Student Name

Genetically Modified Misconceptions

Rio Salado College

Thesis Claim: The widespread hysteria towards such foods not only limits scientific advancement but also threatens the lives of millions. Until Americans become educated about GMOs, world hunger, as well as the food industry, will continue to suffer. GMOs are not perfect, but they are definitely not harmful.

I.  Introduction

A.  Current state of GMOs in agriculture and food industry

1. Presence of GMOs

a. Many grocery store foods are already GMOs

2. Historical context of GMOs

3. Need more GMOs

II.  Misconceptions about GMOs limiting scientific progress

A.  Efficiency and effectiveness of GMOs

1. Increased yields

2. Reduce costs

3. Better resistant to weeds, pests, and other diseases

B.  Benefits towards farmers and impoverished

1. Mostly farmers and underdeveloped nations

a.  Easier to ship and less maintenance

(1)  Better engineered to fight weeds

b.  Higher yield, less pesticides

(1)  Better engineered to fight weeds

2. Affects world hunger and economy

c.  Cheaper crops

d.  Increases relief sent to 3rd world countries

III.  Society likes ‘natural’ crops

A.  Fear of anything ‘genetically modified’

B.  People demand labeling and regulation

1. GMOs not harmful

a.  90% of corn is GMO

b.  FDA approved many GM vegetables

IV.  Inconclusive evidence and societal backlash

A.  Much controversy over the implementation of GMOs in everyday foods

1. GM crops heartier

a.  Plants grow more when they resist weeds

(1)  Less labor intensive for farmers

B.  Legality

1. Monsanto is ruining everything good about GMOs

a.  Exploiting GMOs for greed

(1)  Lawsuits filed, ruin GMO reputation

C.  Breeding obstacles

1. GMO contamination with organic plants

a.  Transgenic crops

b.  Regulation of mixing genes

V.  Introduce more GMOs, fund research

A.  Money is a big issue in GMOs

1. Need government subsidies

2. Reduce corporate power holdings on GMOs (i.e. Monsanto)

B.  Lack of knowledge of GMOs

1. Unknown side effects, hysteria

2. Label and educate on GMOs

3. Pass legislature

C.  Increase Government Regulation until more conclusive research

1. GMOs have no boundaries

2. Can contaminate conventional crops

3. Should separate GMOs and conventional crops

VI.  Opposition: GMOs are unhealthy and detrimental

A.  Opposition: GMOs hurt soil by using more chemicals

1. Introduction of GM crops

a.  Reduced pesticide usage

(1)  Cause: natural resistance

B.  Genetic Contamination

1. Gene banks and seed banks help keep biodiversity

2. Researchers genetically modify crops

a.  Kept alive, saved population

C.  Opposition: GMO use will not benefit farmers

1. Studies: GMOs improve yield

VII.  Conclusion

A.  Current state of GMOs

1. Major agricultural and cultural problems

a.  Limits scientific advancement

b.  GMO safety

2. How to fix

a.  Promote GMOs and subsidize

b.  Raise awareness

c.  Compromise with labels