Primer on PPL Electric Utilities Web Portal with Instructions for Adding Accounts and Downloading Usage Histories

Note: This tutorial is made to be used with the most recent version of internet explorer

Part 1: Creating a Username and Password

1)Go to

2)Click on Log In located in upper right just above quick links

3)Createa Username and Password (follow instructions for First-time user?located in the center of the page)

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 to “Create myPPL user name and password.”
  2. Important: Must respond to e-mail confirmation within 24 hours.

4)Click on Log in (located upper right corner)

5)Add accountsto your profile

  1. Will need current bill information for authentication
  2. Bill account number
  3. Bill due date
  4. Enter total amount due that is highlighted on the bill
  5. Follow instructions for steps 1 to 3. An e-mail will be sent confirming theaccount has been added to your profile.

6)Repeat this process for all accounts.

Part 2: Sharing Accounts

1)Click on Select/Add a different accountlocated on left navigation columnwhich will take you to My Account List.

2)Choose an account that you’d like to share, click Share and follow below.

3)Type in the account name PAEnergyShopping(all one word, without any spaces), and click Next.

4)You will then see the following:

5)Click on ShareAccount. After a few seconds, you will be directed back to the main accounts page where you will see a confirmation message indicating the account was successfully shared.

6)Repeat this process for all accounts that you add to your PPL Electric username.

Part 3: Downloading 24 month Usage History

1)Create a folder on your computer in a location that is easy to remember and title it with the name of your county/organization.

2)Inside that folder, create another folder for each of the following rate classes:

  1. G1-D
  2. GH-1
  3. GS-3
  4. G3-T
  5. LP-4
  6. L4-T
  7. RS

3)Log into your PPL Electric account using your username and password.

4)Click on the account number for which you wish to retrieve a 24 month Usage History

5)The following screen will appear. After noting the Rate Type, click on Bill History
Important: Take note of the field under Rate Type, since this should correspond with one of the folders you just created above. The matching folder is where you will save the data file in a few steps.

6)The following screen appears. Click the Usage Detail tab.

7)The screen will refresh and the columns headings will change to reflect the usage data that is required to shop the account. Make sure the columns look something like the following picture, then click View All

8)The screen will refresh once again, and the table should be much longer. Now click Export this view.
(If the account is relatively new and a full 24 months of data is unavailable, export whatever data is available)

9)A small screen will appear asking what you wish to do with this file.
Firefox users: select SaveFile and click OK

Internet Explorer users: select Save when prompted at this screen

10)Recalling the folder you created and the rate class of the account:

  1. Find the folder you created
  2. Find the folder name that matches the Rate Type of the account
  3. Change the file name from BillHistory.csv to the account number (eg: 1234567890.csv)
  4. Press Save

11)Repeat the process for all accounts that you previously added to your PPL Electric account.

12)Once finished, right-click on the folder containing all the data with your county/organization name, and select Send to: Compressed (zipped) Folder

13)A compressed folder will then appear which can be sent as an email attachment that contains all your data necessary for electric shopping.


  1. PPL sometimes designates rate type RS as RSO. They are the same. There is no need for duplicate folders.
  2. Some users may encounter a rate type that begins with S, such as: SAO, SM, and SHS. These are street lighting or area lighting accounts that can not be shopped to an alternate supplier due to the structure of the billing. These accounts need not be included.
  3. Any questions regarding this process can be directed to:
    Rich Brubaker
    Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute