Chapter 2 Review Sheet:

1) Define simple random sample.

2) Describe how you would use a random number table to get a random sample of size 42 from a population of size 5,791. Assume each measurement in the sample must come from a different population item. Suppose the first line of the random number table reads:


What will the numbers corresponding to the first four members of the sample be?

3) Different types of cameras are available to record memories of family, vacations, and special moments. A survey of 1,000 cameras purchased last year showed that 450 were 35mm, 210 were disk, 300 were instant, and 40 were other types.

a) Make a bar graph showing the camera types and the volume of sales.

b) Make a Pareto chart of the same data.

4) Of a poll taken of 734 seniors, 345 are staying home for college, 211, are going away, 78 are not going to college, 45 are going into the military, and 55 are going to work full time.

a) Complete the following chart.

College Choice / Frequency / Fractional Part / Percent / # of Degrees
No College
Σ = / Σ = / Σ =

b) Construct a circle graph to display the data.

5) Last year, the daily high temperatures for each day (beginning on Sunday) of the first week in July in Denver were: 83 92 95 89 91 95 97

a) Make a time plot for the data.

6) A random sample of 25 orders at fast-food restaurants were studied to determine the dollar amount (rounded to the nearest dollar) of the order. Note that some of the orders included meals for several people. The results were:

1233181315223179115 7 12 16 25 29 4 23 7 3 27 14 14 9 6

a)Calculate the class width if six classes are desired.

b)Complete the frequency table below.

c)Construct a histogram, cumulative frequency histogram, and relative frequency histogram with 6 classes.

d)Construct an ogive with six classes.

e)Construct a frequency polygon based on the data.

Class Limits / Class Boundaries / Tally / Frequency / Midpoint / Relative Frequency / Cumulative Frequency
Σ = / Σ = / Σ = / Σ =

7) Describe each of the following distribution shapes: symmetrical, uniform, skewed left or right, and bimodal.

8) Professor Harris kept careful attendance records for his Math course. For the 40 class meetings of the semester the percentages of the class in attendance were:

92919875878981100878497 75 73 89 82 99 82 85 91 96 98 85 89 83 73 95 84 92 97 75 87 87 73 100 92 83 90 60 86 100

a)Construct a stem-and-leaf display.

b)Construct a stem-and-leaf display using multiple lines per stem.