Briarwood Estates Association, Inc.

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

St. John’s Township Community Center, 1515 Lincoln Highway, Schererville, Indiana

April 9, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Dewey Schuetz.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

A roll call was called; Dewey Schuetz, present; Kathy Brewer, present; Ron Busick, present; Pam Lau, present; Eric Fehlau, absent.

A quorum was present as stipulated in Section 12 of Article III in the Bylaws.

Association members present were: Sav and Marge Amatulli, Jim and Linda Reidl, Bob and Madlyn Gulan, Lois and Jim Mikulski, Dario and Idelma Pescara, Marianne and Ray Kienker, Ken Toosevich, David Allie, Bill Lannon, Ruth Ohlsen, Alice Gore, Effie Hanes, Bits Petro, and Sue Pelke.

The minutes of the February 13, 2008 meeting were read by Pam Lau.

A motion was made by Ron to accept the minutes of the February 13, 2008 meeting as read.

2nd by Kathy

Roll Call Vote: Ron-yes, Kathy-yes, Dewey-yes, Pam-yes.

Motion carried.

Officers Report, Unfinished Business: Dewey reported that Attorney Jason Horn has not received a response from K D Development regarding the suggested procedure for meeting the legal requirements for turning over the Association to the homeowners. Mr. Horn will continue in his efforts.

It was also reported that lawns are scheduled to be fertilized on Monday (April 14) weather permitting. Ground temperature should be 55 degrees in order for the pre-emerging crabgrass control to be effective (it only has a 30 day residual effect). Lawns will be mowed on Thursdays with Friday as a rain date.

Treasurer’s Report: Dewey presented the treasurer’s report (Eric was absent)

$17,857.80 Beginning balance (money received from K & D)

20,602.85 Income from association fees

25,785.23 Expenses

$12,675.42 Balance as of March 31, 2008

New Business: The Board of Directors invited Steve Kramer, a town council member from the Town of Dyer, to speak to residents over concerns about the development of the land directly south of our subdivision. Mr. Kramer explained that at this time there were no plans for the land and that the developer, Mr. Guy Costanza was only clearing the land at this time. The town of Dyer will make any plans known to one of the board members so that we can inform the homeowners. Mr. Kramer invited any homeowners to attend town meeting as they are open to the public.

The meeting was open to homeowners to hear comments on the proposed “rules and regulations” sent out to homeowners. Comments were taken under advisement.

Dewey reported that he met with Rick Eberly, Dyer’s Planning and Flood Plain Manager (219-865-6108), who stated that our outlots north of the homes on Dalemont Way will be maintained by the Town of Dyer and are covered by Dyer’s liability insurance. The retention pond will remain “natural” and will not be groomed.

A motion was made by Kathy to adjourn the meeting.

2nd by Ron.

All in favor say Aye, opposed No.

Motion was carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm.