Converting an old e-Portfolio to a new one

The old system uses a special theme, the new one a plugin.

To convert to the new system you should:

  1. Activate the new e-Portfolio plugin
  2. Change Theme
  3. Delete pages that you no longer need
  4. Make your e-portfolio Glow Only

To do any of the steps you need to logon to Glow, and then go to your blogs dashboard.

Activate the e-portfolio plugin


Click Activate under the e-portfolio plugin listing.

Change your Theme

Dashboard -> Themes

Pick a theme and activate it. We would suggest that you chose one of the more modern themes, Yoko, TwentyFourteen, TwentyThirteen or TwentyTwelve.

Click Activate on any theme.

The new e-Portfolios are not dependent on themes. Pupils could choose and change their own theme and customise in any way they like. This would not affect the production of the profiles.

Delete Pages that you no longer need

Dashboard-> Pages

The original e-Portfolio themes had several pages used to produce the profile. To keep things tidy you should delete these. Pages can be deleted in the Dashboard: All Pages section.

Check the boxes on the pages you want to remove and then change the Bulk Actions Popup to Move To Trash. Click Apply.

If you delete all of the pages your blog will lose the About Me home page and revet to using the standard latest posts page. If you wish to keep the old style About Me page as your home page, keep it and theMy Latest Post pages.

Make the e-Portfolios Glow Only Not Private

This will make it easy for secondary teachers to get a view of pupils e-portfolios when the pupils move school. It will also help when new staff arrive in school.


Check the Glow Only box and Save Changes.

Optional Steps

Add the Profiles widget to the blog sidebar.

If you wish links to published profiles to appear on the blogs sidebar add the widget.

Add the new Profile tags to existing Posts. If you want old posts to be available to make a profile you need to add the profile tags to these post. You can do this in bulk on the All Posts page, more help:

There is more help on using the new e-portfolios including Screencasts of the above process:

Blogs and portfolio information on the ICT & TS blog: