MYP unit planner

Unit title
Greenhouse Effect
Teacher(s) / Swift
Subject and grade level / 9th Earth systems/MYP Year 4
Time frame and duration / End of third quarter/begin of 4th quarter, 3 weeks (3 days)
Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question
Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this? / /
Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?
Environments was chosen so students can develop the awareness of our actions and attitudes on issues like global warming and become aware of how their actions affect the environment. / To understand how different types of surfaces (snow, water, dirt, asphalt, etc.) and an atmosphere affects the surface temperature. Discuss how changing Earth’s atmosphere will change the surface temperature.
MYP unit question
How do my actions affect the hotness of Earth?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
Task: students will design a controlled experiment to demonstrate the greenhouse effect on different surfaces. Students will have the opportunity to respond to the unit question through opened response questions.
An acceptable level of understanding will be shown through Criterion C ,D, E & F
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
C: Knowledge & Understanding of Science
· Apply knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar situations
· Critically analyse information to make judgements supported by scientific understaning
D: scientific inquiry
· Define the problem
· Formulate a hypothesis
· Design scientific investigations that include variables, controls, materials, procedures
Objective E; Processing Data
· Collect and record data
· Organize and transform data into the appropriate tables, graphs, charts
· Analyse and interpret data by identifying trends, patterns and relationships
· Draw conclusion
Objective F: Attitudes in science
· Carry out scientific investigations using materials and techniques safely and skilfully
· Work effectively as a team member, collaborating, acknowledging and supporting others
· Show respect for themselves and others
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of sciene
Criterion D: Scientific Inquiry
Criterion E: Processing data
Criterion F: Attitudes in science

MYP unit planner

Unit title / Am I What I Eat?
Teacher(s) / Krater
Subject and grade level / Biology 9th grade/MYP 4
Time frame and duration / November-December (approximately 4 weeks)

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this? / Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?
Health and Social Education
This is appropriate because students will be assessed on how diet affects health either individually or in a community. This will be presented through a poster session. / Nutrition affects human and community health.
MYP unit question
How does my diet influence my well being?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
Criterion C: Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Criterion E: Processing Data
Students choose to research nutritional values of foods and create a 3 day menu that they would be willing to eat to demonstrate their understanding of nutrition, how nutrition impacts health and how health can impact community. Using food label data they will ensure their menus are calorically and nutritionally balanced.
Criterion B: Communication in Science
Students will research either 2 extremely healthy or 2 extremely unhealthy foods. The findings will show the benefits/ detriments of these food selections to health. The will create a poster to present their findings and they must use 3 sources
**Next year Criterion B: Communication in Science, Criterion D: Inquiry in Science and Criterion E: Data Processing
Students will determine what macromolecules are in different food. They will use biological indicators and unknown foods to determine what macromolecules are present. They use charts and tables to display their data in an accurate and legible format. They will present their findings in writing.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Criterion B Communication in Science
Communicate scientific information using appropriate modes of communication
Demonstrate honesty when handling data and information, acknowledging sources
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Discuss and evaluate scientific information from different sources and access credibility
Criterion E Processing Data
Draw conclusion supported by scientific explanation and reasoned interpretation of analysis of the data
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Criterion B Communication in Science
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Criterion E Processing Data

MYP unit planner

Unit title / How do my cells reflect my life?
Teacher(s) / Krater
Subject and grade level / Biology 9th grade/MYP 4
Time frame and duration / November (approximately 1.5 weeks)

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this? / Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?
Community and Service
This is appropriate because students will be assessed on understand how the parts of system influence the whole and how the function of the whole influences the parts. Students will create a booklet with best analogies to demonstrate cellular function and share it with the 7th grade class who cover a similar objective. / The parts of a system influence the function of the whole system.
MYP unit question
How does the function of a part affect the whole?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
Criterion A One World
Students will perform a skit that shows an analogy of how the part of the cell are serve similar functions to the parts of the community to create the whole. How they apply the parts of the cell to the community is up to each group as long as it is relevant to the cellular function.
Students will earn a 7 or better on the IB rubric.
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Students will reflect on the skits that they saw and relay the best analogies they saw to reflect particular cellular function.
Students will discuss what analogies worked best for them and why.
Students will be able to relay examples form other presentations in class for each organelle and explain how it works.
Criterion F Attitudes in Science
Students will work in groups to create a skit showing how cell parts are similar to community parts.
They will submit a written reflection on their role and performance as a group member as well as the as well role and performance of other group members.
Students will earn a 7 or better on the IB rubric.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Criterion A One World
Discuss how science and its applications interact with social, economic, political, environmental, cultural or ethical factors.
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Recognize and recall scientific information
Criterion F Attitudes in Science
work effectively as members of a team, collaborating, acknowledging and supporting others as well as ensuring a safe work environment
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Criterion A One World
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Criterion F Attitudes in Science

MYP unit planner

Unit title / Is there DNA in my fingerprint?
Teacher(s) / Krater
Subject and grade level / Biology 9th grade/MYP 4
Time frame and duration / February (approx 3 weeks)

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this? / Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future?
Human Ingenuity
This is appropriate because students demonstrate how advances in scientific technology has influenced modern medical and social culture. / The development of scientific technologies influences society.
MYP unit question
Does technology improve society?
What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?
Criterion B Communication in Science, Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding, Criterion D Scientific Inquiry and Criterion E Processing Data
Students will demonstrate understanding by creating a report analyzing the findings from a family case study to assess the ailments present in 2 different adult children. The will conduct both research, pencil papers analyses and DNA tests of the family to determine probable and possible causes. They will present a written report to the family.
Students will score a 7 or better on each rubric.
Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?
Criterion B Communication in Science
Communicate a range of scientific information using appropriate modes of communication
Criterion C Knowledge and Understanding
Use scientific information to explain a situation
Criterion D Scientific Inquiry
define the problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation
Criterion E Processing Data
draw conclusions supported by scientific explanations and reasoned interpretation of the analysis of the data.
Criterion F Attitudes in Science
Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?
Criterion B Communication in Science
Criterion D Scientific Inquiry
Criterion E Processing Data