Irlam and Cadishead Community Priorities 2014/2015

Irlam and Cadishead Neighbourhood Manager: Ursula Sossalla-Iredale, 0161 686 5226,


Priority: Priorities have been grouped under the City Plan themes:

·  A growing city – connecting people to opportunities (page 3)

-  Encouraging growth by supporting new businesses (page 3)

-  Delivering quality new homes, transport links, world class culture and sport (page 8)

-  Salford – city of creativity, culture and sport (page 9)

·  A caring city – protecting the most vulnerable (page 12)

-  Helping people through recession (page 12)

-  Adult social care (page 12)

-  Health inequalities (page 17)

-  Drug and alcohol misuse (page 21)

-  Reducing crime (page 22)

·  An innovative city – reforming public services (page 26)

-  Reducing the impact of welfare changes (page 26)

-  Environment (page 28)

-  Local services (page 29)

·  A co-operative city – communities working together (page 32)

-  Getting involved (page 32)

-  Co-operative city (page 35)

-  Supporting communities (page 37)

Desired Outcome: These have been identified by Community Committees and based on:

§  local people’s understanding, including information about needs and service outcomes

§  the results of agencies’ engagement with communities and service users

§  Neighbourhood Partnership Boards’ advice about priorities

Information on the consultation undertaken with community representatives is included at the end of the document

Suggested example of Activity/Objective: These have been suggested by Neighbourhood Partnership Boards and Neighbourhood Managers

Identified actions: These are the activities that are planned by Council service groups and Partners across the city to meet the desired outcomes and suggested activity/objectives

Contact details: The source of the information is detailed in bold – for reference, SCC refers to Salford City Council

Theme: A growing city – connecting people to opportunities
Desired Outcome / Suggested example of Activity/Objective / Identified action / How will progress be measured? / Contact details /
Priority – Encouraging growth by supporting new businesses
1.Vacant shops on Tiger Moth Square to be filled / ·  Attract businesses to locate to Tiger Moth Square / 1a. City West will work with local resident groups with a view to them possibly locating within the old City West office. / Vacant office occupied. / City West Housing Trust
Rob Gleave

0161 605 7881
1b. This is not a priority. The overall objective is to attract businesses to relocate to Salford not just to specific parts of the city.
The Business team through their online business property database lists all properties available within the city to which vacant shops at Tiger Moth Square can be added too, if they are not already. / Number of business relocations. / SCC – Regeneration Team
Matthew Lynn, Business Customer Liaison Officer

0161 793 2932
1c. Urban Vision Property Team – active marketing of properties. / Urban Vision
Dave Norbury

0161 779 6121
2.Increased local vocational training opportunities / ·  Build on vocational training opportunities at Irlam and Cadishead College and expand to adults
·  Salford College to continue to work with partners providing vocational skills courses locally / 2a. Continue to work with partners and deliver skill programmes for local people. / Salford City College
Gaynor Davis

2b. Jobcentre Plus provides Work Experience, Skills Training and New Enterprise Allowance for unemployed jobseekers. / Claimant off-flow, reduction in JSA claimants. / Jobcentre Plus
Penny Applegate

07917 090136
2c. Supporting children and young people to achieve economic wellbeing by developing and implementing a Raising of the Participation Age strategy and providing a high quality youth offer.
(Applicable to 16-17 year olds only). / At risk of NEET indicator (RONI). / SCC – Children’s Services
Aly Keogh, Head of Raising Participation

0161 778 0168
2d. To help residents improve their economic wellbeing through the provision of quality pathways into work and career progression and generate employment and training opportunities for local people through links with employers and the wider regeneration of the city. Links to Community Learning Trust – Work and Skills Service. / Various measures of reducing worklessness
/increased skills. / SCC – Children’s Services
Mat Ainsworth/ Alison Burnett, Skills and Work

0161 778 2546/0161 793 2535
2e. City West will continue to offer a wide range of employment and skills training opportunities, prioritising Salford residents. / Employability Initiatives Social Account. / City West Housing Trust
Rachel Walsh

0161 605 7686
3.Support for local unemployed people / ·  Provide free transport for job seekers
·  Continue back to work courses (encourage people to stick to a routine)
·  Continue Job Club / 3a. Travel costs paid for jobseekers referred by Jobcentre Plus to Work Experience or Skills training. / Work Experience and Skills Conditionality completers. / Jobcentre Plus
Penny Applegate

