Employee Performance Evaluation

UConn Professional Staff (UCPEA) Unit

  • The period for annual evaluations for UCPEA employees is May 1st- April 30th.
  • Employees are to sign the form within 7 calendar days of receipt of evaluation to indicate it has been read.

Employees may append written comments which will become part of final record of this evaluation.

  • A copy of the completed form must be forwarded to the Department of Human Resources, Unit 5075.
  • For more information, see UCPEA Article 21.


Employee Contact Information:Evaluator Contact Information:

Name:Click here to enter text. Name:Click here to enter text.

Title:Click here to enter text.Title:Click here to enter text.

Department:Click here to enter text.Department:Click here to enter text.

Employee Number:Click here to enter text.Phone Number:Click here to enter text.

Type of Evaluation:Status of Employee:

Annual (evaluation period)enter text hereToenter text herePermanent

Other (please specify)Click here to enter text.End Date enter text here

Probationaryenter text here

Overall Rating

☐ OUTSTANDING(O)Far exceeds the requirements and standards of the position

☐ VERY GOOD(V)Regularly exceeds all position requirements

☐ GOOD(G)Meets the regular requirements of the position adequately and competently

☐ IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT(I) Marginal performance and not meeting the requirements of the position

☐ UNSATISFACTORY(U)Does not meet the requirements of the position

Certification of Supervisor

I certify that I have completed the performance evaluation of the employee listed below, and that I have made it available and discussed it with said employee onClick here to enter text..

In addition, I have included a statement of goals, which we mutually prepared and reviewed in accordance with the employee’s job description (attached). Next scheduled review date is Click here to enter text..

Click here to enter text.______

Evaluator’s Name (Print)Evaluator’s SignatureDate

Certification of Staff Member

I certify that I have been given a copy of this performance evaluation and that I have reviewed it with my supervisor.

I ☐ have not appended, I☐ may append written comments to this evaluation.

Click here to enter text.______

Employee’s Name (Print)Employee’s SignatureDate

First Supervisor Outside UCPEA bargaining unit

Click here to enter text.______

Supervisor Name (Print)Supervisor SignatureDate

For HR Use Only:
Date Rec’d: / Data Entry Date: / Initials:


  1. Knowledge/Problem Solving Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Demonstrates understanding of all job tasks
  • Keeps informed about position goals
  • Comprehends mission of appropriate organizational unit(s)
  • Shows initiative to recognize and solve issues as appropriate

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Dependability/Productivity Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Produces high-quality, accurate work regularly
  • Maintains agreed-upon work schedule
  • Readily available to manager/colleagues/students
  • Follows through to compete projects and meets deadlines
  • Respects/maintains confidentiality

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Communication Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Speaks effectively and clearly
  • Writes in clear, well-organized manner
  • Communicates status of responsibilities appropriately
  • Communicates effectively when interacting with the University population

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Interpersonal/Teamwork Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Is accessible/approachable
  • Establishes sound working relationships
  • Demonstrates civility, courtesy, and sensitivityin all interactions
  • Shows consideration and respect to University population
  • Supports the University’s mission in promoting a diverse global environment
  • Acts collaboratively and contributes significantly to team goals
  • Prepares in advance, actively listens, and offer constructive criticism in team meetings

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Leadership/Independent Action Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Anticipates potential obstacles and acts
  • Shares information and is accessible to other staff
  • Practices sound resource management
  • Initiates and prioritizes work assignments
  • Learns from experience and initiates improvements
  • Exhibits innovative problem solving skills

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.

  1. Supervisory Skills (where applicable) Rating ☐ O ☐ V ☐G ☐ I☐ U ☐ N/A

Suggested Standards of Performance

  • Motivates others and/or mentors staff
  • Delegates well-defined tasks fairly and manages work effectively
  • Creates procedures to manage work effectively
  • Encourages employee training and development

Other Standards of Performance (if applicable) Click here to enter text.

Comments/Examples (Required)

Click here to enter text.


In this narrative, the supervisor is to provide information concerning the staff member’s overall performance including:

  1. Areas of strength
  2. Areas for improvement
  3. Areas for development (including professional development)

Click here to enter text.


(see separate form for merit recommendations)

These performance goals should be mutually established by both the supervisor and employee in conjunction with the employee’s job description. Goals and performance standards should be specific, measurable/quantifiable, attainable, and relevant to the position and unit.

GoalsPerformance StandardAnticipated Deadline

Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.

Additional Comments:

Click here to enter text.

Part V. Complete for Probationary Employees Only

☐I recommend that the above employee be continues in his/her probationary appointment

(6 –Month Evaluation)

☐ I recommend that the above employee be reappointed as a permanent employee upon the completion of his/her probationary period

☐(Final Evaluation)

Please explain recommendation in space below

Click here to enter text.

Part VI. University Merit

☐I have recommended this employee for university merit.

☐I have not recommended this employee for university merit.

☐Employee is not eligible for merit consideration.

See attached recommended form (if applicable)

Checklist for Performance Evaluation Packet:

☐Part I- Coversheet with all required signatures

☐Part II- Evaluation Criteria

☐Part III- Narrative

☐Part IV- Goals for next evaluation

☐Part V- Probationary employee recommendation

☐Part VI – University Merit (if applicable)

☐Report of Activities and Achievement

Revised March 2015 Page 1 of 7