St. Lawrence County Office for the Aging (OFA)

Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2016

Meeting called to order: 10:00 AM byPatrick Rourk,Chairman

Present: (voting members):Carlton Doane, Richard Gardner, Bob Mead, Patrick Rourk,Linda Wilkinson, Russ Backus, Roger Bennett, Frank Carter, Joyce Persons

Present: (non-voting members):Larry Denesha, Andrea Montgomery, Christine Fobare, Jenna Decker, Gail Bisonette, Michael Boprey, R. Andre, Danielle Durant, Sylvia Despaw

Present: (New Members/Pending BOL approval)

Excused: Ada Santaferra

Absent:Ron Frank

Public Attending:

Meeting Location: Human Services Building, Canton

♦Introductions:Meeting brought to order byP. Rourk.Opened with Pledge of Allegiance andMoment of Reflection.Welcome and introductions. A. Montgomery explained that she would need to step out during the meeting for a mandatory NYSOFA conference call.

♦Guest Speaker –Speakers were representatives from Maximizing Independent Living Choices (MILTC)

They reviewed their services and how to access them.

• information and referral

• advocacy

• assistive technology (loan equipment)

• peer counseling

• assistance applying for benefits

• housing/barriers to accessibility/modifications

• health insurance

• Medicaid Assistance Program (MAP)/facilitated enrollers

• CDPAPS /consumer direct

♦Public Comment– No public comment.

♦Approval/Minutes–motion to approve minutes by R. Bennett, seconded by R. Mead, all in favor. Motion passed.

♦Correspondence(L. Wilkinson) – thank you card was sent to Sheriff Wells for speaking at last meeting.

♦Old Business– OFA Work Reports. R. Gardner had questions regarding the closure of CDP and also questions about the effect on EISEP. Discussion about the lack of personal care workers, not only in our county, but across the state. R. Andre explained that we are trying to provide ancillary services with some of the funds at this time. P. Rourk suggested that that we discuss personal care and EISEP issues at the next meeting in lieu of having a guest speaker.

♦New Business–

NY Connects in Your Community Update(Randy Andre)

Explanation of NY Connects and how it works. Increase branding and access to I and A in SLC. Informed consent explained. R. Bennett suggested making a motion of support by the Advisory Council.

County Council of Senior Citizens Report(Sylvia Despaw)

Over 350 people attended the senior picnic in July. $700 has been received from the United Way. It is split between the MayFest and the picnic. Health Initiatives will be providing free classes at the Massena Community Center, Living With Diabetes, September 21st through November 2nd. OFA Public Hearing will be held at the October County Council meeting.

StateWide Senior Action Council Report(Linda Wilkinson)

Approximately 350 people attended the Seniorama in August. All 63 tables were sold. Franklin County will probably do the Seniorama next year. Annual Convention will be this month. People can still sign up. Next meeting will be in October.

Veterans Services Report(Mike Boprey)

P. Rourk gave the report. He explained the NYS Blind Annuity.

Public Health Report (Jim Rich)

Discussed Public Health issues in SLC. Department is going through transitions. They are promoting what they do and how they can help people in how they live.

County Legislator’s Report (Larry Denesha)

Explained that the BOL is into the 2017 budget at this time. It will be another tough budget year. There is again an interest by the board in reducing appropriations for OFA by 25%. L. Denesha will not support these cuts. Senior citizens should be encouraged to write letters of support for OFA funding. In regards to the J&L site in Star Lake, bid was awarded to Dan’s hauling and Demo to demolish the buildings. County received grants which left SLC with only a cost of $57K. Other contributions within the county left SLC with only a $15K cost. It would be appropriate for the Advisory Council to submit a letter of support for OFA funding. R. Mead made the motion.

Seconded by R. Backus. All in favor. Motion passed.

AARPReport(Gail Bisonette)

Bill for paid leave for caregivers. Bill passed on Advanced Health Aides. Secure Choice Bill did not pass but will be at the top of the list next year. This month’s meeting will be at Goose Landing. Joanne Scott will speak on senior health issues.

Office for the Aging Report(Andrea Montgomery)

• submitted budget but haven’t submitted cuts yet

• Falls Prevention Awareness Month/OFA has night lights to distribute

• NYSOFA annual evaluation is this month/state nutrition evaluation was last month/also having a fiscal

evaluation this fall.

• Open Enrollment schedule fully booked/referring to NYSOFA, etc.

• Medicare 101 will be presented at Public Hearings

• NY Connects is partnering with Public Health for an immunization presentation and sign up on

September 16th at Canton Enriched Housing

• Cyber Seniors beginning 9/20 at the BOCES building in Canton

• Tai Chi for Arthritis also beginning 9/20 at Clifton-Fine Community Center

• Public Hearings schedule given

R. Bennett asked if there were any questions from the public. Some OFA budget questions.

♦Adjournment– Motion to adjourn byR. Backus, seconded by C. Doane, all in favor.

P. Rourk adjourned meeting at 11:45 AM..

♦Next Meeting– Monday, November 14that10 am at the Human Services Building 2nd Floor Conference Rm.

(Minutes respectfully submitted byChristine Fobare)