Hartpury Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 8.00pm on the 25thApril 2016 at Hartpury Village Hall


Alastair McGhee, Rob Gregory, Sylvia Gibbs, Dave Zeal, Roger Houldey,Norma Jones. Vicky Roberts (Clerk). 22members of the public were present.

The meeting was chaired by Alastair McGhee and the minutes were taken by the Clerk.


The Chair welcomed those present and the meeting opened at 8.00pm4

2.Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Darren Elmslie.

3Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2015 were proposed as a true record by Ken Jollans, seconded by Sheila Trail and were signed by the Chair.

4Matters Arising

The new Village Hall and Methodist Church sign was discussed.

5Report from County Councillor

Councillor Brian Robinson attended the meeting and gave a report to the meeting.

6Report from District Councillor

Councillor Philip Burford gave a report to the meeting.

7Report from Police

No report was received and the PCSO was unable to attend due to work schedule.

8Clerks’ Financial statement

The Clerk read out the financial position of the Council including the income and expenditure.

9Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave a report at the meeting on the activities of the Parish Council.

10Reports from local groups

Drama Group - Dave Page attended the meeting and gave a report.

Little Oaks Nursery - Were unable to attend.

Primary School- Mr Tony Larner, Headteacher attended the meeting and gave a report

Friends of the Primary School– were unable to attend

Historic Buildings Trust – PCC United Charity–Were unable to be present, however, a report was submitted and read out by the Chair.

Methodist Church–were unable to be present

Hartpury Church– Eileen Magee attended the meeting and gave a report

Village Agent– Liz Price attended the meeting and gave a report.

Hartpury College – Russell Marchant, Principle attended the meeting and gave a report

WI– Dillys Cowen attended the meeting and gave a report.

Village Hall – Ken Jollansattended the meeting and gave a report.

Youth Club– Ken Jollans gave a report.

Marlowe– Were unable to attend.

Milefest– David Hill attended the meeting and gave a report to the meeting.

Walking for Health– Susan Gregory attended and gave a report.

11Public Question Time

There were no questions received.

12Closure of Meeting

The meeting closed 8.58pm