07917 090136
3b. GMW Community Engagement and Recovery Team (CERT) will continue to support Service Users to retain or secure employment/work placements/voluntary opportunities.
All CERT staff can respond to basic welfare benefit issues and assist with form completion for welfare benefits. / GMW Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Paula Solomon, Assistant Director
0161 772 3708
3c. To help residents improve their economic wellbeing through the provision of quality pathways into work and career progression and generate employment and training opportunities for local people through links with employers and the wider regeneration of the city, via commissioned service/Skills and Work Delivery. / Various measures of reducing worklessness/
increased skills. / SCC – Children’s Services
Mat Ainsworth/ Alison Burnett, Skills and Work

0161 778 2546/0161 793 2535
3d. Blue Orchid deliver start up support to Salford unemployed residents via the Business Start Up Support (BSUS) scheme. / Number of enquiries.
Number of new business start-ups. / SCC – Regeneration Team
Frank Levery – Blue Orchid
0161 341 0245
3e. Continue to use Library to run work club with Health Improvement Team. / SCL – Salford Community Leisure
Hannah Quinlan

0161 211 7225
3f. City West will continue to offer a wide range of employment and skills training opportunities, prioritising Salford residents. / Employability Initiatives Social Account. / City West Housing Trust
Rachel Walsh

0161 605 7686
4.Provide adult learning opportunities locally / ·  Salford College and other providers to continue adult education courses and increase number of courses in the Tiger Moth Pub / 4a. Continue to work with partners and deliver skill programmes for local people. / Salford City College
Gaynor Davis

4b. To help residents improve their economic well-being through the provision of quality pathways into work and career progression and generate employment and training opportunities for local people through links with employers and the wider regeneration of the city.
Links to Community Learning Trust – Work and Skills Service. / Number of residents accessing adult learning. / SCC – Children’s Services
Mat Ainsworth/ Alison Burnett, Skills and Work

0161 778 2546/0161 793 2535
4c. City West will continue to offer a wide range of employment and skills training opportunities, prioritising Salford residents. / Employability Initiatives Social Account. / City West Housing Trust
Rachel Walsh

0161 605 7686
5. More secure working conditions / ·  Get rid of 0 hours contracts / 5a. To help residents improve their economic well-being through the provision of quality pathways into work and career progression and generate employment and training opportunities for local people through links with employers and the wider regeneration of the city.
Links to City Mayor’s Charter – Work and Skills Service. / Number of employers signing up to the City Mayor’s Charter for Employment Standards. / SCC – Children’s Services
Mat Ainsworth/ Alison Burnett, Skills and Work

0161 778 2546/0161 793 2535
5b. / Salford CVS does not employ anyone on zero hours contracts and is a Living Wage employer. / Salford CVS (Community & Voluntary Services)
Alison Page
0161 787 7795
5c. City West will remain a Living Wage accredited employer and continue to have no 0 hour contracts. / Living Wage accreditation. / City West Housing Trust
Michael Roden

0161 605 7617
6.More up-skilled, work ready young people / ·  Offer volunteering, work placements, apprenticeships
·  Raise young people’s aspirations
·  Offer opportunities for NEETs
·  Encourage children and young people to think about more than one career choice / 6a. Continue to develop Apprenticeship opportunities. Continue to deliver vocational taster programmes to enable young people to make and take informed choices. / Salford City College
Lisa Liddy

Gaynor Davis

6b. GMFRS delivers an Apprentice programme and currently has Apprentice Community Safety Advisors and Apprentice Business Safety Advisors.
The Service is a deliverer of the Prince’s Trust Programme within Salford Borough and also delivers a cadets programme which teaches young people life skills and work place skills. / The current success rate for apprentice Community Safety Advisors is 75%. / GMFRS (Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service)
Andy Pownall- Community Safety Manager

07977 410 605
6c. Social Value Programme – Encouragement of Contractors to support NEETs into employment and training through Salford based projects.
Apprenticeship/Work Placement Schemes.
Capita Bootcamp – providing CV and interview skills training. / KPI report to Urban Vision Board to include Salford City Council representation.
Procurement Board monitoring – Andrew White. / Urban Vision
Sarah Royle

0161 779 6145
6d. Work experience/volunteering opportunities. Recruitment events. / SRFT (Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust)
Lesley Moss, HR Services Manager, Recruitment and Retention Manager

0161 206 4555
6e. Work Experience and Skills Conditionality training offered to young people, also referrals to National Careers Service. / Reduction in 18-24 Jobseeker Allowance claimants. / Jobcentre Plus
Penny Applegate

