



The Michigan Center for the Book will partially fund events or projects in Michigan that enhance or complement our mission to promote an awareness of books, reading, literacy, authors and Michigan’s rich literary heritage.

Requirements to apply for funds are:

1.)The event must be free and open to the public. We feel open to the public must be in an obvious and welcoming way.

2.)The sponsoring organization must be a Michigan-based nonprofit organization, library, or school. Michigan Center for the Book affiliates may receive priority.

3.)The request for funds must be no more than fifty percent of the total budget of the project/event or no more than $500, whichever is less.

4.)The request for funds must be received between February 1, 2015 and March 1, 2015 for events in 2015. Late applications will not be accepted.

5.)A grantee may receive only one grant per calendar year and a project may receive only one grant per calendar year. Non-affiliates may not receive grants in consecutive years.

6.)Materials used to publicize the project/event must credit the Michigan Center for the Book. The phrase “sponsored in part by the Michigan Center for the Book” is required and the Michigan Center for the Book logo can be used as well.

7.)Within thirty days upon completion of the event:

  1. The attached report on page three must be turned in to the Michigan Center for the Book. This report is intended to aid the effectiveness of the Michigan Center for the Book in reaching its goals.
  2. Materials used to publicize the project/event must be included with the report.

Review criteria for requests may include Center for the Book affiliate status, impact of the program, uniqueness of the program, geographic area of the institution, community size, and previous Center for the Book grant funding. Programs that provide new opportunities to participants are preferred.

We encourage libraries looking to the Center for the Book for funding to join as an affiliate. Although affiliates pay an annual membership due, they also receive preference for grant funding. Please see in the How the Center is Organized section for an affiliate application or contact Edwina Murphy at (517) 373-4376 or .



Project/Event Title: / Date of Event: / Today’s Date:
Organization: / Contact Person:
Address: / Contact Telephone Number:
City/State/Zip: / Contact Email:
Event Description (Be sure to include the goals/objectives of the program or event, how your organization expects to achieve those outcomes, how this project relates to the Michigan Center for the Book’s goal to promote an awareness of books, reading, literacy, authors and Michigan’s rich literary heritage, expected number of attendees, and any other pertinent organizational background information. Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary. Attach schedule of events or brochure if available):
Amount Requested: / Matching Fund Amount: / Have you received an MCFB grant before? Please note year:
Budget Information (Outline your budget for this project, include a detailed explanation of the funding request and how the funds will be matched):

The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and complies with all requirements listed on page one.


Project Director Signature

Completed forms must be received by November 1, for events in that calendar year:


By mail: Michigan Center for the BookBy fax: Michigan Center for the BookBy email:

ATTN: Edwina MurphyATTN: Edwina MurphySubject Line: MCFB grant request

P.O. Box 30007(517) 373-5700Then follow with a fax of signed form.

Lansing, MI 48909-7507

This report needs to be received by the Michigan Center for the Book within 30 days of the completion of the project/event.

Project/Event Title: / Date of Event: / Today’s Date:
Organization: / Contact Person:
Address: / Contact Telephone Number:
City/State/Zip: / Contact Email:
Number of Attendees: / Type of Attendees (children, general public, librarians, students, etc.): / Do you plan to have this event again?
If so, when?
State the goals and/or objectives of the project and explain how the project met or failed to meet these goals and objectives:
Describe how successful the event or project was at promoting the goals of the Michigan Center for the Book. (The goal of the Michigan Center for the Book is to promote an awareness of books, reading, literacy, authors and Michigan’s rich literary heritage.):
Please add any further comments here:

The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and complies with all requirements listed on PAGE ONE.


Project Director Signature

Please return this completed form along with samples of materials used to publicize the event within thirty (30) days of completion of the project/event to:

Michigan Center for the Book

ATTN: Edwina Murphy

P.O. Box 30007

Lansing, MI 48909-7507

Why Should My Library Join the Michigan Center for the Book?

Because the rewards far outweigh the minimal investment!

Grant Money!

Your dues help fund an annual literary grant program across the state and also fund Literary Landmarks. As an added bonus, affiliate members can apply for grants more often, and are more likely to be funded.

The Inside Track on Author Visits!

The Michigan Center for the Book creates and maintains such helpful resources as the Michigan Library Author Visit blog, the Author Visit How-To site, and the One Book Archive. And affiliate members are first in line for visits from Michigan Notable Book authors.

Events and Networking!

Members represent our Center at both the National Book Festival in Washington DC and the national Idea Exchange meeting for state Centers for the Book. Quarterly meetings allow for an exchange of ideas among participants, and working on Center projects will give you the experience you need for advancement and job security.

Enrich the Lives of Your Patrons!

In these technological times, when people are standing in line to predict the demise of the printed book, the Michigan Center for the Book is the only organization in the state dedicated solely to promoting literacy, reading, and a love of books. By joining, you are visibly committed to an effort to increase literacy in your community. Michigan has a rich literary heritage and an impressive number of authors, and your involvement in the Center will introduce many people to them.

Our mission is to promote an awareness of books, reading, literacy,

authors and Michigan's rich literary heritage.

Affiliate members have a seat on the Center for the Book Board, participate in programs as they are able, and pay an annual due. Member travel to national events is supported in whole or in part. The Library of Michigan provides staff support, program management, and a web site at

For more information on Center for the Book activities and membership, you may find our Annual Reports and an Affiliate Application at the “How the Center for the Book is Organized” section of our web site.

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