking products; toppings; spices; and all ingredients.

Check the St. Mary’s pantry for supply of spices and condiments so that you do no over buy. Remember, spices almost never need to be purchased so check the supply please!

Do your calculations before you begin shopping. This will require a little investigating beforehand. For example, check the serving size and number of servings contained in a package and then do the calculations for the numbers expected to attend.

Use your detailed list! Do the servings calculations and then add items that overlap meals. For example, if you’ll need ground meat for both Friday night tacos and Saturday night lasagna, calculate the quantities for each and add – this will eliminate guess work in the store.

Decide what items need to be purchased in bulk (at Sam’s) and which it is more cost effective to purchase at a regular grocery (Kroger's, Walmart). Though “one stop shopping” is sometimes easier, it is usually not the most cost effective! For example, please do not purchase 24oz of sour cream unless it is called for in the calculations.

Request in advance (see Financial Policies) the purchase orders, tax exempt forms and cards you need for shopping.

Shop! Stick to your list. Resist the urge to over buy or add extras in fear you won’t have enough. If you’ve planned ahead and done the calculations . . . you’ll be fine!

Sign Up

There should be at least one person doing each.

Menu & shopping
- Putting away food
- Check refrigerator for food that tries to jump out at you or smells like something died - please throw away.
- Washing Dishes
- Wiping Down Counters/stoves
- Wiping tables in Dining rm
- Sweeping - Ganter Hall, Kitchen, Living Rm.(dust mop in closet)
- Checking LRm for trash & taking out trash
- Putting away dishes(Monday)

If WH & Ganter Hall are not left clean, then the group in charge will be fined a $10 fee.

In light of our faith...

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Sloth is the desire for ease, even at the expense of doing the known will of God. Whatever we do in life requires effort. Everything we do is to be a means of salvation. The slothful person is unwilling to do what God wants because of the effort it takes to do it. Sloth becomes a sin when it slows down and even brings to a halt the energy we must expend in using the means to salvation.
Thomas Aquinas said Sloth is "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good... [it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses man as to draw him away entirely from good deeds." (2, 35, ad 1)

Kitchen Check List

This form is available in the Kitchen & online and should filled out after each use and returned to the office

¨  Store all non perishable items in your group’s pantry bin or donate it to another group (contact information can be found on pantry door). Some items can also be donated to Godtel Ministries - 936-569-7914.

¨  Store all perishable food in the refrigerator or freezer with a completed label denoting future date to be used. Some items can also be donated to Godtel Ministries - 936-569-7914

¨  Make sure that all equipment and fans are turned off.

¨  Wash, dry, and put away all dishes, pots and utensils in correctly labeled areas/cabinets/drawers.

¨  Wipe down countertops and sinks. Please do not leave food in the drain or standing water in the sinks.

¨  Clean up spills and food from the floor. Sweep and wet mop when needed.

¨  Hang dirty cloths and towels on the drying rack by the back door. (Please do not put wet items in the laundry bins as they will mildew.)

¨  Empty all trash cans and replace liners.

Group name: ______

Representative signature: ______

St. Mary’s Staff Signature: ______
St. Mary’s Room Reservations