Continuous Auctions & Insider Trading

Albert S. Kyle (Econometrica 1985)

Presented by Jay Li

Mar. 2007

I. Main Questions and Answers

How quickly is new private information about the value of t incorporated into market prices?

  • Incorporated gradually in the trading process and fully incorporated by the end of trading in continuous time.

How valuable is private information to an insider?

  • Insider profits are proportional to the amount of prior inside information.

How does noise trading affect the price volatility?

  • No effect if the insider is risk-neutral

What determines market liquidity?

  • Noise trading contributes to the depth of the market by camouflaging the insiders.
  • Market depth is inversely proportional to the amount of private information not yet incorporated into prices.
  • Market resilience is determined by the trading of the insider, not the noise trader.

II. Single Auction Equilibrium


Insider, noise traders, and market makers


Ex post liquidation value of the risky asset

Quantity traded by noise traders ,

Quantity traded by insiders

Price set by market makers

Profits of the insider

The rule of the game

Step 1:

Exogenous values of and are realized and the insider chooses the quantity he trades when observing but not.

The insider’s trading strategy X is a function such that .

Step 2:

The market makers determine the price at which they trade the quantity necessary to clear the market when observing but not or (or ) separately.

The market makers pricing rule P is a function such that .

When maximizing his profit, the insider takes into account the effect the quantity he chooses to trade in step one is expected to have on the price established in step two, taking the rule the market makers use to set prices in step two as given.

The Equilibrium:


Suppose the linear function of the market makers’ pricing rule and insider’s trading strategy are as follows:

(2.4) and

Noting , insider’s profit is then

Maximizing profit yields the FOC

Comparing with (2.4), we get

Plugging (2.4) into (2.2) yields

Applying the conditional expectation of normally distributed variables, i.e., , we get

Solving (2.6) and (2.8) s.t. SOC yields the results together with and

Properties of the Equilibrium

Informativeness of prices:

Applying the conditional variance of normally distributed variables, i.e., yields

Thus one half of the insider’s private information is incorporated into prices and the volatility of prices is unaffected by the level of noise trading

Market depth, i.e., the order flow necessary to induce prices to rise or fall by one dollar, measured by , is proportional to the amount of noise trading, and inversely proportional to the amount of private information.

Maximized profit, , is proportional to the depth of the market. A horizontal expansion of the supply curve induces the insider to trade a proportionately larger quantity without affecting prices, and this makes his profits correspondingly larger as well.

Expected profit , proportional to standard deviation of both and .

III. Sequential Auction Equilibrium

Features in addition to those of the single auction game

Trading consists of N auctions, which take place over one trading day beginning at t=0 and ending at t=1. That is

is a Brownian motion process with instantaneous variance .


Thus , where .

is the aggregate position of the insider after the nth auction, so that denotes the quantity traded by the insider at the nth auction.

is the market clearing price set by the market makers at nth auction.

Trading strategy

Pricing rule

Profits of the insider

The Equilibrium

Properties of the Equilibrium

The informativeness of prices, , declines monotonically, reflecting the fact that private information of the insider is gradually incorporated into prices (see (3.19)). It is shown that goes to 0 in a continuous time setting, so private information is fully incorporated into prices by the end of the trading.

The market depth, again, is negatively proportionate to the amount of information not yet incorporated into prices, and proportional to the amount of noise trading (see (3.18)).

The expected profits of the insider are proportional to , as in the single auction model.

If doubles, halves; , , and doubles; is unaffected. That is, increasing the amount of noise trading increases market depth proportionately, increases proportionately the profits of the insider by encouraging him to trade more, and leave the informativeness of prices unchanged.

Outline of the Proof

1st step:

Using a backward induction argument to obtain the insider’s trading strategy and expected profits as a function of the market makers’ pricing rule. Since the pricing rule is characterized by the market depth parameter , the insider’s problem is to decide how intensely (measured by ) to trade on the basis of his private information, given the market depth expected at current and future auctions. If future market depth is greater, he is going to trade more intensively in the future and vice versa.

The backward induction argument also shows that the insider’s profit function is quadratic and the linear equilibrium is recursive. In the meantime, the intensity with which the insider trades, , is derived as a function of the current market depth and the measure of the value of private information at future auctions, which itself is a function of market depth at those auctions.

2nd step:

Market efficiency condition is used to derive the market depth and the informativeness of prices from and . Intuitively, given the level of noise trading, the depth of the market at the nth auction depends negatively on how much private information that is not yet incorporated into prices after the (n-1)th auction, and how intensively the insider trades upon his private information. This also determines how much of the insider’s remaining private information is incorporated into prices at the nth auction, and how much remains private. The market makers, by setting price in response to insider trading, reduce the market liquidity.

3rd step:

The uniqueness of the equilibrium is shown.