American Institute of Indian Studies
D-31 Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024
Biodata sheet for AIIS Program Participants Who Require Student Visas
1. Last name:______First name:______MI:______
2. College/University of participant: ______
3. Date of application: ______
4. Father’s Name: ______
5. Mother’s Name: ______
6. Sex: Female Male
7. Date of Birth: Day ___ Month ___Year ______Age______
8. Place of Birth: ______
9. Nationality: ______
10. Passport No.: ______
Date of Issue: ______
Date of Expiry: ______
Place of Issue: ______
U.S. Resident Alien No. ______
11. U.S. Program with which affiliated: ______
12. Language to be studied in India ______
Or AIIS Study-abroad Program in India: ______
(Please note this must be a program for the study of Indian languages and culture, and not for any other activity
such as teaching, training, research, or volunteering, for which a different category of visa is required.)
13. Intended duration of stay in India: From: ______To: ______Total months: ______
14. Previous visits to India (with dates):______
15. Indian Consulate or Embassy to which visa authorization should be sent:
New York Washington DC Chicago Houston San Francisco
We take full responsibility for the activities and conduct of Mr./Ms.______, national of ______, during his/her stay in India. The undersigned is responsible for the repatriation of this participant in the event she or he engages in unlawful activity, fails to fulfill program requirements, or is disruptive of the program.
Date Signature of competent authority (such as the program head)
Note: Students should obtain student visas before leaving the U.S. Indian Consulates outside the U.S. will be unfamiliar with the special provision created for American students participating in programs in India. Applications for student visas at non-U.S. Indian Consulates have encountered extended delays and misunderstanding, disrupting the travel plans of some students.
Students who are Pakistan or Bangladesh nationals, or who were born in Pakistan or Bangladesh, or whose parents are of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin should apply for student visas at Indian Consulates in the U.S., U.K., or Canada at least three months before the anticipated date of departure. There will be a delay in the issuance of these visas.