Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Term 4. To help you keep up-to-date with what is happening in classrooms, the information below is a summary of some of the planned learning for students during Term 4.


English lessons this term will continue to develop a range of language forms and features that relate to imaginative texts including poetry. Through our HSIE unit ‘Identities’ students will read, view and analyse a range of Australian poetry. By comparing and contrasting quality texts, students will be supported to compose their own poems and other short imaginative texts.


This term, students will continue to develop key mathematical concepts related to numbers, as well as developing higher order problem solving techniques. Learning will focus on fractions, decimals and percentages as well as two-dimensional space. For both year 5 and 6 revision will occur.


In this term’s unit ‘Identities’ students will develop knowledge and understanding of different expressions of Australian identities, including Aboriginal identities. Different cultural influences are explored through significant events and symbols of Australian culture. The influence of knowledge about how Australians live, behave and express their cultural differences and values affects our personal identity.

Science & Technology

In Science, students will study energy and how it is produced. Every day we use energy to make changes to our surrounding. We heat rooms, freeze food and communicate using light, sound and electricity. Power stations and local solutions such as batteries provide us with electrical energy that machines transform into useful energies. We cannot create energy we can only transform energy already present in our environment. So where does energy come from?


All Stage 3 students will participate in the Swimming School program in Weeks 3 & 4. Please ensure all swimming gear and clothing (including uniforms and underwear) are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Summer PSSA runs throughout the term. Students not involved in PSSA will participate in Stage Sport, which consists of a range of activities. Stage 3 students will continue to develop fundamental movement skills during their PE lessons.

Creative Arts

This term, year 6 students will continue to develop skills and concepts of dance in the lead up to the Year 6 Farewell. Weekly hip hop lessons will also continue.

Students will further develop drama techniques this term during their weekly lessons. Music lessons will also continue.

Remind App

Stage 3 will continue to use the Remind App to communicate messages between home and school. The app allows parents to receive brief messages about what is happening at school in years 5 and 6. The service is at no cost and completely voluntary. You simply need to install the Remind App (available for Apple and android devices) on your smartphone. During the setup process you will be asked to join a class. Use the class code eps-stage3. We will continue to use the newsletter, notes and the electronic sign as a means of communication.

Year 6 Farewell

The year 6 farewell is taking place on Thursday 10th December. We are looking for year 5 parent helpers to assist with catering and decorating on the night. Please give your name, and your child’s name and class to Miss Scheidegger if you are interested in helping by Wednesday of week 2. An information session will be held early this term.

Term 4 at a glance…

Subject / How can you help at home?
English / ·  Watch short plays or skits on YouTube (or similar media) and discuss the effectiveness of storyline and presentation.
·  Dress up and put on short plays as a family using well-known stories.
·  Read poetry from Australia and abroad.
·  Read books from different cultures and look at the influences on the author.
·  Discuss why your family celebrates festivals and what traditions are important to those festivals.
Maths / ·  Practise using units of measurement and equipment for volume, capacity and time.
·  Use buckets of water to estimate displacement of objects e.g. balls, blocks. Find real world applications for displacement e.g. putting vegetables into soup.
·  Look at graphs in newspapers, magazines, news bulletins. How is the data displayed? Why did they choose that type of graph? Is the data misleading/biased?
Science / ·  Talk about how energy is used in the home. Do you use gas and/or electricity? Why? What are the benefits of each?
·  Practise using units of measurement and equipment for volume, capacity and time.
HSIE / ·  Talk about the festivals your family celebrates and the traditions/religious meaning behind them.
·  Discuss national Australian symbols, songs and significant sites. Compare with national symbols, songs and sites of your home country.
·  Identify the etymology (word origin) of place names, and other words and expressions.
PDHPE / For Year 5:
·  Start talking about expectations for Year 6 and into High School.
·  Work on being able to independently pack a bag and check a diary every day for upcoming events.
For Year 6:
·  Look at High School websites and visit your designated High School.
·  Talk about what organisations and expectations might be different in High School.

Important Dates

Monday 19th October – Friday 30th October (Weeks 3 & 4) / Swim School
Thursday 5th November / Year 6 Sculptures by the Sea Excursion
Thursday 5th November / Voting for Captains/Prefects 2016
Thursday 15th November / Captains to State Parliament
Wednesday 25th November / School Concert
Wednesday 9th December / Stage 3 Presentation Day
Thursday 10th December / Year 6 Farewell
Monday 15th December / Stage 3 Picnic Day: Strike Bowling @ Macquarie