REGULAR MEETING -- Board of Supervisors

Anne Arundel Soil Conservation District

2662 Riva Road, Suite 150

Annapolis, Maryland 21401

February 15, 2017; 9:00 AM

Supervisors Present:Milly B Welsh, Chair04.1210/10 Steuart Pittman, Vice-Chair 04.14 9/10

Herb Sachs, Member 04.1510/10

John Colhoun 04.169/10

Associate Supervisors Present:

Mike Superczynski, Associate Supervisor 01.15 1/1

Vaughn Foxwell, Associate Supervisor 01.17 1/1

Others Present:Mike Scheffel, Area Coordinator, MDA

Dave Myers, Secretary, UMD Extension

John Czajkowski, District Manager, SCD

Heydsha Cordero, Soil Conservationist, NRCS

Chris Maex, Senior Urban Soil Conservation Specialist, SCD

Joe Superczynski, Senior Ag. Soil Conservation Specialist, SCD

Lisa Barge, AAEDC

Jamie Tiralla

Bonnie Griffie, Secretary, SCD

Carter Heim, President, HeimLantz

Joshua Price, CPA, HeimLantz

Zachary Greene, Senior Manager, HeimLantz

Wanda Melton, Landowner

Absent:Scott Leis, Treasurer 04.146/10

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chair Milly Welsh.

Introduction of Carter Heim, President of HeimLantz and Josh Price, CPA from HeimLantz


  • HeimLantzis an Annapolis based accounting firm serving 500-600 local businesses and individuals
  • Initial intent in meeting was to discuss an audit, but after conversation it seems a series of services that will provide additional support and give answers to fiscal questionsas well as more functional systems and processes would fit AASCD request better.
  • Review of Proposal: Outlines price point per year, outlines scope of work per year at that price point (2 years), outline of how HeimLantz likes to do business including service guarantee and price guarantee, and signatures/acceptance page.
  • Pay Schedule is flexible

Landowner Concern

  • Wanda Melton requesting a run-in shed within sixty feet of existing run-in sheds.
  • For the exemption of building an ag structure you have to have sixty feet or greater between an adjacent building. It was initially thought that this was due to fire code, but Bill Bryantwith Inspections and Permits clarified that it was the International Building Code that mandated this regulation.
  • Conflict with this policy arise on farms when there is a need to have resources centralized.
  • Suggested that amendment be made to the bill: approach the County Council with the proposal that a process be put in place that requires the landowner to sign a waiver, approved by the fire marshal, that absolves liability in the case of a fire and in addition the structure must be approved by the AASCD board taking into account that there is no alternative and it is not causing a problem.
  • Additional issue with ag structures is the follow-up on use of these structures and if landowners are using them for their intended purpose. Jerry Walker proposes that AASCD has inspection authority. Code Compliance will deal with violators.
  • Landowner/ Cooperator David Riggs is pushing to pass legislationthat allows the use of farms for commercial use that directly correlates to the farm. He will also make proposals through Farm Bureau and AAEDC.
  • Resolution needed for the motion made that the AASCD Board request that Jerry Walker, representative of South County, introduce an amendment to the Ag. Exemption Bill that sets up a process for reviewing and making exceptions to the 60’ rule. Passed (Pittman, Colhoun)

Discussion reopened on contracting with HeimLantz. Is the cost worth the services received? Are the offered services needed?Postponed to March meeting.

Minutes: (Sachs, Pittman)

  • The December minutes were accepted.


Financial, K.Kirby: Moved to March

  • The District financial reports
  • J. Czajkowski was requested to reimburse traffic camera fine.
  • The MDA financial report

MDA, M. Scheffel

  • MDA is rolling out an online Cover Crop sign up and payment program. Training is March 22nd and will be attending by J. Czajkowski and D. Scheler
  • Cover Crop Tack Meeting on March 1st starting at 9am
  • MACS Tack Meeting on April 4th starting at 9am
  • MACS office has sent out the Cover Crop Spring Spot Checks as well as the Annual MACS Projects Spot Checks. An extension was made for the Annual Spot Checks to go to April 15th, but the Cover Crop Spot Checks are due back by March 1st.
  • Upcoming Cooperator of the Year Dinners: St. Mary’s is Friday, February 24th, PG moved theirs to Thursday April 20th, Calvert is March 16th at the Fairgrounds.

Urban, C. Maex

  • Green Card Testing that was taken before 2012, must be retaken. Employees that do sediment and Erosion Control have been requested that they complete retesting by April 1st. Testing can be accessed online.
  • Gene Patterson put a stop work order on the Entzien farm, Shelley visited and the issue was dismissed.
  • See attached urban report.

