26 May 2016 65



Edition No. 24

As at 26 May 2016

(Notice received 14 April 2015)

502[1] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian male prison system on —

(a) 9 February 2015;

(b) 16 February 2015;

(c) 16 March 2015;

(d) 23 March 2015;

(e) 30 March 2015; and

(f) 6 April 2015.

503[2] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian female prison system on —

(a) 9 February 2015;

(b) 16 February 2015;

(c) 16 March 2015;

(d) 23 March 2015;

(e) 30 March 2015; and

(f) 6 April 2015.

504[3] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many male prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at 7am
on —

(a) 9 February 2015;

(b) 16 February 2015;

(c) 16 March 2015;

(d) 23 March 2015;

(e) 30 March 2015; and

(f) 6 April 2015.

505[4] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many female prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at 7am on —

(a) 9 February 2015;

(b) 16 February 2015;

(c) 16 March 2015;

(d) 23 March 2015;

(e) 30 March 2015; and

(f) 6 April 2015.

506[5] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many current parole orders were there on —

(a) 12 February 2015;

(b) 19 February 2015;

(c) 12 March 2015;

(d) 19 March 2015;

(e) 26 March 2015;

(f) 2 April 2015; and

(g) 9 April 2015.

(Notice received 5 May 2015)

548[6] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian male prison system on —

(a) 13 April 2015;

(b) 20 April 2015; and

(c) 27 April 2015.

549[7] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian female prison system on —

(a) 13 April 2015;

(b) 20 April 2015; and

(c) 27 April 2015.

550[8] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many male prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at 7am
on —

(a) 13 April 2015;

(b) 20 April 2015; and

(c) 27 April 2015.

551[9] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many female prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at 7am on —

(a) 13 April 2015;

(b) 20 April 2015; and

(c) 27 April 2015.

552[10] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many current parole orders were there on —

(a) 13 April 2015;

(b) 20 April 2015; and

(c) 27 April 2015.

(Notice received 26 May 2015)

558[11] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian male prison system on —

(a) 4 May 2015;

(b) 11 May 2015; and

(c) 18 May 2015.

559[12] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many prisoners were in the Victorian female prison system on —

(a) 4 May 2015;

(b) 11 May 2015; and

(c) 18 May 2015.

560[13] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many male prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at
7am on —

(a) 4 May 2015;

(b) 11 May 2015; and

(c) 18 May 2015.

561[14] MR O’DONOHUE - To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many female prisoners were held in police cells in Victoria at
7am on —

(a) 4 May 2015;

(b) 11 May 2015; and

(c) 18 May 2015.

562[15] MR O’DONOHUE — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Corrections): How many current parole orders were there on —

(a) 4 May 2015;

(b) 11 May 2015; and

(c) 18 May 2015.

(Notice received 27 May 2015)

571[16] MS WOOLDRIDGE — To ask the Minister for Families and Children (for the Minister for Health): In relation to the one-off payment to every Victorian Health Service to cover the additional cost of the 2015 Easter Sunday Public Holiday, how much funding did each Health Service receive to cover this additional cost.

572[17] MS WOOLDRIDGE — To ask the Minister for Families and Children (for the Minister for Health): What is the Department of Health and Human Services estimation of the cost of the new AFL Grand final eve public holiday for Victorian Health Services.

(Notice received 4 August 2015)

868[18] MS WOOLDRIDGE — To ask the Minister for Families and Children (representing the Minister for Ambulance Services): In relation to Ambulance Victoria:

(1) What was the cost incurred due to the 5 April 2015 Easter Sunday Public Holiday.

(4) What is the cost to be incurred for the 2015 Grand Final Eve Public Holiday.

872[19] MS WOOLDRIDGE — To ask the Minister for Families and Children (representing the Minister for Health as the lead Minister for Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)): In relation to the DHHS:

(1) What was the cost incurred due to the 5 April 2015 Easter Sunday Public Holiday.

(4) What is the cost to be incurred for the 2015 Grand Final Eve Public Holiday.

(Notice received 2 September 2015)

1227[20] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In each of 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15, how many reports of non-compliance from authorised officers were received by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

1228[21] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In each of 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 —

(1)  How many public transport ticketing infringement notices were issued by or on behalf of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

(2)  Of those infringements notices issued in each of those financial years, how many requests for review were received by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

(3)  Of those requests for review received, how many original infringements were then withdrawn, in each of the financial years.

1229[22] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 —

(1) How many ticket infringement matters were prosecuted at the Infringements Court.

(2) How many matters were referred to the Infringements Court for consideration of special circumstances, and how many times were special circumstances granted.

1230[23] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15, on how many separate occasions did the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources have to appear at the Infringements Court.

1231[24] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15, how many challenged ticket infringement notices were waived ('waived' not meaning the alleged offender was found not guilty of the offence, but that the amount due under the infringement was not enforced by the Infringement Court).

1232[25] MS DUNN — To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development (for the Minister for Public Transport): In relation to section 228H(1) of the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983

(1)  How many infringements have been issued to accredited companies in each of the years 2011-2012, 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15.

(2)  For each financial year, how many of those penalties have been issued to bus companies, how many have been issued to train companies and how many have been issued to tram companies.

(3)  Of the five gazetted categories of 'relevant incidents', how many have been reported in each category in each financial year.

(Notice received 15 September 2015)

2009 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Families and Children: In relation to Child Protection practitioners: What was the turnover rate for child protection practitioners by employment level between 1 January 2015 and 30 June 2015.

(Notice received 24 November 2015)

4590[26] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to South Melbourne:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4591[27] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Albert Park:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4592[28] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Middle Park:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4593[29] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Docklands:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4594[30] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Fishermans Bend:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4595[31] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Southbank:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4596[32] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to St Kilda:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4597[33] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to the Port of Melbourne area:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of primary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4598[34] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to South Melbourne:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4599[35] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Albert Park:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4600[36] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to the electorate of Albert Park:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4601[37] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Middle Park:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4602[38] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Docklands:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4603[39] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to Southbank:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4604[40] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to St Kilda:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.

4605[41] MS FITZHERBERT — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Education): In relation to the Port of Melbourne area:

(1) Does the Minister have projections of numbers of secondary school aged children in the area.

(2) How many children are projected to live in the area.