07917 090136
6f. Supporting children and young people to achieve economic wellbeing by developing and implementing a Raising of the Participation Age strategy and providing a high quality youth offer. (Applicable to 16-17 year olds only).
Ensure all partners contribute to the Youth Strategy Outcomes: in relation to “Offer volunteering, work placements, apprenticeships and Raise young people’s aspirations”.
To help residents improve their economic well-being through the provision of quality pathways into work and career progression and generate employment and training opportunities for local people through links with employers and the wider regeneration of the city via Commissioned service/Skills and Work Delivery. / At risk of NEET indicator (RONI).
Numbers of young people worked with.
Various measures of reducing worklessness/
increased skills. / SCC – Children’s Services
Aly Keogh, Head of Raising Participation

0161 778 0168
SCC – Children’s Services
Eileen Buchan, Head of Integrated Youth Support Service

0161 603 6834
SCC – Children’s Services
Mat Ainsworth/ Alison Burnett, Skills and Work

0161 778 2546/0161 793 2535
6g. Number of Work Placement Students.
Presence at School Career events. / SCL (Salford Community Leisure)
Dawn Williams

0161 775 4134
6h. City West will continue to offer a wide range of employment and skills training opportunities, prioritising Salford residents. / Employability Initiatives Social Account. / City West Housing Trust
Rachel Walsh

0161 605 7686
7.Regeneration of Liverpool Road / ·  Continue to improve Liverpool Road corridor / 7a. City West will continue to support regeneration of the Liverpool Road Corridor through our Lease and Repair scheme on the Liverpool Road corridor – bringing empty properties back into use. This service will also be rolled out to all areas of Salford to further regenerate the whole city. / Properties brought back into use. / City West Housing Trust
Richard Marks

0161 605 7670
7b. Improve building fronts and street scene to reduce the number of void properties. / Regeneration and Investment 3 year action plan 2013/14 to 2015/16.
Public realm and environment improve.
Number of void properties. / SCC – Regeneration Team
Lyndsey Priestley, Project Manager

0161 793 3444
7c. Urban Vision representation and input on Liverpool Road Regeneration Group. / Urban Vision
Perry Twigg

0161 779 6053
8.Make better use of prime agricultural land on Chat Moss / ·  Create markets for local farmers to grow more vegetables
·  Support Chat Moss related companies (Chat Moss Herbs, Lucy’s Farm Shop, Chat Moss Produce, Moss Farm Fisheries/Cafe and related businesses / 8a. The Business team provide advice and support to Salford businesses across the city. For further information please contact Becky Edwards. / SCC – Regeneration Team
Becky Edwards, Business Customer Liaison Manager

0161 793 2926
8b. Continue to promote and distribute information. / SCL (Salford Community Leisure)
Chris Smith

0161 778 0570
Priority – Delivering quality new homes, transport links, world class culture and sport
9.Provision of affordable transport for isolated and disabled people / ·  Explore local options / 9a. Team identified to undertake a review of all transport needs of people with learning difficulties. / SCC – Community, Health and Social Care
Alison Antrobus, Learning Difficulties Team

0161 793 2286
9b. Delivery of travel choices programme – The programme provides travel advice and training to individuals and grants to businesses to increase sustainable business travel. There are three main elements, but two that can support this priority include:
·  Travel support for jobseekers
·  Travel support for commuters / Uptake in the travel surgeries and personal travel planning support on offer by Salford residents. / SCC – Regeneration Team
TfGM (Transport for Greater Manchester)
Helen Ramsden, Head of Travel Choices

0161 244 1346
9c. Provide information as to the options available through Mobility Officer. / SCC – Community, Health and Social Care
Jane Peacock, Adult Provision

0161 793 2087
·  Volunteer Driver scheme – with the aim to improve access for local residents to cancer care at SRFT (Christies) / 9d. This community service is a partnership between the Health Improvement Service, Salford Royal Foundation Trust and a team of local volunteers (Volunteer Drivers). The drivers are on a rota system to drive cancer patients to Salford Royal (Christie Unit) to have their treatment. Each volunteer uses their own vehicle, which is checked and insured for this purpose. / SCC – Community, Health and Social Care
Janice Lowndes, Health Improvement Service

0161 793 3603
10.Improved pavements/roads / ·  Identify and improve hotspots e.g. Caroline Street potholes and damaged verges on Astley Road / 10a. City West will ensure we inspect our neighbourhoods on a monthly basis and focus on improving the aesthetic look and kerb side appeal of the neighbourhood. Where required we will develop an environmental improvement plan to address issues with litter, poor lighting, parking provision, open space management and the condition of pavements and communal blocks. / Visible improvements to the area/continue to conduct monthly inspections. / City West Housing Trust