NRCS, H. Cordero

  • NRCS Annual Report only had one violation, no van accessible parking out front. It is up to Central Services to correct this violation as AASCD doesn’t own the building.
  • Engineer Projects Spot Check on May 23-24
  • See attached NRCS report.

Agriculture, J. Superczynski

  • See attached agriculture report.

Extension, D. Myers

  • Bay Area Fruit School is Friday February 17th
  • Nutrient Management Voucher Training and Pesticide Recertification for Private Applicators on March 14th
  • Craig Baroony has hired a consultant to do College Strategic Vision, identifies key areas where the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources have made impacts across the nation and then looking at what they are doing correctly and what they need to improve on in the future.
  • Next newsletter is scheduled for release the third week in April.
  • New communications and marketing division which should lead to better website development and better news stories.
  • Leadership council set up by Dean that represents organizations around the state.
  • Current employment searches include Soil Fertility Specialist at Environment Science and Technology Department; Associate Dean/ Associate Director of Extension has just been advertised, hopeful to be filled in March; multiple Field Agent positions open in Ag, FCS, and 4-H.
  • A newly formed Hops team, two new research hops yards- one in Western Maryland and one in Wye. Currently 36 varieties of hops are being grown with an additional 12 to start trial to find out which hops will successfully grow in Maryland and what techniques are most successful.
  • S. Via approached the Dean about forming Climate Science for farmers in hopes of continuing agricultural success in our changing climate.
  • Food Safety Modernization Act – Extension has a team that does training that allows farmers to see what the new rules involve. Farms grossing over $500,000 have to be in compliance by 2018. Most small farmers will be covered under exemptions.

AAEDC, L. Barge

  • Final meeting today (February 15th) with Office of the Law and Planning and Zoning about Agritourism Agricultural Legislation. There will be a meeting with the County Executive before it is introduced. Hopefully it will be introduced the first week in March so it can go to the Council the first week in April.
  • Drafted a piece of Distillery Legislation that closely reflects the regulations of the winery and brewery legislation. AACO lacks success in these areas due to strict regulations stating that 25% of the product has to be grown on property.
  • David Riggs has been repairing equipment and selling it from his property for 20+ years, a neighbor placed a complaint, Zoning Enforcement made a visit and told him he must stop. D. Riggs went to the County Executive and he thought the issue had been resolved. L. Barge followed up with Zoning and D. Riggs will still have to comply with code and remove the equipment.
  • Discussion held on landowner who was fined after his pigs that got loose after a storm. He has a biodynamic farm and is considering opening a brewery.
  • Discussion held on Animal Control Violation that Michele Corkadel was working on.
  • Agritourismwent to the House of Delegates last week, 13 out of 15 Delegates supported it. It will go to the Senate February 16th.
  • Veterans Composting was to set up a facility at Homestead Gardens, after getting Composting Legislation passed. There is an easement on the road that Homestead does not want to disturb, so Veterans is looking for 2-3 acre site in RA that would interested in leasing him land for the facility. Discussion held. Rockhole Creek Farm discussed.
  • Request: Recs and parks was approached about the possibility of obtaining a portion of Rockhole Creek Farm property for agriculture purposes. They were agreeable. The Parcel is between 40-60 acres. R & P requested a feasibility study to determine possible uses of land which will cost $50,000- $60,000. Farm Plan in existence for property. R&P was agreeable to having AASCD doing a farm plan for just that parcel in place of feasibility study as long as another agency is recommending the possible uses for the property. Simultaneously, a grant from Maryland Heritage Area became available in the amount of $100,000. A dairy farm already exists on the property, the grant would go to restore the barn, which would be phase 1 of the project. The grant is due March 1st and there must be 100% match to be eligible for the grant. There is a $12,000 shortage. Phase 2 will incorporate the possible uses of the property: education, meeting space, Maryland Heritage tourism, and partnering with other agencies to explore agriculture possibilities. Discussion held about other proposals for the farm. How will this support the AASCD mission?A farm plan will be created putting BMPs in place. Discussion held on monetary value of farm plan. Turning part of barn into meeting place and ag educational center. Funds will be utilized regardless of grant award. Discussion held on the history of the farm. Discussion held of asbestos shingles and disposal. Motion made that AASCD commit $15,000 to match and that we whole-heartedly support the project with hopes of becoming a partner in the project and furthermore, to complete the needed farm plan. Passed (Pittman, Colhoun). Letter of support and copy of minutes will be needed by February 24th.

Public Relations, Jamie Tiralla

  • Reviewed the updates made to the winter Newsletter.
  • Future newsletters will be approved via email to avoid delay in release.
  • Discussion held on printing and distribution options and vendors.
  • Review of Contract.
  • Press releases: there were 4 that went out to the Capital Gazette. Request made to have them emailed to the board when they were sent for publication. Request to have them sent to more than one news source and to include additional organizations. Discussion on topics appropriate for release.
  • Annual Report: can be used to highlight projects and funds contributed.
  • Newsletter: Discussion on Chimpmail, possible resources where we can grow our email list, and additional avenues of release. Discussion held on release schedule.
  • Social Media: J. Tiralla just received access to Facebook in January. Unused funds will be shifted to press releases.
  • White Paper: Discussion held on value of creating a white paper verses press kits or brochures.
  • Looking Ahead: NACD released a blue print for district success, communications was highlighted as a key feature. Techniques will be suggested for implementation next meeting.

Cooperator Agreements(Pittman, Sachs)

  • David Scheler

Owner: Gregory Williams. Operator: Gary King Velmeade Lane, Davidsonville. 17.69 Acres, Corn, small grain, soybeans

Owner/ Operator: Wayne and Terry Brumwell. Purple Martin Road, Pasadena. 15.5 Acres. Livestock.

  • Eileen Beard

Owner: Therese Schuler. Old Solomons Island Road, Friendship. Equine

Owner: Mary Hoffman. Equine Operator: Amy Posey. Hay Operator: Ronnie Wood. Fiddlers Hill Road, Edgewater. 50.12 Acres. Horse, hay.

SWQP’s(Sachs, Pittman)

  • David Scheler

Owner: Gregory Williams. Operator: Gary King Velmeade Lane, Davidsonville. 17.69 Acres, Corn, small grain, soybeans

Owner/Operator: Stephen Hopkins. Bayard Road, Lothian. 194.5 Acres. Corn, small grain, soybeans

Owner: Emanuel Krousaniotakis/HamzatBashiru. Patuxent River Road, Davidsonville. 34.2 Acres. Corn, small grain, soybeans.

  • Eileen Beard

Owner: Mary Hoffman Equine Operator: Amy Posey. Hay Operator: Ronnie Wood. Fiddlers Hill Road, Edgewater. 50.12 Acres. Horse, hay.

  • Shelley Hopkins

Owner/Operator: William Ford. Muddy Creek Road, Harwood. 16.5 Acres. Sheep and farming operation headquarters.

Owner/Operator: David Riggs. Farmhouse Lane, Lothian. 22.7 Acres. Livestock and grain crops.

Owner/Operator: Robert Rossback Sr. Davidsonville Road, Davidsonville. 165 Acres. Livestock, equine, hay and grain crops

Old Business

  • Jake’s position update: Heather Stewart was scheduled to start February 23rd; her current employer has made a counteroffer.
  • Discussion held on MASCD Winter Meeting. Review of Erosion and Sediment Control Bill that would take the power of plan review from SCD and give it to MDE.
  • Board member articles for next newsletter – Postponed to March meeting.
  • District clothing with logo: budget per employee and supervisors? - Postponed to March meeting.

New Business

  • Vote on board positions for chair, vice chair and treasurer- Postponed to March meeting.
  • Discussion held on County adapting their standard plan for ag structures requiring grading over 5,000 sq. ft and 1 acre. The Standard plan will be expanded to cover up to 1 acre of grading for agricultural structure. County will allow AASCD to inspect process and they offered to provide enforcement on violations.
  • National Association of Conservation Districts membership dues – Postponed to March meeting.
  • Discussion held on Southern Maryland Agriculture Development Commission (SMADC) Envirothon donation of $1,000.00 – Postponed to March meeting
  • Discussion about $500 donation to Annapolis Green and projects they are involved in (Sachs, Colhoun)
  • Discussion held on MDA Verification program: MDA has three sessions that lasts three weeks where they examine all the conservation practices that have expired/older than life span to verify that they are still functioning.AASCD office has limited resources to lend in this endeavor. Board will draft a letter to MDA stating their disapproval of the process and request additional assistance from MDA. To be signed by J. Czajkowski and M. Welsh.
  • Discussion held for planners to have the authority to approve and sign farm plans that do not require federal action/ plans having no federal cost share.


  • The meeting adjourned at 12:46 p.m.(Sachs, Colhoun)
  • The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 9:00AM.